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Celebrity Baby Names


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What the fuck.


What the fuck is this shit?


Apple? Knox?


What the fuck next?


Hippo Veen? The Chosen One? Xylophone McDanglepoo?



WHAT THE HELL IS THIS? Is it a competition to see who can come up with the most fucking retarded name? It must be. I just DO NOT BELIEVE that these seemingly normal (ish) people really want to call their children stupid names, but they succumb(sp) to pier lol pressure.





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Xylophone McDanglepoo?



Hey, that's my good buddy you're talking about!


We should do the same as the French - there's a list of about 250 socially acceptable baby names for each sex in that country, and that's it.


Anyway, you want to hear some of the "English" names the parents give their sprogs in China. My classes are full of ridiculous names like "Josemina" "Elephant" "Benamy" "Beyond" "Heloin" and my two personal favourites "Autobots" and "Beer".


Actually, the last two are cool. I could see myself naming my son Beer-Sebastian Iun Scott Robert Jastallis Teleka Hockley.

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Anyway, you want to hear some of the "English" names the parents give their sprogs in China. My classes are full of ridiculous names like "Josemina" "Elephant" "Benamy" "Beyond" "Heloin" and my two personal favourites "Autobots" and "Beer".


THere are names sort of like that in Malawi too, we met loads of people called just random English words; Bright, Destiny and Blessings to name a few.




A few suggestions for some celebrity baby names:


Manhatten-Bronx (Inspiration from Brooklyn Beckham)

Banana (Peaches Geldof)

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I think celebrities have a different lexicon when it comes to names.


My step sister has popped out about 3 babies over the past 5ish years. First Harry, then Charlotte, now Thomas. All well and good.


Nicole Kidman has recently squeezed out another baby, what is it called? Sunday.

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When I was in South Africa over Christmas for a month in 2005, we went on a tour through Soweto and our tour guide's birth name was Snowy, since she was born on what was probably the first snowy day in Johannesburg for decades.


When I was at work the other week they were reading out the names of the kids to give them medals. One of them was called Michael Hunt. Do parents not think before they name their child? Or are they just cruel?


Oh dear, that's not good at all. :shakehead

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My cousin is bad for this. Her fist child was a boy and she called him Fraser. Quite normal. My grandad was called Michael Joseph Griffiths. Joseph was after his dad. Everyone called my Grandad Joe beacause he named his son Michael (my uncle, the cousin I'm speaking of's dad, we call him Mick) who then named his son Michael (my cousin, Mike). So anyway my cousin named her second child (boy) Rogan. Which is quite an unusual name in it's own right. However what really takes the biscuit is it's middle name. She named it after my grandad, but not Michael, she used Joseph. That's right he's called Rogan Joseph. To be fair he is quite a mild mannered child.But her third child (girl), dear god if any child is destined to be bullied it's this one. I'm not sure how to spell it. Her husband chose it, it's from some film, Star Wars probably. She is called... Vada Ray. (pronounced as in Darth Vader.) I'm not sure how it's supposed to be spelt.


Oh dear, that's not good at all. :shakehead


None of my colleagues got it. I was silently pissing myself. I had to explain to them the joke.


When my brother was younger he had a friend called Michael Hunt. He also had a friend called Christopher Christopher. But that was because his mum remarried somebody who's surname was Christopher when he was about 3.

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Michael Hunt


.......Finally got it, after a while. :heh:


Meh, here in Portugal, your first names are restricted to a set list, so we don't get many unusual names. And the famous people around here, either make up some stage names, or are born somewhere else.


Of the people I know, the strangest name I know is my godmother's. Her surname is Alves Alves, because Venezuelan surname policies are very, very strict.

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What the fuck.


What the fuck is this shit?


Apple? Knox?


What the fuck next?


Hippo Veen? The Chosen One? Xylophone McDanglepoo?



WHAT THE HELL IS THIS? Is it a competition to see who can come up with the most fucking retarded name? It must be. I just DO NOT BELIEVE that these seemingly normal (ish) people really want to call their children stupid names, but they succumb(sp) to pier lol pressure.







I know, it's like they picked the first thing that came into their head. When they were entering their name at Laser Quest.

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So anyway my cousin named her second child (boy) Rogan. Which is quite an unusual name in it's own right. However what really takes the biscuit is it's middle name. She named it after my grandad, but not Michael, she used Joseph. That's right he's called Rogan Joseph.

At least your granddad wasn't called Joshua.


My brother knows someone called Michael Hunt, and I did think he was taking the piss the first time I answered a call from him. Then again, my brother also knows someone called Will Barrow. I guess he attracts the unfortunately named.


Presumably celebrity baby names are all a part of the PR machine. Gets people talking about them — all publicity is good publicity, as they say — and generally keeps them in the public eye so they can sell the photos of their child's first birthday to Hello or other such vacuous publication.

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So glad my parents didn't call me Wayne, would not of been impressed, although registration would of been more fun in the mornings.


And yes celebrity child names are pretty ludacris, didn't Nicole Kidman call her daughter recently "Sunday Rose Kidman" ? (Sunday Roast lol)

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When I was at work the other week they were reading out the names of the kids to give them medals. One of them was called Michael Hunt. Do parents not think before they name their child? Or are they just cruel?


Heh, there was a teaching assistant at school called Richard Hunt. The weird thing was we tried calling him Richard, but he insisted that we call him Dick. :wtf: Maybe he was trying to hint something to us.


Also a mother of a friend from school is a primary school teacher. Guess the name of one of her pupils...........................Oxford United. It's just tragic.

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Heh, there was a teaching assistant at school called Richard Hunt. The weird thing was we tried calling him Richard, but he insisted that we call him Dick. :wtf: Maybe he was trying to hint something to us.


Dick Hunt. That's not really something you want to hear in a school.

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Some of the worst names I have ever heard:


Chardonnay - why not call your child Baileys or Strongy or........John Smith :heh:


Apparently my mum also heard an airport once...


'Come on Dolce, come on Gabbana'. I think that wins on the worst choice of name's I have ever heard.


Oh and an old maths teacher in our school was called Mr Hiscock. His first name was Mark =P

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