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Dreams of Penguins. Oft Kinky.


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I had a weird dream in which my two dead cats suddenly showed up again, perplexing me (but strangely enough not the rest of my family... or the neighbours who were in our house for whatever reason). Strange thing was that one of the cats had a gaping gunshot wound in her right side, yet was still walking around like nothing was wrong. =O


But yeah made me a bit sad to wake up and realise they weren't really back. =(

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I had a weird dream in which my two dead cats suddenly showed up again, perplexing me (but strangely enough not the rest of my family... or the neighbours who were in our house for whatever reason). Strange thing was that one of the cats had a gaping gunshot wound in her right side, yet was still walking around like nothing was wrong. =O


But yeah made me a bit sad to wake up and realise they weren't really back. =(

Aw, that's sad. I'd probably feel the same way. I love my cats dearly, both the ones I have now and the ones that have passed away.

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I also had a weird one last night; my ''boyfriend'' broke up with me and in the same conversation I told him that I'd won the Lottery. It was true (in the dream) that I'd won and it was such a bitter sweet feeling. I think the boyfriend then morphed into Clive Owen for some reason, the rest is a blur.

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I also had a weird one last night; my ''boyfriend'' broke up with me and in the same conversation I told him that I'd won the Lottery. It was true (in the dream) that I'd won and it was such a bitter sweet feeling. I think the boyfriend then morphed into Clive Owen for some reason, the rest is a blur.


So....he was a cocky, arrogant yet suarve Englishman?


[/spenno Gag]

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I had a dream last night during my 13 hour solid block of sleep, and the only part I remember was I was in a car, going around on a massive rollercoaster around an arena :s And I looked down and saw a woman wearing AN AMAZING DRESS!!! It was quite plain on the body, but the train was a few metres long, then attatched to the end was this HUGE amazing snail shell thing!! It was literally like the size of a building, all made out of black shiney pvc. And it was against a fantastic red sky.



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Care to share?


Well the bit I remember, the place had a really hazy surrounding. There were no clearly defined walls, floor, ceiling. The surroundings were had a kind of oil painting texture to it, yellow and beige (had a warm sunny feeling). A lot like Turner's Great Western Railway (One of my favourite paintings, the first time I saw it I was mesmerised). The surrounding kept changing, like that Ah Ha video, 'Take on Me', but always staying the same colour.




And in this area there was furniture that I recognise from my house, the living room of my old house more specifically (now they are dotted around our new house). There were people sitting on the right as I approached but I couldn't make them out. They were family but not defined as figures (yeah, weird) and as I walked towards this kind of seating area someone stood up (not my family) and was shaking hands with them. I walked up to them and hugged them. And I just had a feeling of utter elation.


Such a strange dream. That was probably a bit of a crap description.


I wonder what it means. :smile:

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I had some bluddy weird dream the other night about the N-E meetup, and I told Ine about this and she thought it was funny.


Basically, me and Ine had arrived, and a lot of N-E people were gathered around this table in the middle of a road. Yes, like a street party. We arrived, and Rummy grabbed us two seats. Then, everyone gathered around Ine and started talking to her, whilst I got left with ReZ. I thought whaaaat!


Then, Rummy sat down with us, and started talking, and I just remember looking at the sky or somewhere else and thinking "What the shit is going on?!"


Fast forward: Somehow, we were inside this sports hall playing football, and I could hear someone shouting Haden's name. The game was really fast paced, so I decided to rest for a second. I went back to the table (which was the same one as the one outside, but in the hall now) and poored myself a drink. A girl was there, and she was looking at me weird. She had blond hair, and blue eyes and was looking quite bitchy.


"Is everything ok?" I said.


"Who are you?" she said.


"...I'm Jim."




"yeah...oh, Fierce_LiNk, sorry."




"...who are you?"


"I'm My Buttons Are Magic."


"....you seemed a lot friendlier off the internet."


And then I woke up. Bluddy horrible it was.

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I had some bluddy weird dream the other night about the N-E meetup, and I told Ine about this and she thought it was funny.


Basically, me and Ine had arrived, and a lot of N-E people were gathered around this table in the middle of a road. Yes, like a street party. We arrived, and Rummy grabbed us two seats. Then, everyone gathered around Ine and started talking to her, whilst I got left with ReZ. I thought whaaaat!


Then, Rummy sat down with us, and started talking, and I just remember looking at the sky or somewhere else and thinking "What the shit is going on?!"


Fast forward: Somehow, we were inside this sports hall playing football, and I could hear someone shouting Haden's name. The game was really fast paced, so I decided to rest for a second. I went back to the table (which was the same one as the one outside, but in the hall now) and poored myself a drink. A girl was there, and she was looking at me weird. She had blond hair, and blue eyes and was looking quite bitchy.


"Is everything ok?" I said.


"Who are you?" she said.


"...I'm Jim."




"yeah...oh, Fierce_LiNk, sorry."




"...who are you?"


"I'm My Buttons Are Magic."


"....you seemed a lot friendlier off the internet."


And then I woke up. Bluddy horrible it was.


thank you very much :P

for the record i have brown hair and brown eyes and am not bitchy :(

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i have dreams about the meet once :P... i think there was music + a BBQ in one ...


so.. ok.. everyone be nice to fierce_link at the meet now k? :p


I think I'm a tiny bit nervous about it, because it's being built up as this huge thing, and I think I don't want to be a let down, really.

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Flink you were in one of my dreams recently, see the previous page.


My dream last night was basically the sequel to Threads (because if any horrific 70s made-for-TV movies needs a sequel its that one!). Another nuclear bomb had been dropped in Sheffield, although it fared well. A few weeks later I went there to visit the Sheffield crew. I got entangled in some love triange (obviously...) and went to poundland with Dan Dare and he made me pay for everything, and I complained at him because he had been doing it all the time I had been there.


But yeah...was Sheffield just with parts of buildings disintegrated...


And I changed my facebook status to "dreamt of nuclear destruction" and everyone is like "Fallout 3 rocks"...thanks but that's not what I said :p

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bet you half the people drop out before it happens tho!


Many will, haha. Ah, it'll be fun, the dream just scared me a little. You were so mean...and so blond.


*pssttt* everyone... we are sooo gonna reinact his dream!





*tee hee*


Do that, and I'll actually kill you.


Flink you were in one of my dreams recently, see the previous page.



Dude, that was called my Dissertation.

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I had a terrible dream about my teeth falling out a few months back. Apparently, according to dream books, its a common dream and means 'grave misfortune' will come to me. Well, nothing so far, but i live in fear!!!


I've always been told "Teeth falling out" means you are anxious about something!


I usually have those dreams when I'm stressed. The worst is when my teeth fell out and I was forced to eat them for money. They were hollow and I ended up hurling them at the farmers that were keeping me captaive! :)

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So I just dreamed that I was watching Monk (which I have not watched in over a year) but I was seeing it trough Monk´s eyes and in my head the voices of Cameron and Foreman from House were talking in my head.


I must be relapsing from not watching these shows.

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Last night was fucking weird


I didn't as much sleep as I did fitfully pass out between lurid and, frankly filthy, hallucinations and strange visions. Cracking fun, and I'm thankfully feeling fully rested.


I think I need to stop pushing myself though. I'm going to bed exhausted every night and it makes it harder to fall asleep because my fatigue is actually quite uncomfortable. Hm. Yes.

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Well I was gutted when I woke up this morning!


Had a wicked dream about meeting this girl, we really hit it off and spent the day or so together just having fun and laughs, can't really remember what we did exactly! She was awesome and everything just seemed to click, and all was good and happy and felt pretty special you know, and then BAM!.... I wake up, realise it wasn't real, I'm single, and this awesome girl was gone! Why God why!!


Guess it's telling me I'd quite like to meet someone at this point in time.

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Really scary dream! I was in my house with my family and outside there were thousands of soldiers, I think they were Saxons, trying to get us basically. Some of the time we could only hear them chanting which was even scarier and we had no clue why they were after us. So I rang the police (LOL) and the bastards put me on hold. The Saxons then threw stuff at the windows and they started shattering around us; at this point I woke myself up because I was so scared.

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