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Would You Say You've Had A Good Life? (So Far....)


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I could end it all now too. Let's do it, Rummy!


Sweet! Meet me atop the Eiffel Tower in 73 hours, bring some punch and pie, we're gonna go out in style!

How's your life that you want to end it, or were you humouring me? Mine has indeed taken turns for the worse like every single day this week(affairs of the heart, pales in comparison to some of what people here have been through). I read some of this thread and feel better, some worse, I keep thinking things ain't so bad like people are saying and you know what, you guys are right, I do still have alot of good in my life but I keep finding it hard to realise that right now.

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I've had an eventful life!!


When I was born, it was just me and my mum :) My real dad lived in Glasgow, and they weren't together. I was kind of an accident >_>

Anyway, my childhood was lovely, I lived next to a beach, and near a farm, and we had chickens and things.

My mum got married to this bloke, but they're divorced now - and I got 2 brothers from this fiasco. They're totally cool though.

My dad died in September, 4 years ago. He was a drug abuser.


At the moment, my life is going excellently. I go to college, have a job and work with awesome people, and I have the LOVE OF MY LIFE!!!! We're also moving into a flat together very shortly :D

So yeah, its a good 'un :smile:

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Mines been generally ok.


I have a pretty good bunch of friends, never been bullied or picked on really. School is ok, messed up gcses but im back on track after AS.


On the bad side, I'm also part of the lost a mum club, as mine died from cancer three years ago, when I was 14. Sort of messed things up for me and my dad but we'd known it was coming for years so yeh.


On the girls front things have been pretty uneventful, and I've yet to have a proper relationship that's lasted more than a week or so. Still, it's still early days so I'm not too worried.


A few times it's been shit along the way, but as they say, 'You just gotta get through high school'. Almost there :P

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I'd say it was about average until I started going to college and around that time I started to get into online gaming... and through that I have met many weird and wonderful people (some really wonderful ^^) some of those I played with for a while, some I was friends with for a while, some left without a trace, some went their seperate ways and some I still know to this very day.


At the moment I play with a really nice group of people and one person who I love dearly :smile: so I guess really my life "was" variable but now I think it's a lot better and I feel pretty happy at times (not all the time but quite a lot of the time) so yeah, all is good now cos as far as I'm concerned, things could have been a lot worse but since I met the right person and a lot of nice people too recently things couldn't be much better; yes we can always say "oh this could be a bit better or that could" but tbh I think that it's best to hold on to what you've been given and what you know you have and not take that for granted.


If you can do that, then you just might find some hapiness in life. :) (in my experiences so far anyway)

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Life's been pretty rough since a years back... lots of things in the gutter and the times when I feel good are rare? But, fuck yeah, I had a great life. I mean, I have a family that loves me and vice versa, the best friends a guy could ask for, loads of luxuries when there are people out there that can't even eat and despite not having pristine health, there are people with deadly diseases out there. I am grateful for what I had, have and the opportunity to have an even better life.

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I've had my ups and downs, but I count myself very lucky. I live in a free and prosperous country, I have a loving family, enough education to see me by, reasonably good health blah blah etc and so on.


I'm not a billionaire F1 racing champion astronaut heading up my own, incredibly devoted sect formed from Christian and Buddhist philosophies (and polygamy), but the Job Centre said all those positions were taken already. Can't have everything. Yet.

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I've had a good life for the most part. I have a wonderful gf who i live with, i have my dream job and i live by the sea. However, i'm struggling financially, havn't made too many friends down south and miss my familly. Still, money isn't everything, i'm pretty independent so i can live without friends i dont want, and i see my familly just about enough to keep me from hating them.


I just feel like i'm stuck lately. I can't make that next big step in life. That leap to owning a house, learning to drive and own a car, and then, dare i say it, kids. But come what may i say. I dont need to drive and im working on the house thing.

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All I can say is that my life has been eventful. It has been a huge rollercoaster ride, and it has left me feeling happy, then sad, then depressed, then content, then cycle through the whole lot again.


The highlight/turning point was definitely Christmas 2006. From there, things just went from bad to worse, to the downright rediculuous. Then, by Christmas 2007, it had all been turned around, and I left Newport again feeling like somewhat of a winner. Not the same me who had left years ago, but a better me, a more confident, sensible and probably mature me.


On the whole, I'd say I've had a good life. I haven't had the best of luck with a lot of things, but things are definitely moving in the right direction. I've now got a new mantra on life, in that I need to leave my mark on every place I visit. My placement at Littlehampton went fucking excellently, and I'm being pestered by the staff there to apply for a job next year. I made a load of friends at my last job in Wales, who I'd love to see when I go back there in the future. And we all know what happened in Paris.


So, things are on the up. I believe that you can only change things if you change your attitude. I think I've had a goodluck, and probably a better one than I had about 3 or 4 years ago. Just gotta keep it going now.

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My life has been fairly good, I had a good childhood and was always quite popular in school and college. But recently I've started to feel quite down mainly because whenever I think I've found someone in my life, they mess me about and also im at a kind of crossroads in life at the moment where im a bit unsure what to do next.

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