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Rate the last game you played

Chris the great

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Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time


I just felt like playing this again and as i only have it on the GC, had to fire the Wii up. It is the best of the 3 games so far in the SoT series (can't say Trilogy no more). Always like the "good manners" of the Prince from when you die, right up to the little bits when you pause. Always good.


An excellent game, with some great puzzles that live up even to this day.




Once i've done this game, i'll be moving on to Warrior Within.

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Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time


I just felt like playing this again and as i only have it on the GC, had to fire the Wii up. It is the best of the 3 games so far in the SoT series (can't say Trilogy no more). Always like the "good manners" of the Prince from when you die, right up to the little bits when you pause. Always good.


An excellent game, with some great puzzles that live up even to this day.



Once i've done this game, i'll be moving on to Warrior Within.


Phrases like this always amuse me when used in gaming. That game is only 6-7 years old, can you imagine someone using the same phrase of a movie or album? Weird how fast games advance like that.


The game is very good though, infinitely better than the PoP that was released this generation. The Prince is actually a bit of a character, not some homogenous hollywood stereotype.

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Phrases like this always amuse me when used in gaming. That game is only 6-7 years old, can you imagine someone using the same phrase of a movie or album? Weird how fast games advance like that.


The game is very good though, infinitely better than the PoP that was released this generation. The Prince is actually a bit of a character, not some homogenous hollywood stereotype.


You probably couldn't to be fair.


I forgot all about the "Observatory" glitch, so when i saved there and attempted to carry on nothing happened. Thankfully, Google helped me solve this without re-starting the game.

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  • 3 weeks later...





It's awesome. The inevitable MW2 comparison:


MAG feels more "basic" in terms of controls/movement etc.

MW2 seems a bit old compared to MAG, mainly due to small maps/less people.

Much prefer the customisation in MAG.


So far I've had no lag whatsoever, even on the 256 player games. I looked at the map and it was unreal to see all the dots running around, knowing that every one was a player. It's quite impressive. I love that you have your own little objective in a massive fight.


I also love that you get 5xp for killing someone and 10xp for reviving a team mate. The fact that you get double for healing someone means that people do it more often. Really helps build teamwork etc. It also allows people who are shit at shooting people to offer a support role.


I got to command my own squad for the first time today. I think the power went to my head.


MAG is now tied with Warhawk as my favourite multiplayer shooter.

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The Beatles: Rock Band (PS3)


Just so much fun. The difficulty level is what I think it should be at, not the ridiculous hyper hard unrealistic crap that Guitar Hero puts on it's players at the later levels. The whole thing is wonderfully animated and presented with a whole host of extra content for hardcore Beatles fans. The songs themselves are great to play along to, especially on bass I find. I don't really like some of The Beatles early stuff but the majority of the track list is just sublime. Highlights for me include 'Hey Bulldog' and 'Helter Skelter'.


10/10 - I love it.

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It's awesome. The inevitable MW2 comparison:


MAG feels more "basic" in terms of controls/movement etc.

MW2 seems a bit old compared to MAG, mainly due to small maps/less people.

Much prefer the customisation in MAG.


So far I've had no lag whatsoever, even on the 256 player games. I looked at the map and it was unreal to see all the dots running around, knowing that every one was a player. It's quite impressive. I love that you have your own little objective in a massive fight.


I also love that you get 5xp for killing someone and 10xp for reviving a team mate. The fact that you get double for healing someone means that people do it more often. Really helps build teamwork etc. It also allows people who are shit at shooting people to offer a support role.


I got to command my own squad for the first time today. I think the power went to my head.


MAG is now tied with Warhawk as my favourite multiplayer shooter.


See, I always looked unfavourably towards massive numbers of players on maps. To me, it feels like Saving Private Ryan with all the bullets flying around; almost random if you get killed. It makes the chance of someone finishing you off when you're weak after killing someone much more likely. At least that's how it felt in Resistance 2 with 60 people to a map.


Also, you're never really going to bump into all those people so it seems a bit pointless. I prefer it to be more tactical with perhaps 10 or less people to a map.

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amazing game that gets better each and every play. it has a sweet and easy concept: defeat a bunch of metroids, go deeper into the planet. repeat until you reach the queen then get outta there. even if there is so much you can explore at a time, it's still a challenge to go searching around for metroids and items. it's as linear as a metroid game should be.


great atmosphere, great pace and even great looking for a game boy game. the music (or lack of) is perfect and really helps create the feeling of isolation and being alone. it's also a pretty tense and scary game, knowing a metroid is near by but never quite sure when it's going to pop up.


easily my 3rd favourite metroid game.



Edited by or else you will DIE
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See, I always looked unfavourably towards massive numbers of players on maps. To me, it feels like Saving Private Ryan with all the bullets flying around; almost random if you get killed. It makes the chance of someone finishing you off when you're weak after killing someone much more likely. At least that's how it felt in Resistance 2 with 60 people to a map.


It's not actually that bad. I thought it was going to be a massive clusterfuck, with too many people to concentrate on, but it's not that bad. Since it's all objective based, the defending team are normally concentrated into key areas so the attacking team knows roughly where they'll be. The attacking team tends to come from certain routes too, so the defending team knows roughly what to expect. Plus the defending team has better cover.


Also, you're never really going to bump into all those people so it seems a bit pointless. I prefer it to be more tactical with perhaps 10 or less people to a map.


It works quite well. At the start of the game, both teams are divided into little teams which attack/defend the outer checkpoints. As the game goes on and the attacking team takes the outer objectives, the action slowly moves to the centre of the map, where all attacking/defending teams meet up with each other. The games start off as multiple smaller battles and end up in a massive war to take the centre checkpoint. It's also cool to know that whilst you're fighting for your checkpoint, another team is working on their checkpoints. It really makes it feel like a massive war.


There's always enough action to keep things interesting, but not too much that it becomes random. I've no idea how it's managed to pull it off, but it does (IMO etc).

Edited by Goafer
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  • 1 month later...



I borrowed my cousin's boyfriend's GOTY edition and installed it on my HDD and it works! I'm very happy it does because I'm totally addicted to this as well as SSFIV. This is possibly one of the best RPGs I have played in a long time and I think it's better and much more enjoyable than Fallout 3.






Love this game so much, I think it's awesome and totally addictive but I can hate the online sometimes because of the amount of Blanka spammers...I hate them!






It's quite a good little game but it didn't grip me within the first or second level. Still, it's something to play when I've completed all of my games.



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See, I always looked unfavourably towards massive numbers of players on maps. To me, it feels like Saving Private Ryan with all the bullets flying around; almost random if you get killed. It makes the chance of someone finishing you off when you're weak after killing someone much more likely.


I've yet to play MAG (for me, FPS's on a Playstation-style controller are a big no-no), but I'd imagine it would only work if you force people to be careful (ie like in real life) by making it fairly easy to die and giving you a really distant spawn if you get killed, thus forcing everyone to play tactically, and meaning anyone who decides to just run, gun and spoil everyone's fun just has a bitch of a walk ahead of them.

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  • 2 weeks later...





God this is just so much fun. The creator in me comes flooding out whenever I play this game. It's like GTA mixed with Garrysmod...or Photoshop. The character creation in APB is absolutely second to none - first you make the character. Then you make the clothes (putting anything you want on them - think Forza customizing). Then you design your car. And for me, the best part? The themes and tunes. When you kill someone they hear a 5 second clip you can compose on the ingame MIDI editor. This opens up the door for all sorts of jingles. Mine have been a mixture of Pokemon, Zelda and Muse's New Born piano intro. If you're really good you can sell them on the in game marketplace and become as rich as you fancy.


The songs allow you to make a song of up to two minutes in length that you play whilst in your car, and anyone you pass, or anhyone riding in your car can hear your composition too. It's fucking amazing. It also has the ability to let you import your music library on your PC and play that in game with others being able to hear it if they have the same track on their PC - otherwise Last.FM picks a song from the artists radio station.


The game just keeps blowing my mind. Damn.

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Alan Wake


The story was very interesting, and the manuscript pages are a brilliant addition (you can read parts of the story that you haven't reached). The flashlight makes the combat different, but it's a bit lacking in the enemy department. It's set in the national park, and there are a few "Warning: Bears!" signs dotted about, so there's no good reason why there aren't any possessed animals in the game. It looks brilliant at night, especially the wind, fog and lighting effects. The TV-miniseries style is good, but it seems half-done. Still, it's a great game with loads of great set-pieces.






A mildly-entertaining action game with some badly-done platforming sections. Still, you can't blame the developers for trying to hide the fact as the whole style of the game is like that of a B-movie, so it's no surprise that what you get is a B-game. An uninteresting script with uninteresting characters poorly strings together a load of samey levels. The set-pieces could have been awesome (they would be amazing in a film) but they're too trail, error and luck to be any fun. The last level of the game is a quick-time event.



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  • 4 weeks later...

Call of Juarez


It's not bad but there's definitely better out there!




Actually, I change my mind, it's absolutely boring and it's rubbish.





Super Mario Galaxy 2


I got it as an early birthday present and it's made me a very happy guy! :D It's just mind-blowingly awesome, I adore this game instantly. I think it's just awesome! Just as brilliant as the first if not better.



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Assassin's Creed 2


Really fun game, very cool and detailed locations and running around is amazing. But why the Assassin's contracts? They are boring as hell, poorly designed and sometimes really unbalanced or in my case I had to protect an NPC who always died by falling into the water because another NPC was in the way.



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I can never really get into games like call of duty or other realistic shooters. There just has to be MORE to the game.


Games like metroid prime have the shooting aspect but it's the atmosphere that makes it. Bioshock is sorted of like this.


I decided to play it on hard starting off because I kept hearing about how easy the game was.. It's not that it's easy, it just has an unusual death system. In other games you get an automatic checkpoint and when you die you arrive back at that checkpoint and so does the game state. In bioshock when you die you arrive back at the nearest Vitality chamber and the game will continue on as if you merely just teleported.


This... is a stupid system and makes it a LOT easier than it needs to be. Also picking up items is a balls too. Why do you have to hold X to pick up everything? it's not like you are going to REFUSE to pick up ammo. You also have to be looking down at the item to know.


Besides these 2 points its really quite good. I love the colourful graphics, despite being an oldish game it still looks fantastic on the ps3 and it's quite funny at times too.



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Call of Juarez


It's not bad but there's definitely better out there!




Indeed, like this




Havn't beaten it yet. There is so much to do side-quest side of things, plus Blackjack and Poker can keep you hooked for a long time.



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Alan Wake


The story was very interesting, and the manuscript pages are a brilliant addition (you can read parts of the story that you haven't reached). The flashlight makes the combat different, but it's a bit lacking in the enemy department. It's set in the national park, and there are a few "Warning: Bears!" signs dotted about, so there's no good reason why there aren't any possessed animals in the game. It looks brilliant at night, especially the wind, fog and lighting effects. The TV-miniseries style is good, but it seems half-done. Still, it's a great game with loads of great set-pieces.




Be honest with me, because I'm borderline about this one (and I trust your opinion)... is it a must play?

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Be honest with me, because I'm borderline about this one (and I trust your opinion)... is it a must play?


I would say that it is a must play, but there really isn't enough to make it worth buying.

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Phoenix Wright: Trials and Tribulations


Despite being on the Ds, all 4 of the games surprisingly pack a mighty punch when it comes to how long it is. I'm sure that I have spent well over 20 hours on each game.

Definitely worth it as well. Just finished the 3rd one last night and it couldn't have been better. The amount of twists in the last case are crazy too!



No better way to finish the series in a non-cheesy way


Oh, by the way, does anyone know if that Miles Edgeworth game is any good?

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I have three games for my birthday!!! :D


SAW: The Videogame


I'm loving it at the moment, the only criticism I have right now is that the combat system kinda sucks but still, I'm enjoying it!




Dancing Stage Universe


Instant love, it's DDR after all, haha.




Gears of War 2


Great graphics but I can't rate it yet since I haven't gotten past the first level. At the moment, it's 9/10 for me though.

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I have three games for my birthday!!! :D


SAW: The Videogame


I'm loving it at the moment, the only criticism I have right now is that the combat system kinda sucks but still, I'm enjoying it!




Dancing Stage Universe


Instant love, it's DDR after all, haha.




Gears of War 2


Great graphics but I can't rate it yet since I haven't gotten past the first level. At the moment, it's 9/10 for me though.


Your scoring always seem very high, like a 7 would be an awful game. Actually, judging by what you put above, maybe you think a 9 is a bad game?

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Your scoring always seem very high, like a 7 would be an awful game. Actually, judging by what you put above, maybe you think a 9 is a bad game?


I rate out of how much I'm enjoying it. I don't count the graphics, the gameplay, the difficulty...I just rate about how much fun I'm having playing it.


If I were to take account of all of that stuff as well as my enjoyment, it would be a lower score but on here, I always rate on how much I enjoy it. Plus, I'm probably a bit too hyper because it's my birthday :D

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