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Dreams of Penguins. Oft Kinky.


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I had my first ever n-europe related dream! It was quite bizarre. It involved, ReZ, Molly and I going to a party where lots of other people were. Coolness was there too and I got to meet him :D


Then it was just all very random...I think it was me having a lecture in my bedroom or something...


Before ReZ gets carried away, there was nothing sexual between him and me! But both he and Molly seemed like very nice people :)


You are correct.


Haha awesome. :awesome:


I've had one N-E Dream and it involved Haggis trying to kiss me... O_____O




I've never had a N-E dream. And I've known ReZ for YEARS. Since...2005? So before I joined here.


Haha, word, I knew you (and Chair) when you were naughty boys. :yay:


I'm sure I've had loads of NE dreams....can't pin point them though, apart from the Dyson one and the Happenstance one.

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Mundi wasn't the real mundi - he was a dark-red haired, wizard-like-bearded jolly fellow with a dutch accent (I don't know the icelandic one) and a long black trenchcoat.


If I've actually met people then they tend to come as they are... If not, then they're some abstract rendition of some subconscious association with their character.

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My dream last night was about dreaming that I was shouting at Jayseven. I can't exactly recall why I was shouting at him, I had a new look catalogue in my hand and we were at my house. When I woke up, but still asleep (confused yet?) I ended up in some form of jungle, I think it was world of warcraft based, even though I've not touched the game for a while. Running away from some shadowy type people and ended up in a church.


It confused me greatly when I woke up.

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Haha awesome. :awesome:


I've had one N-E Dream and it involved Haggis trying to kiss me... O_____O


Awww, I thought you also had some dreams with me in them ages ago?



I'm pretty sure I've had a couple of N-E dreams already, I just don't remember any of them or who was in it... Well I do think one of them involved The Bard, but I don't remember why or if he even looked like him. X3

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You've shouted at me before, so that doesn't surprise me, but armed with a catalogue? I'd remember that.


I shout at you alot, so it makes no difference, new look doesn't even own a catalogue! :indeed:


You were wearing orange also, maybe an american prison? :heh:

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Awww, I thought you also had some dreams with me in them ages ago?



I'm pretty sure I've had a couple of N-E dreams already, I just don't remember any of them or who was in it... Well I do think one of them involved The Bard, but I don't remember why or if he even looked like him. X3


Omgomgomgomgogmogmogmogmogmgomg! :o


That is so true i'd forgotten about them!


...sorry Eenuh. :(




Unfortunately you weren't trying to kiss me. :p


BUT we were on an epic quest for my bag in one of them.


And in the other You had rung me up or something and you wanted to meet with me somewhere or something. A chocolate crossiant was involved. I went to the meeting place which was like a forest and you never showed up...


Thanks for reminding me off them. :grin:


So yeh I've had 3 N-E dreams! :)


About whether they looked like them I say vividly I recognised them as complete Haggis or Ine. :D

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I had an N-E dream last night! I was taking my dog for a walk with Flink. He looked a little bit like this:


but more rugged and much taller. Gotta admit I felt a bit intimidated. Then I got a text from Eenuh thanking me for voting for her in the eye modelling contest. She ended the text by asking me to thank the guy in the south-west of the field. I looked over there and it's a guy I knew from school, which caused me to wonder how Eenuh knew him.


From then on my dreams went to more normal terratory, apart from the murderous 8 year old school girl with a split personality which was probably inspired by thinking about Elfen Lied before sleeping.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I've been having really memorable dreams lately.


First was a really long one, one I call a "movie" dream. Not involving anyone I know, and played out like a movie.


It was about the rounding up the Jews in WWII, but the setting was modern (didn't notice whilst dreaming). The main protagonist snuck out of the shopping mall that served as the detention center type thing where the jews first went to before the camps, despite nazis crawling around everywhere.


His escape involved running accross the track at school.


Second dream can't remember the plot, but it was like a music video or something. All slo-mo. Me and 2 friends were sitting in the assembly hall which was empty/emptying, in the middle of the blakc of seats in which our year sit. Various friends of mine join join for a photo (a flash from a far away cameraman I didnt know), then left. Poignantly were my 2 old best friends coming back at once (One got expelled, but had a profound effect on me, one I just grew apart from), for a photo, then leaving.


Obviously influenced by the knowledge that I'm leaving the school/the people I know at the end of the next term.


Dream last night didn't remember, until I had a flashback of sorts. I vaguely remember part being set in town at night, maybe a group of friends and I going somewhere. But the bit that makes me feel genhinely bad, inside, is a friend of mine (not a best friend, but he really likes me I think, and I really like him too) being genuinely upset with me and asking if I was going out with his ex.


Just makes me feel guilty and sad (for nothing! it's imaginary), remembering it.


Never had a dream so literally manifest what I've been thinking.

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In my dream last night Flink had wrote a book and I was trying to read it to give feedback but people kept interrupting me.


(and numerous other dreams as I kept waking up and falling back to sleep but thats the only one I recall)

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  • 2 weeks later...

You guys have some strange dreams.


Can't remember the last time I had any memorable dream. I know I have been dreaming but can't remember any of them. Never had any about meeting any of the N-E crew. Although I do dream about meeting new people and get weirded out a few weeks down the line when real life plays out like the dream and I meet someone exactly like the person I met in the dream. Has happened quite a lot to me which is very spooky. Same person in terms of features, same context. Very strange. Happened a few weeks ago and it weirded me out completely, even though I should be used to it by now.

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As mention in the How Was Your Day I had a dream last night in which I met Paris Hilton. We were sat chatting to each other and I think Tina Fey was sat with us (but could have just been someone who looked like her, she didn't speak). I was trying to prove I didn't hate her (which I don't, more indifferent really) by showing her I have one of her songs on my iPod (which I don't) but she got upset the album was tagged as SCS and I tried to explain I got it from the SCS instore radio cd...


Anyway other recent dreams;

A dog ate my hamster.

Two very sexual dreams in one night. One about my housemate and the less said the better (sexual acts, mundane conversation so it was odd) and another which was more sexual dancing with this girl I have used to have a crush on which was quite nice...although I'm sure I was being chased by something and doing the 'hiding in plain site' trick.

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Oddly enough, I just dreamt that Mundi was a bearded fellow with long hair and a trench coat, and he came over to our flat for a game of cards. Some reason there was a table on our table. I guess so we could meme?


So you dreamt I was Kevin Smith, I feel special :heh:


I have had a couple of NE dreams, most of them involve me or someone else from the forum calling each other on the phone and the conversation is always the same.

In a nutshell:

"Hello (forum member), so what are ya doing?"

"Nothing special, why are you calling?"

"No reason, just bored"

and we say our goodbyes.


Probably the most surrealistic one I had was when I called Jordan with a coconut, not a coconut phone or anything, just picked up a coconut and gave him a call.

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I love it when you can identify features in your dream stemming from experiences or thoughts you've had during the day. The next day you can practically break the dream into little pieces and identify almost every single piece. 'Tis fun. :)


The past week, while I was in Dubrovnik, I dreamt a lot, and almost all my dreams involved my friends from class. I read that as me having missed them terribly. They also involved sexual acts, which I read as me being a terrible pervert. :heh:

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My dream last night was awesome and no doubt fueled by the combined anticipation of waking up at 7am on a Sunday to watch the F1 and my current position of learner driver. Basically, I was an F1 driver leaving the circuit. I'd gotten into my company car (a Ferrari, F430 I think) and was casually driving around, on no road in particular going nowhere in particular. At some point, I picked up Felipe Massa, and he drove around for a bit. Then I was back driving and ended up accidentally finding some sort of garage/storage place, where all the teams seemed to have a few open shutters and the cars sitting out. In my dreaming logic, this was the base of operations, and where all the simulations/testing/everything else went on. Somehow I was annoyed, as I felt I had been a racer for ages and had never been invited back here yet. Then I got a lecture from Ross Brawn about something I said to the media, some word or other that I used that I shouldn't have. Then I decided that rather than stick around here, I'd rather leave before they took my F430 off me. Thats pretty much where the dream trails off.


Fun times!

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