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Broken Bones...ouch.


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I'm sure a lot of you here have broken a bone in your body. I myself have never endured that sort of pain, and it's made me quite the curious person.

I'd like to know what it would be like to break a bone, as the only thing I can be certain of is that it really bloody hurts. :shakehead


So, those of you have done said thing, tell us, tell us all the details: What bone was it? How did you do it? How old were you? Was your limb facing the wrong way? Describe the pain, perhaps in a simile if you can. Don't be shy. Did you cry? Tell us why.

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I haven't broken a bone either, and I've always been curious myself. Instead I've been treated to a world of seizures and the hours of fun that follow from picking food out your teeth with a tongue that hurts like hell because you've bitten it so hard.

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Guest bluey

i've never broken any bones ~ but i was rushed to hospital with a paper cut once, and on a separate occasion i nearly guillotined half my face off with a sheet of broken glass...


:smile: accident prone much?

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I broke my left arm when I was in year 3... so I was 7 or 8 (think thats right). Playing football near my house in like a car park thing, ball went over a very small wall, its about knee height now. Instead of taking the extra 20 seconds of going out either entrance, I decided to jump it, foot got caught, and I used my arm to protect my head. And thus headbutting my arm to the floor and breaking it. Unfortunately it was a 'crappy' break, arm only had a dent in it, no backwards limbs.


It's a weird sensation, it hurt like **** at the time, but its not like a cut that stings, it aches and feels weird. I was bawling my eyes out for a good 10 minutes, then I sort of got use to it, and I was afraid to move it etc. I think I was more shocked, than in pain.

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I fractured and dislocated my elbow simultaneously about 2 years ago, whilst trying to kick someone in the face with rollerblades on :(


TBH it wasnt that bad, and I didnt realise until a while later, when I couldnt move my arm/huge bruising etc, and I had to have my arm in a bastardised shape in a cast for 6 weeks!

Even now I can't fully extend it either :(

It definetly aches though, you could go and try it yourself! ;)

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I've fractured my elbow while learning to ollie up a curb, my back wheels hit the curb and i went flying. I just thought i'd fell over as it didn't really hurt at the time and my mum even sent me to school the next day. Thats when i realised i'd broken something, as it hurt really bad to write, so all day i was complaining to the teacher.


That night i went to the hospital and was told to wear a sling for 6 weeks. Went to school with my mum the next day, cried at the teacher and she told me i could stay off for the SATS. So there you go, i never did my year 6 SATS :)


I also have a broken toe which looks all bent, it doesn't hurt so i just leave it.

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When I was 12, I broke my leg in two places and fractured it in another three when I was rollerblading. I tried to fall on the grass, because the road didn't seem like the ideal place, but as I fell the plastic of the rollerblade pushed against the bone in my leg faster than the bone could lean as I fell. Pretty much snapped it clean in three.


Try taking a rollerblade off with that kind of injury, then tell me what pain is.


It wasn't a great year.

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When I was 3 years old, I broke a finger by banging it on a table in nursary. Then in year 6 during the Isle of Man schooll trip, I tripped on the last stone-step on a set of outdoor stairs and cracked/bent out of place my little finger. Apparantly, at the time I must have said I "fell up the stairs", and for some reason, I can't live down the fact that I was the guy who "fell up the stairs". Which I don't really understand why that would be humourous, but some people do...

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I've never Broken anything in my life! :D


If I do it will be for the stupidest reason though like slipping on a banana...


At least it will have some comic value. :p


I'm suprised I haven't as I'm pretty clumsy.


Heh same, I'm kind of clumsy at time and I've had some falls, yet have never broken anything. Strong bones!

At one point I think I almost broke my nose by attempting a somersault (?) on a trampoline, but failing miserably, resulting in my knees hitting my nose at full force. That hurt so much I felt dizzy for ages.



But nah, only ever been taken to the hospital once by mom, when I was 5 or 6 I think, because I was complaining about lots of pain in my feet. I couldn't really walk properly. They had pictures taken but didn't see a thing... so they concluded it was probably just growing pains. =P

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I broke my arm when I was, like, 4 or 5 years old. I threw myself off a bunk* for stupid reasons. I felt it sore, and it healed pretty quickly, so I don't remember much else.



*I'm not sure this is the correct term. I'm talking about those beds-on-top-of-beds thingys. I'm just using the term babelfish gave me. :heh:

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Heh same, I'm kind of clumsy at time and I've had some falls, yet have never broken anything. Strong bones!

At one point I think I almost broke my nose by attempting a somersault (?) on a trampoline, but failing miserably, resulting in my knees hitting my nose at full force. That hurt so much I felt dizzy for ages.




I almost broke my neck doing a somersault in trampolining! :o


I had completely zoned out just jumping up and down and before I knew it I was half way through a somersault (I had no idea how to do one properly) I tried to abort this but ended up falling rather badly! I also felt dizzy.


I was banned from the trampolines and stopped everyone from going on them that day. :(

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I've fractured my left wrist once and my right wrist twice. My right arm twice. My fingers and thumbs a total of 11 times. Left big toe once.


Best one was playing Football, I was the keeper and did an overarm throw out to my defender. Thing is everyone was still running out from the corner and my follow through took my hand right onto the opposition forwards back, bending my thumb back and breaking it.


My fingers break easily, not sure why. But yeah, over all ten fingers I've had a total of 11 fractures and breaks.

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I fell while playing football and jarred my fingers into the ground then my entire body weight landed on top of them, hard to describe, but imagine putting your middle and ring fingers, fingertips down and then landing 14 stone on top of them.


Broke two metacarpals




Felt a bit of pain at first, carried on playing. Then my hand turned purple later in the evening, then thought I'd best go to hospital. Felt pretty light headed.


Took about 2 months to heal properly, still feel a little pain 7 years later.


Was 23 at the time.

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A horrible aking accident when I was 14:


"Hey guys, I can totally sled down this ridiculously steep hill and jump off the road no problem!"


I crashed after flying off the road with my right hand still on the wheel. Broke my wrist and had to wear a cast for two months. The initial pain is painful, after that it becomes more like a numbing pain that is less painful.

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I've never broken anything, but I have stepped wrongly on my toes a few times. The most prominent example was at karate training. We were training jumps over each other, and as I landed, my big toe bent forward, the toe resting on the nail and my whole body weight pushing it down. It took months before the pain was completely gone.

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Breaking my leg was the most painful thing I've done. I think the worst part is the crack you hear.. everyone on the field heard it! The swelling afterwards and trying to move it afterwards is really painful. The best way I can describe it is a sudden intense pain similar to when someone kicks you in the shin really hard, except it lasts for ages and ages and doesn't stop.


Broke my leg in May this year playing Sevens. Turns out my leg was already fractured with a small underlying stress fracture that opened up fully when I got hit. I didn't think it was too bad at first.. even tried walking off the field. Then the leg really started to swell so I had to go to hospital. Got a spiral fracture http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spiral_fracture .


Worst part is having the cast on though as its really painful in teh first week to move it, plus I was in a cast from groin -> ankle which limits almost any movement. Luckily I'm now in a calf brace and will have it off come August I'm hoping!


Breaking long bones isn't recommended.. 12 weeks in a cast.. possible need for surgery and complications with compartment syndrome http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compartment_syndrome (which they thought I had at one point..) Wouldn't recommend.



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I have only ever broke one bone in my body. My little finger on my left hand....


Broke it playing rugby, however there is no hero story involved, i just kinda flew over while holding the ball and my hand landed funny on the ball. Was not till i got up i noticed my finger was bent out really far to the left, lol.


I felt no pain at all but was taken to the hospital where they confirmed i broke the bone and they moved it back into place and had it bandeged up to my 'wedding ring' finger for awhile.


They never set it back properly though, so now i have a little finger that looks very slightly bent, u wouldn't notice it unless i pointed it out.

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