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I'm shocked at the lack of crumble addicts. I love any crumble, apple, rhubarb etc. That's a damn good pudding


That reminds me.


My brother recently bought an entire 1kg packet of crumble mix, and this evening, he proceeded to cook it and eat it, in front of my very eyes!


A sight to behold.

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Hot sticky toffee pudding or hot chocoloate fudge cake served with high-quality vanilla ice cream, you know, the rich vanilla-pod stuff, like in Magnums. Mmm, so good.


As far as classics are concerned, i quite like a nice hot jam rolly polly.

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Not quite the topic but I enjoy making puddings at work. Particularly the sundaes as they are more making than nuking.


Umm as far as eating...apple pie is a classic but I quite enjoy rhubarb crumble for its tangier taste. As I said, sundaes are good. Particularly chocolate.


Work is adding lemon tart and chocolate cheesecake to the menu tomorrow, may have to indulge in them before the end of the week so I still get 50% off.

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