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Drinking to get Drunk


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Is obviously bad, immature and a sign of having a very small penis. Obviously. It also funds terrorism and all the resulting empty glass bottles have been used by Osama Bin Laden to refract light to make him invisible to radar, satellite, tracking device or anything other than 30 year old video recorders that produce Betamax output.


However, has anyone actually set out one night/day with the aim of drinking to get drunk and failed miserably? How did it happen? Did you get sidetracked by heinous responsibility? Did you run out of cash? Did you simply inexplicably get drunk despite tucking away far more than you expected to be able to cope with?

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If you're trying, and by trying I mean drinking and not being a total pussy, it's pretty much impossible to fail without having eaten the biggest curry evar about 20 mins before starting.




The only time I went out with the intention of getting drunk was our 6th form halloween party.

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This isnt directly answering your questions, but all my friends only drink to get drunk. An example was today, Jordan was going to buy some vodka for them and their stupid party, but I was standing with him at the checkout, and they asked for my Id too, because they thought he was buying it for me. So they didn't sell us it, and one of my friends said to me, 'I hate you.'


Fucks sake, I hate what alcohol turns people into.

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Drinking to get drunk is for Cunt faggots, who think they are sssoooooo cool, and don't know a good quality beer (or lager) if the bottle hit them in the face. But I guess its better for those type of people, at least they won't remember the anal rape. Sorry if I didn't give a straight answer, or one at all. I just had to blow off some steam, still a little disappointed from yesterday, nintendo:blank:

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This isnt directly answering your questions, but all my friends only drink to get drunk. An example was today, Jordan was going to buy some vodka for them and their stupid party, but I was standing with him at the checkout, and they asked for my Id too, because they thought he was buying it for me. So they didn't sell us it, and one of my friends said to me, 'I hate you.'


Fucks sake, I hate what alcohol turns people into.


I would have kicked that person in the groin and said "you too chuck". Alcohol is completely overrated. Who would have thought something so little is held in such high regard...

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Oh dear... i've a feeling that we are not being honest with ourselves.


For instance, who actually liked alcohol the first time they tried it? Who had to force themselves to really enjoy it? Before you enjoyed it why did you drink? To get pissed. Not to get completely wankered off your face but definitely to get drunk to some level or another.


I like alcohol because of the taste of it now and very rarely get drunk because I drink like I enjoy it. I think a lot of us drink for no decent reason.

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Guest Stefkov
For instance, who actually liked alcohol the first time they tried it? Who had to force themselves to really enjoy it? Before you enjoyed it why did you drink? To get pissed. Not to get completely wankered off your face but definitely to get drunk to some level or another.

Brutally honest, the first time I got 'drunk' was when imports dragged me into a room and forced shots of cognac down my thoat. I didn't plan it and I enjoyed the taste of it. I wasn't wibbly wobbly drunk but just light headed.

To answer the OP I don't see the point in going out to get pissed/falling in a gutter/throwing in the toilet and passing out. That's never appealed to me. What's the point in going out if you aren't gonna remember it and all you get the next day is people saying 'Shit man you did crazy things last night' and you don't even know what you did?

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You people do know there's a difference between getting drunk and getting absolutely bladdered right?


I agree that there's no point going out and getting trashed, falling over, throwing up, etc, but you can get drunk without those things (although I admit I have fallen prey to all those horror shows)! Hell, you can even get drunk and remember all of the night before. In this instance, I do enjoy drinking to get drunk!


Sorry I haven't answered the original question, just wanted to say how getting drunk isn't just black and white!

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You people do know there's a difference between getting drunk and getting absolutely bladdered right?


I agree that there's no point going out and getting trashed, falling over, throwing up, etc, but you can get drunk without those things (although I admit I have fallen prey to all those horror shows)! Hell, you can even get drunk and remember all of the night before. In this instance, I do enjoy drinking to get drunk!


Sorry I haven't answered the original question, just wanted to say how getting drunk isn't just black and white!


This man speaks the truth. I don't drink to get drunk, I drink to have a good time and getting drunk is a side-effect of that. You can have a great time when you're drunk, it's a sensation you can never describe. And to people who say they don't like it because they don't like people when they're drunk: you've only remember the wankers who act like fannies. There'll have been loads of time when you've been with drunk people who are acting normally but having a good time.

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This man speaks the truth. I don't drink to get drunk, I drink to have a good time and getting drunk is a side-effect of that. You can have a great time when you're drunk, it's a sensation you can never describe. And to people who say they don't like it because they don't like people when they're drunk: you've only remember the wankers who act like fannies. There'll have been loads of time when you've been with drunk people who are acting normally but having a good time.


Now you see to me, the "drinking to have a good time" thing seems stupid. Why does everyone seem to need the excuse as a way of having a good time? Most booze that gets served in bars tastes like piss. Does everyone really need a coupla pints to feel losened up enough to enjoy themselves?

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nobody's saying it's essential. It's just one way I like to spend an evening. It's fun. Spend your money right and drinks are good. Buy Carling like a bellend and you get shit drinks though.


Yeah but its the default. When the N-E meetup was getting organised, the only thing that people wanted to do was get pissed up in a park. It's the perfect excuse to not DO anything interesting at all. Sitting in the pub bores the SHIT out of me most of the time.

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Now you see to me, the "drinking to have a good time" thing seems stupid. Why does everyone seem to need the excuse as a way of having a good time? Most booze that gets served in bars tastes like piss. Does everyone really need a coupla pints to feel losened up enough to enjoy themselves?


Um..yes. After a couple of drinks, I'm much more open to having an awesome time than when I've had nothing. I go out with the intention of having a really fun time, does it matter if that involves drinking? I don't get purposefully wankered so I'm throwing up everywhere, it happens once or twice, but I don't purposefully do it.


Whats with the stereotype of people that enjoy drinking on a night out are all twats and can't have a good time without drink? I mean, please.


See, tomorrow I'm off to an 18th at the local pub. I'm going with the purpose to have an awesome time and have a good laugh. I'll feel much more relaxed and able to enjoy myself around people I don't know with a couple of drinks down me. Is that so bad?

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Sitting in the pub bores the SHIT out of me most of the time.


Yeh its complete shite, i dont know how people can do it, its normally full of old men who think theyre the best at everything, and talk down to you. Then thers the stupid gambling machines, which are SHITE, and the beer normally tastes like watered down ass. Its disgusting, i dont get the pub scene 1 bit.


clubbing/bars however.. thats quite fun

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Yeah but its the default. When the N-E meetup was getting organised, the only thing that people wanted to do was get pissed up in a park. It's the perfect excuse to not DO anything interesting at all. Sitting in the pub bores the SHIT out of me most of the time.


Sitting around talking to your friends is boring?


clubbing/bars however.. thats quite fun


That is also awesome. My ideal night is sitting in with mates with a few beers, playing a bit of Pro Evo and then heading out to a club somewhere. Going to a pub or bar is good but makes the night too expensive if you're heading to a club afterwards.

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I do this once approximately every six months, once enough steam has been built up. Whiskey is my primary weapon of choice, and it takes about an hour and five. If you want to see a completely normal human being reduced to the 'Rocky Balboa' stage of evolution make sure you're hanging around the Wheelhouse in Carlisle round about late November and late May, at 01:32 Thursday morning. The supporting event of throwing money into a jukebox endlessly and murmuring the virtues of Tom Jones and Jimmie Hendrix will be in the Kings Head four hours earlier.

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I've got a very good friend called Suzanne, and we're both as daft and loopy as each other. Anyway, after uni lectures, we both decided to go to a bar and have some drinks, and we were like "yeeeaaah, lets forget about our troubles!"


It didn't work. Fifteen minutes later, we were both sleepy-eyed, looking glum, and I kept repeating over and over again "I don't think there's anything for me here, Suzy. I WANNA LIIIIIVE!"




We depressed the hell out of each other.


Thankfully, thats the last time we've both been like that with each other, I think. I like going out. I liked going out throughout the 2 years at uni that I was sober, and I have liked the last year where I have been going out drinking. Both have been fun to me. Its not really the drinking I do it for, its the people, the craziness, the ability to just randomly robot dance anywhere, it doesn't have to be on the dancefloor. FUCK the dancefloor, lets make our own.


So, yeah, drinking to get drunk is good fun. I've done it a few times, where I've been working throughout the week and just thought, hey, I wanna let my hair down, so I have. I've had a few drinks, and just let myself go. The main thing I like about it is when you're still listening to music, you can almost feel it, in an Unearthly kinda way.


But, drinking to enjoy the taste of the drink is also fine. I like cocktails, especially fruity ones, and my cider.


And finally, going out to have a good time is great, be there drink or no drink.


I think I have made my peace with this thread. Thank you very much.

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Sitting around talking to your friends is boring?



Yeah pretty much. Expecially in a pub. I just dont like the fac that there's no where to hang out in this country as a group of people which isn't really a pub.


In lots of other countries in the world, people socialise over dinner at restaurant and go over to each other's houses. In this country, pub is default and no celebration can occur without alcohol.


And for those of you who enjoy the social lubrication that a bevee can bring, maybe you should just learn to use your real social skills and then you wouldn't need the drink in the first place.


Also I very VERY rarely find that drinking can actually make a good night better than it was ever going to be.

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