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Social Networking Sites


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We've all heard of them, most of us are a member of at least one. The big ones must generate a lot of income.


Whats your views on them? Are they great, evil, necessary?


And the biggest question: Which are you members of?


Personally i use MySpace, Bebo, and FaceBook.

My favorite is MySpace.

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Umm member of MySpace but the only 'person' on my friends list whose active seems to be a scriptwriting thing.


Facebook I use. Good way to stay in touch with people. Although I seem to have, in large, missed out on the 'stalking' aspect people use it for. Oh and applications. Canne stand em!


Twitter count?


Thats all I can think of.

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Umm member of MySpace but the only 'person' on my friends list whose active seems to be a scriptwriting thing.


Facebook I use. Good way to stay in touch with people. Although I seem to have, in large, missed out on the 'stalking' aspect people use it for. Oh and applications. Canne stand em!


Twitter count?


Thats all I can think of.

Theres only a few applications i think are OKish.

Thats MobWars and Owned on FB, and Truth Box across anywhere.


Use Facebook, used to use Bebo. Basically never used my MySpace account. It's just so damned ugly.

But its simple, and the most customizable.

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Guest Jordan

I use facebook, its pretty great seeing as 90% of my high school friends are on there, crazy to see what they're up to these days.

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I use Facebook as its a good way of keeping up with the friends I made at uni. I detest applications and make it my mission to minimize every application anybody on my friends list has. I also ignore pretty much every group invitation.


Facebook was cool before the applications and the new GUI would appear to be complete gash from the preview I saw.

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I don't have any of them! :o


My Space scares me, I haven't really got a clue what Bebo is and Facebook is evil. :p


I guess I'm not very sociable? I just don't want another way of highlighting the fact that I have very few friends. :)


I can think of 2 people I could add on Facebook if I had it, so there is no point as I can speak to them on Msn. :D

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I hate MySpace. People always put crappy songs on their front page which means you can't navigate without the damn thing restarting everytime you click a link. And no, i dont want to search through your crappy designed template to try and find the mute or stop button either!


FaceBook is fine. The applications are annoying, but its a nice place to share photos and keep in touch. I like the status updates too, i guess it does mean you can stalk people a little, but hey, they can always delete you if they want.

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Used to be on myspace, but it was a pain so I stopped going on it. Stupid back grounds and songs blaring when you look on a page. Then I tried bebo since it was a way of talking to my ex-girlfriend at the time, but now I have no reason to go on peoples pages or go on it, but it got annoying with all those applications and people making their pages all glittery and stupid with l33t speak, big countdowns and comments to get attention.


But now I have no reason to go on any social networking sites, got no need for them right now, don't care much what some folk from high school and people i've never met get up to. And it's not like I get comments from anyone and i've got them added on MSN incase I do want to talk to them :heh:



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I have a Myspace, was the first one I had. Used to be on there all the time until I got a Facebook, havn't updated my Myspace in ages now. Facebook for the win, now.


Somehow I also have a Bebo. I don't remember signing up for one or anything but..yep, it's there. I go on it once every 2 months or so, probably.

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I have a WAYN somehow too that i dont use. And probably others, it's annoying when you get the mass e-mails saying someone on your list has joined blah blah.


But yeh, MySpace never really got me. The only other place i have used other than facebook currently was faceparty back in the day. I made a few girlfriends on there! Wouldn't dream of logging in again though.

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I use bebo on a regular basis. Most of my msn/irl friends are on it so its handy enough.


I think I have a myspaz (EW!) and facebook login, but I use neither!

It was probably to nosey at other peoples profiles or something :heh:


Oh I also used to use faceparty all the time, not so much seen as its been overrun with sluts and emo kids. boo.

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I have both Myface and spacebook accounts, however i don't usually do much once i've created them. I only create them because i get asked/moaned at by people. Once i do have one they don't talk to me anyway so i don't really see the point.

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