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Rate the last game you played

Chris the great

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@ Dan Dare - I believe the reason for there being no hands or any sign that you are actually Gordon Freeman is so that when playing, you are playing it as if it was you in Gordon's HEV suit. The devs wanted to give the best immersive play they could and by removing any sign of what Gordon looks like and sounds like, it allows the player to envision themselves or whatever they like when playing. It's the freedom of ideas that the developers wanted to encourage.

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Lego Indiana Jones (Wii) - 8/10


There's something incredibly satisfying about collecting all the studs, building things with Lego blocks and punching nameless xenophobic soldiers with blonde hair and blue eyes who clearly aren't Nazis in the face over and over again. I just finished off the Raiders story, now I'm half way through Temple of Doom and loving it. :D

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@ Dan Dare - I believe the reason for there being no hands or any sign that you are actually Gordon Freeman is so that when playing, you are playing it as if it was you in Gordon's HEV suit. The devs wanted to give the best immersive play they could and by removing any sign of what Gordon looks like and sounds like, it allows the player to envision themselves or whatever they like when playing. It's the freedom of ideas that the developers wanted to encourage.


Oh I know. Thing is, you see his hands holding all the guns and when he puts on the HEV for the first time. Bugs me they couldn't be arsed to do arms for the wheels when, really, there's no logical precedent for it.

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Viva Pinata: Trouble in Paradise


Great game, but feels more like an expansion than anything. To be honest, other than a few new pinatas and the new desert and arctic gardens (which are pretty pointless) I can't tell the difference between this and the first game. Even the in game speech is the same



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Condemned 2


Finally got round to completing the story, which was interesting to start with and then just loses it. I found the combat to be terrible and the shooting wasn't great either. And the final boss was possibly the easiest part of the game (and unfortunately half the fight was a short Quick time event). The graphics weren't great, either and the game is just too dark - I had it on full brightness and still had a lot of trouble in parts. Plus there were quite a few parts where the path was extremely obscure.



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heavenly sword

borrowed it off a mate, and enjoyed it. its a fairly easy game to get to grips with, hard to master. in that reguard, its alot like devil may cry. a coupld off bosses asside, the game was pretty damn easy. the story played its part, some good voice work involved, even if some of the dialogue was a little cringe worthy. game also seems to have a cast comprised of a huge number of the mentaly fucked. i can take eccentricity, or the mentaly dissabled croping up, diversity and all that, but im fairly sure every one had some form of schizophrenia.


all in all, a good game, handy distraction from the mess that is my life, sixaxis controles were initialy frustrating but later awsome.




Resistance: Fall of Man


Well, first thing i have to say is that the enemys take a lot of killing. most fps games require just a couple of bullets to kill basic grunts, not this one. it was initaly strange to focus fire on one guy for more then 2 seconds without him dying, but once you get used to it things get easier. the controles were good, the graphics were ok, and the guns were actualy pretty cool. the air fule grandes were fatastic to use, very satisfying to watch the enemy burn to death.


its a bit of a shame that the game was so underwhelming. technicaly, the game was sound, but it just felt like a long slog, with little to break it up. driving missions were pretty dull, and the game had very few set peices. a few decent set peices could have really uped the game for me.


a good effort but the very essence of average dripps from this beast



Team Fortress 2


im going to get in trouble with a few people for this but, man this game is average. the class system is ok, but ultimatly, made play feel to rigid. the weapons also didnt really cater to my style of play and the graphical style, mixed with the level of violence used fel missmatched.


i will say that perhaps it was the fact i was playing on a ps3, but the game felt a little.. loose.


all in all, a disserpointment and by far the worst game on the outherwise sublime orange box



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Resistance: Fall of Man


Well, first thing i have to say is that the enemys take a lot of killing. most fps games require just a couple of bullets to kill basic grunts, not this one. it was initaly strange to focus fire on one guy for more then 2 seconds without him dying, but once you get used to it things get easier. the controles were good, the graphics were ok, and the guns were actualy pretty cool. the air fule grandes were fatastic to use, very satisfying to watch the enemy burn to death.


its a bit of a shame that the game was so underwhelming. technicaly, the game was sound, but it just felt like a long slog, with little to break it up. driving missions were pretty dull, and the game had very few set peices. a few decent set peices could have really uped the game for me.


a good effort but the very essence of average dripps from this beast





So many people seem to judge/rate this based on single player, but this game shines online IMO. :p

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Burnout paradise - (offline) - Quite enjoyable but then i found it getting very repetitive which is a shame really as i usually love the burnout games.


Another big dissappoint is that they got rid of the challenges where you crash at a junction and have to get a target amount of points.


At some points i would finish a race then im no where near a challenge so i have to drive around to the city/nearest one.


Didnt like that alot of the cars are just a "upgraded" version of another car...seems a bit lazy.


The city is too small


theres no gps system...well on races the car will indicate to go left or right but by the time ive seen it im already past the junction.


When its dark i couldnt see anything it was very hard at fast speeds to avoid everything....i liked the challenge of it yea but at some areas it just took the mick.


i cant give a rating altogther as only got to A grade and didnt do any of the online races.

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there is a crash mode. It's called showtime and you turn it on with both bumper buttons at once. It's pretty fucking cool :)


the city isn't too small- it's perfect for memorising all the short cuts etc.


you won't need a gps eventually.


yeah it gets too dark


and play online. It's how the game was meant to be enjoyed, really. If you fancy a game, me and cube play every now and again.

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Team Fortress 2


im going to get in trouble with a few people for this but, man this game is average. the class system is ok, but ultimatly, made play feel to rigid. the weapons also didnt really cater to my style of play and the graphical style, mixed with the level of violence used fel missmatched.


i will say that perhaps it was the fact i was playing on a ps3, but the game felt a little.. loose.


all in all, a disserpointment and by far the worst game on the outherwise sublime orange box




Wow, I honestly don't know what to say. How can a person NOT like Team Fortress 2?


It has simple, pick up and play gameplay mixed with some deep mechanics. The art style is purposely comedic and its incredibly simple to tell classes apart due to it. Its in fact the only game where I can tell exactly what class of solider is killing me and use the right attack against it. Also, the PS3 version is by far the worst of the lot. TF2 is a PC game through and through after all and the controls are sublime (i've also played the 360 version and had no complaints, apart from the lack of DLC and the 'not as nice' graphics.).


Last game i played: Crysis: Warhead.


With the new ATi drivers, i whacked up my settings all to maximum... Sure I only get 26fps, but its nice. Only managed to play it for around 10 minutes as I was busy at Letty's place setting crap up. In my opinion, it plays better than the original, has a decent and emotive story line, great weapon balance, fun enemies. Oh and did i say the game looked sexier than the hottest girl i've ever seen? :p Yes, i'm a graphics whore.


Score: 8/10

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2142 Battlefield


Battlefield 2 is being ghey so i thought i would reinstall this, its a great game, maybe not as good as Battlefield 2, but still good, i like the freedom of how you equip your guy, and the rank system is alot better i think. The helicopters are crap in 2142, but are good in BF2, this knocks the score down as in BF2 i love pwning( well trying to) in the chopper :heh:



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Finitive Undiscovery

The worst rpg I have played in a very long time. The story is ok, sometimes, but the rest of the game isn't. The "world map" is way too large and open and you are never given directions about where to go. Using items in battle is a nightmare and practically impossible to survive. To use an item in a battle you have to go through a half dozen menus then scroll down to use the item, then choose which character to use it on, all while the enemy is cutting you to tiny little pieces. In boss battles you have no other choice then to rely on the A.I. characters to heal you by continously bashing Y. But that only works while you are alive. If you get killed you have about 20 seconds to pray the A.I. to revive you, which they will never do as long as the enemy is attacking them. From my experience they will revive you in time 50% of the time. When they don't make it, it isn't always because they didn't make the 20 seconds limit, but because they are completely incompetent and get themselves killed which is an instant game over and hello screen title. As with any rpg, it has some kind of "cool" feature. Most of the dozen characters can make different things, like cooking, writing, forgery etc. Other than earning achievements I haven't found much purpose in it. The main character can play a flute, which can reveal hidden chests, remove magic barriers and so on. You can also "connect" with other characters. By doing that you can get them to use spesific skills in battles and towns. You have no time to set it up in a middle of a boss battle and even if you do there is no advantage of it. It's just a normal skill they can use randomly themselves. In towns you can get them to talk to NPCs for you and you might get different comments from them. But doing that with 10+ characters that are spread around all over the town is very time consuming. The connect ability is also used for getting items and similar, like get the Aya the archer to shoot an apple hanging on a tree. As with the flute, the connect ability is barely used and is pretty much pointless when it is.



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Half-Life: Blue Shift


Recently finished Half-Life 2, and realised I never got reound to completing this spin-off, so I demand loose ends to be tied (although the fact that I will never buy the Episodes is perhaps slightly hypocritical). But unfortunately, out of the original HL trilogy (Half-Life, Half-Life: Opposong Force, Half-Life: Blue Shift), it's perhaps the weakest. It's also weird that I'd blasted through an hour's worth this afternoon and progressed what took me months to do the first time round. Yet as cool as it is to actually cross paths with Gordon Freeman at the start and think "Oh yeah, I remember that event from Freeman's eyes in HL", there's something strangely repetitive about the gameplay, and level design is awfully linear. Feels more like an ametuer mod, if anything.


But then again, it still has the flesh and bones of Half-Life, so it's got to be worth at least 6.5/10

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No More Heroes


I played the first 30 mins or so last night, and defeated the first boss, and i really love it :) i love the graphics style, the main character (Travis), and the controls are pretty good i think. And im only 30 minutes into it :) cant wait to play more



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Assassins Creed


Played this earlier, still good when you are doing the assassinations and quests, but at times gets boring and annoying with repetitive combat and guards who randomly attack me (they seem to when i gently push a beggar out the way on the path to a pick-pocket or an interrogation). And the fact that you can't ride a horse into any of the big towns.


Other than that a good game, 8/10

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Oblivion - 50 hours complete


some stuff done -

completed dark brotherhood story

completed arena story

completed thieves story

half way through fighters guild


one of the best games ive played this gen...i love games that can keep me playing for hours on end truely awesome game.

Theres not really much i can tell that most/all of you know already about oblivion so will stop here hehe.



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Half-Life: Blue Shift


Recently finished Half-Life 2, and realised I never got reound to completing this spin-off, so I demand loose ends to be tied (although the fact that I will never buy the Episodes is perhaps slightly hypocritical). But unfortunately, out of the original HL trilogy (Half-Life, Half-Life: Opposong Force, Half-Life: Blue Shift), it's perhaps the weakest. It's also weird that I'd blasted through an hour's worth this afternoon and progressed what took me months to do the first time round. Yet as cool as it is to actually cross paths with Gordon Freeman at the start and think "Oh yeah, I remember that event from Freeman's eyes in HL", there's something strangely repetitive about the gameplay, and level design is awfully linear. Feels more like an ametuer mod, if anything.


But then again, it still has the flesh and bones of Half-Life, so it's got to be worth at least 6.5/10


seriosuly, play the episodes. i loved hl 2, but the episodes, despite being shit are just as good, parts of episode 2 are even better then anything seen in hl2, plus, it has what is perhaps the single biggest emotional response to anything ive ever played ina video game

alex getting wounded and the desperatly searching for the cure, actualy worrying about a npc in a game. then, when sured, you cant help but steal a quick glace over at her in the jeep, or while walking around, just to make sure shes ok.



Oblivion - 50 hours complete


some stuff done -

completed dark brotherhood story

completed arena story

completed thieves story

half way through fighters guild


one of the best games ive played this gen...i love games that can keep me playing for hours on end truely awesome game.

Theres not really much i can tell that most/all of you know already about oblivion so will stop here hehe.




ive just had it a few days and i love it. love how ou really experience the game your own way. just looking at your stuff, i can see ive had a totaly different experience to you, feels like a game where you can actualy be an extenshion of your self.

i cannot even fathom how awsome this would be as an mmorpg.

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Condemned 2


Finally got round to completing the story, which was interesting to start with and then just loses it. I found the combat to be terrible and the shooting wasn't great either. And the final boss was possibly the easiest part of the game (and unfortunately half the fight was a short Quick time event). The graphics weren't great, either and the game is just too dark - I had it on full brightness and still had a lot of trouble in parts. Plus there were quite a few parts where the path was extremely obscure.




I would agree, i prefered the first one so much more. I never did like where they took the story with the second one. I enjoyed the hunting for a serial killer feel in the first one.


I would also give the same score.

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WoW - unrated.


I have not played it enough yet to warrant a rating, as I believe all 'training first stages' are usually shit.

Its not as graphically complex as Guild Wars, and I want to customise my character more T_T

Also, wtf at the death thing, I almost shat myself when it suddenly came up with the horrible screaching noises and b+w.


Wipeout HD - 7/10

Freaking love this :D Things I'm not loving though: (this sounds weird saying, but) phantom mode is too fast. I mean, by this stage, you're not even playing it anymore, its all the assisted control doing the job for you, and if you don't have it on, its impossible. Also, its really difficult to do a barrel roll.


The Ghengou project is definetly my favourite stage, best music!

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Just played through Assasins Creed. And it was really disapointing. The graffics look great, the combat system is awesome, and the story interesting enough - but the missions themselves are all the same.. All of them have the exact same structure - "Go there. Investigate (in the same ways you´ve investigaded everything else), do the kill, repeat. I felt the whole mission part of the game was left at the wery end, and rushed in there at the last minute of development - wich is too bad as this is the part you play... :P So at the end of the day I will give this game a 5/10.


I also recently finaly played Oblivion - wich was as impressive as I´ve been told. The whole world is gigantic, and really breathing with soul.

The amount of sidequest are enjoyfull and fun to play through. My only two problems with this game is the shortness of the main-quest. And the low amount of actors to do the voice acting... Also, the stiffness of the conversations could be better with more animations - but hey. It´s from 2006, so what can I expect ? ;) I´ll give this bugger a 8/10.

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