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Well This Is Awkward...


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My time to shine! :grin:


Most situations with me end up awkward, I'm used to them now. I've "embaressed!" myself in public a dair few times and in front of family at school. Practically my whole life is one big awkward situation. :p


Nothing major has happened really, and it's generally what I say sometimes that leaves people thinking What the hell?


It's my own fault really and often bring these sitauations upon myself. :)


Firstly, I'm not very good with talking to people so there is always that loooooong awkward silence especially when it's just me and someone else in the room and I think I have to talk and say something like...


"i like the smell of sellotape on my fingers!"



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Generally if I say something about my preference in things to someone other than my friends or family, it creates an awkward situation. For instance once I was talking to my friends about FPS games and said "I'm not that big a fan of FPS games" and some kid who was following us around started telling everyone I hate FPS games (Which isn't true, I just like other genres more). People acted strange around me for a while. Things like that happen to me at least once a month.

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Generally if I say something about my preference in things to someone other than my friends or family, it creates an awkward situation. For instance once I was talking to my friends about FPS games and said "I'm not that big a fan of FPS games" and some kid who was following us around started telling everyone I hate FPS games (Which isn't true, I just like other genres more). People acted strange around me for a while. Things like that happen to me at least once a month.


Why would anyone give a shit about whether or not you like FPS games?

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Generally if I say something about my preference in things to someone other than my friends or family, it creates an awkward situation. For instance once I was talking to my friends about FPS games and said "I'm not that big a fan of FPS games" and some kid who was following us around started telling everyone I hate FPS games (Which isn't true, I just like other genres more). People acted strange around me for a while. Things like that happen to me at least once a month.


I'm not sure who needs to get a life more, you or your friends.

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Guest Jordan

I put my foot in my mouth so often that i can't remember any...


Oh wait yeah. I went to a 'friend' in high school "i'm going to fuck your mother." and his mother commited suicide a few years back. Hmmm.

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My God, man. How old were you?


I think it was only 2 years ago, needless to say I couldn't get out of that one (I didn't actually mean to say it). I think he told his parents, which would explain why they were sarcastic and arsey to me for a while.

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I made a cancer joke (accidently, I'd forgotten) to my friend who had cancer...


I was such a fucking idiot.


I'm with you there. I was showing off in a resteraunt, and absent-mindedly joked about cancer, in front of my Grandma, who has suffered from it.


Not good.

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I was on the phone at work to someone that had called a few times before and got me each time, asked if i was the only one working, I said something along the lines of "well there are other people here" then paused maybe just a little too long, to add "but they do work!"


I dunno, people don't get my humour IRL :(

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Listening to the Halo 3 main menu tune, and joining in at a part with loud singing yelling "What if God was one of us..." (the tune actually follows the song for that bit), then my sister walking past having heard it. Oh no.


I've read that thoroughly 3 times now, and I still need to come to the conclusion: "what?"

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