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Pokémon Cards


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I found my pokémon cards last night and took a look through them.

Although some were missing/Stolen i could remember some of the trades i did.

How happy i was finding a slightly damaged Zapdos, and the few others i hunted out of grates and stuff.

What are your memories with Pokémon Cards?


Could anyone actually play? i couldn't...

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I used to play official rules, however I don't think I can remember all of them now. It was more fun just to collect them and build up decks. I think all my friends at the time knew official rules, but we were usually to lazy to actually have a match and usually just ended up comparing our cards.


I was never into pokemon during the Fad though. I was perhaps the only one in the school who wasn't. Now I'm one of the few in my school who's still interested in pokemon (though I've lost my interest in the show and partial interest in the cards).


I remember back when the Fad was in full effect though and the older kids would scam the younger kids into giving them rare cards for next to nothing. The parents saw it as the older kids faults and the principal was quick to ban the cards, but it really was the younger kids faults for looking at the HP rather than the rarity.

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I used to be really into them. I managed to get all 150 (or 164 or whatever - because there were doubles of some) originals through buying only about 6 boosters; my older sister, the entrepenurial genious she is, used to oversee my trades, and she exploited every trick in the book to con people out of their cards.


I remember she once managed to trade a Pikachu, Zubat and Vulpix for a shiny Blastoise.

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I loved Pokemon cards...really, I did. I completed the base set, mostly through boosters and some trades. I had Charizard twice, through boosters...that was great. :D


I also found a shop that sold promo cards, such as ancient mew. At the time that was like....oh ma gawwwd. One of my greatest tactics was getting a gameshark for GBA/GB, which I then used to make Mews that I traded with people for cards. Good times. :D

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those freaking cards I still have mine in a shoe box I think I have over it in my room somewhere "turns around and finds the box"

I have a shyni machamp, muk, hitmonchan, nidoqueen, alakazam, chansey, dark Alakazam, dark Blastoise, gyarados . I specalised in trading cards I remember trading a rhyno for a shiny matchamp, I had no idea how to play the actual game but I'm a where a master playing them in a GBC, my pile is allot smaller than it where in the golden days some jerk stole 40% of my cards and traded them the same day for something I cant remember,


So I have mixed feelings for this card game

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I mainly collected and played Magic: the Gathering, which was a far deeper game, though I did collect and play Pokemon cards for a short period of time. I tried to sell some of mine on ebay a few years back, and got hardly anything for them.


I play Magic: The Gathering on off every couple of years. My "problem" with is that it has too many cards that just blatantly say "Fuck you and your mother!"

and that the only guy I know that is a challenge too play with acts like a bitch if he looses.

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Recived a base starter deck one Christmas and was one of the first at school to have the cards. Didn't really understand them then, which meant my first trade was trading a shiny Alakazam for a common Pikachu :shakehead but soon after I became quite the expert, and was probably the most knowledgable in the 'subject' in my year at school.


Collected Base, Fossil, Jungle, Promotional and Team Rocket cards. Completed all the set's apart from Jungle and got quite a few promo cards too. Started on the Gym Leaders cards, but it was around that time that people lost intrest in the cards. Think I also got all the Topps Animated series cards aswell. My claim to fame was owning 3 Dark Raichu's :grin:


Anyone remember when Warner Bros Stores and Woolworths held Pokemon Trading card events, where you could meet-up with other collectors and trade cards etc. They were quite awesome, as you'd end up spending the rest of the day with your new 'friends', but if the organisers found out you where there unsupervised you'd get kicked out lol! The cards were a great social tool, as in our village a gang of us would travel on our bikes to neighbouring village to trade cards with other people, which resulted in us making new friends. God, I miss those days very much :(

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I loved them. I even get the occasional pack today, but they're not what they used to be. They've got a new concept of ex now, and the pack only contains 9 cards as opposed to 11. Plus, £2.50 for a pack is a rip off.


Though most of mine are in mint condition in my collection folder.

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My goal in life for ehh maybe a couple years around the time they came up was to collect the original 15(1). And I did that so I'm happy. Screw the other 400 or however many. Me and a good buddy of mine tried to play the card game probably a year ago, and it was pretty funny cause we had to stop and think about it every move..I'm sure we ended up just making the whole thing up, but we had fun. :D

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I looked back at my cards a few hours ago. I had more rare cards than I thought. My pile of rare cards was almost as tall as my pile of uncommon cards. I wonder if we could find a way to have matches here somehow in the playground bored.

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I collected sooooo many of them! :D i loved them but I only played the game once I didn't really understand it.


I was foolish back then and traded over many rare cards! Unfortunately my shiny's got stolen (except my fake victreebell) and so I'm only left with a lot of rubbish Pokemon and energy cards.


There all in a box which is half broken! :grin:


I was so addicted. I was suprised to see they are still going! :)

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I remember collecting those bad boys when I was like 10! (bearing in mind I am now 22!!) God. Crazy.


Then I went to high school, and pokemon was really uncool. So that was the end of it :heh:


I kept going even in High School not with the cards but definately with the games. :yay: I'm not ashamed!


Still get "stick" for liking Nintendo though! :p

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I loved them. I even get the occasional pack today, but they're not what they used to be. They've got a new concept of ex now, and the pack only contains 9 cards as opposed to 11. Plus, £2.50 for a pack is a rip off.

Though most of mine are in mint condition in my collection folder.


I was still collecting them when the EX range (althoiugh there are loads of EX sets) came out, so I was there supporting that £2.50 for 9 price tag (well to a degree). Truth is, I only totally stopped collecting just over a year and a half ago.

Me a friend use to play (pretty much the proper rules), it was a nice alternative to things so I think thats why we kept on collecting.


Ah memories...!

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My son got me started on these for collecting and swapping purposes. I got really into it very quickly and the pull of "first edition" cards was the final straw! I ended up buying two boxes of 36 packs just to make sure of completing the particular set bar a few shinies.

The rest I used to haul down to the car boot sale and fend off the hoards of youngsters ready to throw their pocket money at me. So now I have 9 complete sets from the very first and except for the base set, they're all first edition! You want pics...I got pics!!

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I had loads of rare Pokemon cards, sadly some punks beat me up and they robbed them *sigh* I was only 9 :(


And thats disgusting *feels for UziT*. A few people in my old secondary school were beat up for Pokemon cards too. People went mad over 'teh shineez'!


My son got me started on these for collecting and swapping purposes. I got really into it very quickly and the pull of "first edition" cards was the final straw! I ended up buying two boxes of 36 packs just to make sure of completing the particular set bar a few shinies.

The rest I used to haul down to the car boot sale and fend off the hoards of youngsters ready to throw their pocket money at me. So now I have 9 complete sets from the very first and except for the base set, they're all first edition! You want pics...I got pics!!


O_O! I want pics! Sounds impressive to say the least!

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I was freaking excellent at playing the actual game - I had like the mat thing that you layed all the cards out on and everything!!


Pokemon was obnoxiously cool at my school, and trading in the corridors caused such congestion, that they got banned from the school :(


I have a few hundred cards still, including a shiney trainer card, and a shiney metapod 0_o

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