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Angry! Angry! Angry!

Guest Jordan

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People who don't tell you the whole truth about a certain situation just to sway you to their side, when the whole truth actually turns you against them. Retribution shall be sweet.

Also idiots who play on Rock Band in Gamestation, who say they've played Guitar Hero but upon watching them you actually wonder why he's stood there, in that shop, with the guitar strap around his neck, trying to play a song on Easy and failing miserably. I mean I even joined in on the drums. I got so annoyed at his shitness that I 'kindly' told him to try the drums, flung on the guitar and completed a song with him failing twice.


That reminded me of something that made me angry.


As you may know, I'm a genius at GH3 when using the 360 controller. However, whenever I wanted to show off my amasing skills in Game or something, there would only be guitar controllers to use!! I cant use the guitar for shit.



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People who chew with their mouth open (my sister does this)

xbox and playstation fan boys who spend hours playing halo and other overrated games and then constantly insult Nintendo and everyone who plays Nintendo games because they think they are for kids, when they have never tried a Nintendo game in their life.

People who constantly insult Apple products for no reason and condemn them because they don't have every single shitty and useless feature that other mp3 players and phones have.

People who go around saying they're asian or retarded or some other random thing to make themselves seem cool.

People who constantly going around insulting religion.

People who talk in indian accents and threaten to bomb you as a joke.

The gangs of aboriginal people who go around causing problems and threatening people (I once had to stay half an hour after school because one of them told his TA that he was going to go after me after school and they wanted to wait until he had left (why not just let me go and keep him?)).

People who are upset because they got the strap in aboriginal residential schools when they were a kid.

People who drive down the street with their windows open and stereo on full blast.

People who call iPods MP3 players and vice versa.

People who think MP3 means "music player version 3".

People who call iPod classics iPod videos.

People who call iPod touches iPhones.

People who stare at you because you have an Apple laptop.

People who need to win at everything.

People who think they are cool because they aren't a virgin.

Homosexuals who constantly bother you because you are strait.

When old people are ignorant.

When people call any random handheld gaming device a Gameboy.

When old people think they own the world.

When disabled people think they can do whatever they want.

People who are constantly using their mobiles.

People who drive while doing something else.

People who bug you about stuff until you do it.

People who tell you something they've either told you about before or you already know about and when you say "I know" or "I get it" they keep going on and on.

People who when writing bibliographies for school projects say things like:






People who call USB flash drives "Memory Sticks".

Pedophiles (especially the one who teaches at my school).


I'll think of more latter.

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Someone called it a memory dongle at my g/f's work and it had her in stitches. Partly because she thought it sounded rude but largely because she thought the person had completely made it up. Ah, women.


I call it a memory stick too by the way. It's quicker.

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Guest Jordan

Memory stick > USB flash drive.


Sony didn't patent the damn memory stick name... Heck if you wanted to be stupidly complex about the name you may as well call it:


*insert data capacity in most complex terms (ie: one hundred and twenty eight megabyte)* universal system bus NAND flash drive.

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People who walk out into roads as you are driving, even after looking to see if a car is coming and then carrying on anyway. I shall just run them over next time.


Also people who keep secrets to themselves even though everyone knows whats really going on and then it just gets more and more annoying.


Something else that gets me angry? My sisters. Everything about them really :)

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Oi, I'll start with the few I can think of right now:



  • spelling mistakes, especially when teachers make them, grrrr
  • only having old men show interest in me, wtf?
  • life being unfair to all the good people I know
  • the internet with all its sexist inhabitants (makes me hate men quite often)
  • crying babies
  • people who do fuck all and expect you to do all the work
  • people who say they care about you/like you but really don't
  • people generally being assholes to each other in life; makes me want to stop being nice to strangers
  • people who own you (lots of) money but seem to have totally forgotten about it

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  • only having old men show interest in me, wtf?
  • the internet with all its sexist inhabitants (makes me hate men quite often)
  • people generally being assholes to each other in life; makes me want to stop being nice to strangers
  • people who own you (lots of) money but seem to have totally forgotten about it


Doesn't happen to me much, seconded, seconded, and I hate that so, so much, respectively. :smile:


I thought of a good one: Canadian Mac users who get angry at every minor thing that isn't quite correct. Canadians, Mac fans, and pedants are ok, but that combination...


People who call USB flash drives "Memory Sticks".


Would you rather I called it by the more descriptive name of "stick that has memory in", or can't you work out what I mean?


When people can't respect other peoples' opinions.


Seconded, just because it's a type of game you don't like, don't slam it. I can't stand JRPG's, but I don't slag off people who play them.


I hate people with a disinterest in politics or don't want to give it a go because it sounds dull, yeh well your fucking subject sounds the shits doesn't it!


What, the very nature of Earth itself and it's effects on people, and the most over-arching science, and maths, the key to, well, pretty much anything?


I like politics, though... :wink:

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What, the very nature of Earth itself and it's effects on people, and the most over-arching science, and maths, the key to, well, pretty much anything?


I like politics, though... :wink:


I like science, and i studied maths ;)


I dislike people who don't give something new a try, just once

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I dislike people who don't give something new a try, just once


Im sorry Dom, but like I said...Im just not into that kind of thing. Please, can we just get over this?


OKAY fuck this shit, this is the thing that makes me the most pissing angry!


When a fucking film you really want to see comes out,and out of the 4 cinemas that are reasonably reachable to you only one shows it (furthest away) and you cant see it one week, so you plan to see it and its no longer showing so you CANNOT SEE IT AT THE CINEMA and are forced to watch for the first time on DVD.



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Im sorry Dom, but like I said...Im just not into that kind of thing. Please, can we just get over this?


OKAY fuck this shit, this is the thing that makes me the most pissing angry!


When a fucking film you really want to see comes out,and out of the 4 cinemas that are reasonably reachable to you only one shows it (furthest away) and you cant see it one week, so you plan to see it and its no longer showing so you CANNOT SEE IT AT THE CINEMA and are forced to watch for the first time on DVD.



That sucks. Are these small cinemas or something? Because we only have one here, but it usually plays most films I think (though some also for a short period).

My problem is I have films I want to see, but no one to go with. Like, who would be crazy enough to go watch X-Files 2 with me, when they never watched the show? =(

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Guest bluey
Im sorry Dom, but like I said...Im just not into that kind of thing. Please, can we just get over this?


OKAY fuck this shit, this is the thing that makes me the most pissing angry!


When a fucking film you really want to see comes out,and out of the 4 cinemas that are reasonably reachable to you only one shows it (furthest away) and you cant see it one week, so you plan to see it and its no longer showing so you CANNOT SEE IT AT THE CINEMA and are forced to watch for the first time on DVD.



you missed kung fu panda too, huh?? :nono: i feel your pain, man.

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A) Kung Fu Panda looks awesome....its got Seth Rogen in, thus don't mock. ;)


B) The cinemas are all fairly large, but just they are soooo stupid its freaking crazy, like their choice of films is literally ridiculous sometimes. We dont get the absolutely epic Harold and Kumar sequel, but we get like...three weeks on the universally critically hated "Superhero Movie" heck I just found out we are even getting Prom Night! Ridiculous! And this is 3 cinemas near me that didnt show it and just one that did. (All cinemas within 45 minutes drive) Epic sigh.

Like, who would be crazy enough to go watch X-Files 2 with me, when they never watched the show? =(


If it at all makes you feel any better I was reading a preview of X-Files 2, and it specifically stated that its a great stand alone film even if you have no knowledge of the previous X-Files stuff (although it obviously helps) but yeah. Also dont be scared of going on your own! I go on my own all the time, and get no more funny looks than I usually get when I go out in public. :)

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A) Kung Fu Panda looks awesome....its got Seth Rogen in, thus don't mock. ;)


B) The cinemas are all fairly large, but just they are soooo stupid its freaking crazy, like their choice of films is literally ridiculous sometimes. We dont get the absolutely epic Harold and Kumar sequel, but we get like...three weeks on the universally critically hated "Superhero Movie" heck I just found out we are even getting Prom Night! Ridiculous! And this is 3 cinemas near me that didnt show it and just one that did. (All cinemas within 45 minutes drive) Epic sigh.



If it at all makes you feel any better I was reading a preview of X-Files 2, and it specifically stated that its a great stand alone film even if you have no knowledge of the previous X-Files stuff (although it obviously helps) but yeah. Also dont be scared of going on your own! I go on my own all the time, and get no more funny looks than I usually get when I go out in public. :)


Heh, I'd go alone, but I can't get there unless someone drives me, which is a pain (I should really start learning how to drive soon...). I guess I'll just wait for it to come out on DVD. That way I might have time to go through all the seasons again before I watch it.


But someone better join me to see Narnia 2 (loved the books), The Dark Knight and Wall-E! Or I won't be happy.

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Hahaha, I'll have to start hyping my dad about these or something so he'll want to go watch them as well. At least that way I'd have a ride to the cinema. =D



Erm, other things that make me angry: people constantly asking if I finally know how to drive yet. No I don't. Stop asking every time you see me. Blergh. :shakehead

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Too much to hate...


Oww, Charlie! Charlie bit me! Ooouuuch ouuuch ouuuuuch Charlie! Charlie that really hurt! hehe charlie bit me.

You watch Richard and Judy too?!

Like, who would be crazy enough to go watch X-Files 2 with me, when they never watched the show? =(

*waves hand in the air*

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Erm, other things that make me angry: people constantly asking if I finally know how to drive yet. No I don't. Stop asking every time you see me. Blergh. :shakehead


This one! It infuriates me! I get asked about way too often and when I say "No I don´t know how to drive" It dosen´t mean That i´m about to start learning how, it´s expensive (gasoline too)

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People who call iPods MP3 players and vice versa.


But iPods are MP3 players, so there's nothing wrong with that. Although it is most definately wrong to call any MP3 player an iPod.


Asian people who think they're "black" or "gangsta" annoy me a lot.

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