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What Is Your Main Passion or Hobby?


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I don't understand what you're implying?


What I find....interesting about those people is how incredibly into it they get, and how they are generall psychopaths - another example.


*Second you walk in the Games Workshop door*




"Jesus. Just browsing yo'."


I was implying you collect lego.

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Guest Jordan

Why play with Lego or hump plastic space marines when you can do both in a computer game it will be far superior?

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Your implifications are based on nothing but solid facts and clearly well informed evidence.


I <3 Legoz. (One of my many uber-hobbies) In fact the main reason I want to move out is so that I have my "LEGO Workshop" (A desk with LEGO on seperated by part type in different compartments.)



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Main passion is football.


Don't really have a hobby. I like playing footy but don't play it enough to call it a hobby. Same with reading. On and off.


I guess fashion could be a passion (passion for fashion! Geddit?). I like looking good. lol.

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Your implifications are based on nothing but solid facts and clearly well informed evidence.


I <3 Legoz. (One of my many uber-hobbies) In fact the main reason I want to move out is so that I have my "LEGO Workshop" (A desk with LEGO on seperated by part type in different compartments.)




Oh cool you got Legoz? Lois only buys me Megablocks.

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My passion is coming up with ideas that I never follow through with. I'm always getting various ideas for films/books/other media which never really happen due to thinking too much about it and coming to the conclusion that they'd probably turn out shit or are merely rehashing of old ideas better done before. Either that or I'll come up various ideas for tunes while bumming about on the tin whistle/guitar/base, but never follow them through.


At the moment my crazy idea, which will probably never happen, is to convert a volkswagon camper van to run on electricity. Just investigating the viability of it, the costs, and whether I could actually do it with my basic half remembered knowledge from GCSE electronics.

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And by collecting stamps and rocks you have a life? Yeah..I don't think so.


My main passion is baking, I absolutely love it because it is very satisafactory when I make something new and it turns out perfect, which makes people happy. And it all goes into preparing me for being a chef later in life.

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I don't think I have a hobby... Er, I like to get drunk, get high, smoke, watch 24 hours straight of DVDs while eating beans from a tin. It's probably the nearest to 'hobby' I have.


Chris Teh Greeat: 'modern' is anytime in the last 500 years. 'Contemporary' would be a better term if you mean the current times. Thanks to my course I've not really read anything contemporary for two years, that I can remember... Mind you I've not really read anything in all that time.


Marsh: I think he might be being slightly ironic. Anyway...

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Haha no I belive that their is a 'real' human being behind those posts. But to me at least, collecting stuff is on the same level as playing games, or playing with legoes (both of which i do too).


I also collect things, although they aren't stamps and rocks...You can't call people nerds who have no life, when you yourself are doing something not extremely popular, and definitely has no real purpose in life other than satisfaction which you can get from playing games or playing with legoes.

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Well technically I do. Unless you wish to believe that these posts are the works of those horrendous Bots.


oh shut up! :heh: I find it nice to know that you aren't all completely addicted to games (within reason)


Mostly it's reading, I'm a right book fiend and according to my parents I always have been, I daren't count how many books I have!


Other than that it tends to be body modification (tattoos/piercings etc). Art is enough or doodling, I used to do it quite often but college got in the way.


Films too ^_^ love the cinema! But again college and life gets in the way and people just can't afford it or won't go see the film I want to see.


There's music too, gigs!


ok I'll shut up now and lego FTW!

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Oh! I collect a few things - salsa pot lids (kinda slowed down with that one, got about 10 different ones), joker cards (got about 30 mostly different ones)... Sorta gathering clipper lighters (black, red, yellow - friend stole/lost my purple)... and not an avid fan but I do like the occasional kinder egg.


My, that's sad.

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An avid reader nightwolf? I've just counted 103 books in my room here at uni. Not counted the lounge, nor my shelves at home - considering I've got the first 30 pratchett books... Game on!


At least count I had double that, but I gave alot I just didn't read away to charity or I sold a few.


:blank: My bed has space underneathe and the entirity is covered heh.:awesome:

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oh yeah? well I jsut found three more in the bathroom... got loooads at home. I WILL make a count when I get Home-home (saturday) and pester this thread with the final count. I may even demand pictures.


haha I don't particularly mind if you have more books than me, I know I don't have as many as I used to because my room is too small for them to fit.


I only said because I bought yet another book after buying 4 in a week :blank:

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Football is, to me, a hobby and a passion. It got flung at me when I was a nipper, and it's too late for me to stop.


Guitar and music, another hobby. Play guitar a lot. Enjoy it immensely.


As you might have guessed; Yes, anime is now a new hobby of mine. : peace:

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