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How often do you shit?


How many times a day do you poo?  

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  1. 1. How many times a day do you poo?

    • not every day
    • Once
    • Twice
    • Three times a lady
    • Four times
    • Five or more

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I usually shit once a day, but not every day actually. Its usually in the mornings, I dont need it one minute, but then I'm suddenly desperate and have to go asap.


I also manage to do it in 30 seconds or less.

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I have blood in mine too, my guess is that I have a cut there from some day wiping to much and it won't heal up fully due to daily wiping. I also get a really sharp pain up my butt if I sit on the PC too long. I come from a long line of "wait and see-ers" though, so I'd never get it checked.


That pain could be caused by the cut. Also whenever I have a cut I use wet toilet paper to clean my butt. That way I need less force which helps it to heal. Using normal facial skin-cream or something more specific usually helps a lot as well.

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I feel a bit bad now...I was only joking. Sorry, I thought people would realise....I do rarely say anything serious. :(


I poopoo approx once a day. Sometimes its slush, sometimes its hard and I need to squeeze like a trooper.



Oh! Haha, nevermind then. I thought you were being serious because that's what happened to me.

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I just droped a deux quite recently actually. About 5 minutes ago. Its pretty much a daily occurence for me, although there is the odd day where i don't go.


Also i once did one so big it blocked the toilet. I don't know why, but i'm very proud of that fact.

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I just droped a deux quite recently actually. About 5 minutes ago. Its pretty much a daily occurence for me, although there is the odd day where i don't go.


Also i once did one so big it blocked the toilet. I don't know why, but i'm very proud of that fact.


I did that at someones house during a party, someone took a picture of it and showed it to everyone asking whose it was. I get a strange jolly from not being found out.


That pain could be caused by the cut. Also whenever I have a cut I use wet toilet paper to clean my butt. That way I need less force which helps it to heal. Using normal facial skin-cream or something more specific usually helps a lot as well.


Thing is though the pain is actually right up there, it could be more fitting to say it's around the tailbone area, and it comes really fast and goes.

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My shits are normally a speed occurance, I put this down to my holding it back a little longer than usual. It just plows out.


I used to block the toilets in my halls of residence in my first year of uni. Leaving absolute beasts of shit at the bottom. Image the Graboids from Tremors and you're not far off.


The fact is those toilets were [...] shit. The flush system must've been piss weak. Every other toilet has been perfectly able of handling [...] it.

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Ive actually got a bit of a problem in this department. Its pretty much like clockwork once every 5-6 days, and in the middle of the night, wakes me up and I desperately need it. When it comes out its got a bit of blood in the poo aswell, but its been like it for about a year now, so probably fine.


mate you desperately need to see a doctor! You could so easily have a prostate problem, and they can be pretty serious i'm afraid.

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I think I get that sometimes too and it really hurts. Hope it's nothing serious because I also refuse to mention it to anybody ever.


I was going to Google it but I'm actually a bit scared as to what it might be. Ignorance is bliss I suppose, but I know I'll regret living by that motto someday.

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I go once or occasionally twice a day, but when I wa younger I only needed to go 2-3 times a week. I started shitting a lot more often around the age of 16-17, and have heard others say the same.

I was going to Google it but I'm actually a bit scared as to what it might be. Ignorance is bliss I suppose, but I know I'll regret living by that motto someday.

Erm, isn't that just stress on your coccyx? I always thought that was normal - if it's what I think it is, everyone gets it. Might be something else though.

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Normally every couple of days, usually really big ones too, come close to blocking the pan. If I've been drinking the day before though I'll usually have a few pebble dash jobs.


Does anybody ever have that poo that's two different shades of brown? Like half of it is light brown and then half is dark.


I had one last week that was four different colours.


I'm thinking of installing a cutting machine in my toilet, my poos are getting longer every day, there's an awful lot of water displacement :/


I know how you feel, some of mine end up being about a foot long.

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Does anybody ever have that poo that's two different shades of brown? Like half of it is light brown and then half is dark.


The lighter parts have a high fat ratio. Fat without a blood supply goes pale as you say, and you a disposing of the excess. Hence the lighter and darker parts.

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nearly a third of people here don't poo everyday. Surely that's not healthy? I eat way too much to not drop a perpendicular everyday.


I had one last week that was four different colours.


Wow. That must have been quite legendary.


I can remember once I had some sort of wormy like thing come out of my bum when I was having a poo. It looked like a bit of spaghetti. I pulled it out with some tissue and showed my mum. She was incredibly disgusted for some reason. She said it was probably just a bit of food that hadn't digested properly. Is that possible? Should I be worried? It's only happened once.

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nearly a third of people here don't poo everyday. Surely that's not healthy? I eat way too much to not drop a perpendicular everyday.




Wow. That must have been quite legendary.


I can remember once I had some sort of wormy like thing come out of my bum when I was having a poo. It looked like a bit of spaghetti. I pulled it out with some tissue and showed my mum. She was incredibly disgusted for some reason. She said it was probably just a bit of food that hadn't digested properly. Is that possible? Should I be worried? It's only happened once.


It was probably a baby tapeworm. Sounds like it was a while ago, so you shouldn't have any problems now. If you do get a larger one in the future, remember the old Mars bar trick.

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It was probably a baby tapeworm. Sounds like it was a while ago, so you shouldn't have any problems now. If you do get a larger one in the future, remember the old Mars bar trick.


lol i was listening to SoaD's Needles when i was reading this :D had quite a laugh.

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