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Angry! Angry! Angry!

Guest Jordan

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And I think the thread can end with this point.


Camera whores (both genders) are a specific type of person who piss me off. Social networking sites have produced a generation of vain and shallow people who spend hours on end ensuring they get the angles perfect for their pathetic pictures. They may produce some decent pictures of themselves but they will always have superficial and uninteresting personalities.


Good thing I realised the error of my ways before I became one of those people.


There are people I know that don't out for the reason of going out to have a good time. They go out solely to take pictures of themselves pretending not to pose for Facebook. This is verified by the point that the last time I went out with said bunch of people, the very next day, there were 391 new pictures uploaded of the night before. It makes me want to kill myself and everyone around me.


Also: As you may know me, you may also know that nigh on everything has some capacity to piss me off; but one thing that makes my blood boil more than anything else:

Stupid people. They are everywhere. They're in your school. They're in your houses. They infest your living rooms. They're you're friends. They may even be you. Stupid people are the worlds strongest argument for euthanasia.

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Hmmm, what makes me angry?


Let's see:


- Psoriatic Arthritis and medications preventing me from doing things I want to. (like not having dreads cause of my minging scalp psoriasis):blank:


- When my computer plays up, and i'm NOT in the mood to take it apart.


- People not getting the hint; I don't want to talk to you, stfu please.


- Customers; whether in a shop, or in a call centre, people that demand things fuck me off.

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Oh another customer one;


When they complain to someone about their puddings being late (I am sorry, I am but one man and I can't make the 15 I have on in 5 seconds!) so that person comes and asks me and I say "yeah loads on" or whatever. So when I go and take it out and apologise for the delay they say "no its fine, I know you're busy." Its like...be consistant!

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Oh another customer one;


When they complain to someone about their puddings being late (I am sorry, I am but one man and I can't make the 15 I have on in 5 seconds!) so that person comes and asks me and I say "yeah loads on" or whatever. So when I go and take it out and apologise for the delay they say "no its fine, I know you're busy." Its like...be consistant!


Yeah its pretty annoying. My sister is a dental nurse and the customer rants at her for the prices or the services or whatever. Its mostly an issue with the dentist themselves, and ofc they won't go and complain to them.


OH NO cant bother the dentist with such trivial matters, i'll just abuse someone who fault it isn't. jesus!:shakehead

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-When people who don't talk about anything other than football.

If I'm right about the above typo, then yeah, these people bore me.

Stupid people. They are everywhere. They're in your school. They're in your houses. They infest your living rooms. They're your friends. They may even be you. Stupid people are the worlds strongest argument for euthanasia.



Anyway, not a lot makes me seriously angry, apart from a few things relating to linguistics and evolution. People who argue about these things with flawed reasoning and start getting unpleasant can be very annoying indeed.

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Guest Stefkov
Fixed. :wink:

No wonder I couldn't find out what it meant. I knew what it was, didn't know it was called that.

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Fixed. :wink:


There´s a special place in hell for you people.

It´s a small room and all the walls are covered with words written wrong in an annoying way and you have no way of fixing it or telling other people that you have found a typo.


Have fun!

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- Scallies or anyone who enjoys intimidating others

- Unnecessary hardship

- "Bubbly", or shall i say "fake" people

- Unworthy celebrities

- Unfairness and injustice

- Kids

- Noisy babies

- Disabled people who think they can do whatever they want

- Traffic jams

- Debt

- When people are given opportunities over you when you are just as capable


I guess i'm a pretty angry person! haha, i'm not really, things just bug me.

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Guest Jordan

-cell-phone addicts

-anyone under 16 who has a cell phone


The word "cell phone". The use of cellular technology is slowly dying since 3G will take over for voice calls in the coming years, why the hell is the word still used?


Oh another one, the American pronunciation of English words. The word "butchered" comes to mind.

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Being woken up by the f*cking neighbors who have decided to re-f*cking-build their house at the most f*cking anti-social time in history.


If I could, I'd nuke them. Nazis.

This was made worse by the fact I got to bed at 4.

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People who get everything they want.

[Rant/]That´s just part jealousy and part rage towards people who get what they, "just because".

Too clarify how rage inducing it is too me a friend of mine works at his dads company and gets paid as if he´s a trained professional and gets get roughly 12,73 pounds per hour and often works away from the main capital city area and stays somewhere else for a couple of days and gets paid around the clock with overtime and because of that this guy can afford everything he wants and stuff other people want just to rub it in....

I know this so well about him because he can´t fucking shut up about it! [Rant]


Dude I thought you where over his "I have everything" scindrum just think like me he dives in a zusuki something (the car that looks like a midget jeep) still makes me laugh.


well to my list

- People we already decided the answer I'm going to make

- People who don't know when to shut the fuck up about sensitive stuff, For excample this new guy at work where always coughing at and one of the worker started yelling at him to see a doctor or go home .... and he were doing this the whole day to that poor guy image standing and lessening to this for probably 5 hours.

-People who show up late or make you wait and bail on you the last minute

-Hnakkar... every one who is from Iceland knows what I'm talking about



the look something like this there hair devise gravity and they browner than a Brazilian (Don´t forget I live in Iceland you can never get a tan like this here ) and the way the talk an the way they walk (Imagen a Dressman commercial ).

-People who are picking a fight

-Shia LaBeouf (Ask Mundi he knows the best version why)

-The girls in the super kaway~ lucky star fan dub

-Extreme fanboy´s


yup that´s about it

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- People who think traffic wardens are scum. You got a ticket because you're not supposed to park there!

- Americans on Xbox Live who mock me for pronouncing "water bomb" as "water bomb", especially when they call them "warder balm".

- Physics Synoptic papers

- Organised religion

- Creationists/young Earth theorists

- You!

- Your Mum!

- People who use "gay" as an expletive

- Apple fans who go one about how "all PC's are full of virus and don't work and Bill Gates kills babies with hammers!" Oh yeah, well come and look at my completely virus free and fully functional laptop, biatch!

- Sticking with an Apple theme, people who call any mp3 player an iPod - to use an example from school, I had the following convos with a teacher (in a place where I'm allowed to listen to music when working, so I was being stubborn on purpose...): "Stop listening to your iPod!"

"I don't have an iPod."

"Yes you do."

"No I don't."

"Yes you do, I can see the earphones!"

"They're not attached to an iPod, I don't own an iPod."

"Stop being stupid, give it to me, you can get it back off your head of house at the end of the day."

"I don't have an iPod!"

"Yes you do, give it to me now!"

"I don't, look, does it say 'iPod' on it anywhere? No, see, it's not an iPod."

"That is an iPod! Give it to me now, you're not allowed them!"

"We're allowed to listen to music in here, we're 6th form and it's the library, and you're disturbing everyone else who's trying to work. Hell, I'm trying to work."

"Umm...well, I'm taking it off you as you're not doing as I said. Now give me the iPod!"

"I don't have an iPod, do you want me to steal one off someone else and present it to you? Besides, we're allowed both iPod's and any other type of mp3 player in here!"

By this point everyone else was agreeing with me (they were all listening to music too, by the way), and the librarian eventually came to were we were and told the teacher to leave as she was stopping everyone from working, and explained that we're allowed mp3 players in the library. I swear, I would have kept that argument going for a good few hours more if she hadn't...


Oh, and as you may have guessed, stupid people, especially stupid people in positions of authority...

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Guest Jordan

- Sticking with an Apple theme, people who call any mp3 player an iPod - to use an example from school, I had the following convos with a teacher (in a place where I'm allowed to listen to music when working, so I was being stubborn on purpose...)


That does kinda suck. Especially when sites list stuff like "iPods & MP3 players"... because iPods aren't MP3 players now? Zomg!

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Japanophiles. Oh God shut the fuck up. You weren't socially accepted in England, America, France etc, you're sure as hell not gonna be seen as cool in Japan . Stop with the dumb smileys, your kawaii desus, stupid poses and constant need to look like a freak experiment (your dress sense may be unique, it's also shit).Those J-rock bands no one's heard of? They're shit. That Hello Kitty t-shirt you bought from J-list? It's shit.You know that androgynous anime character you fanatsise about being? He/she is shit,and more importantly, so are you. In fact, I bet there's one right now reading this post rolling their eyes thinking I''m a stupid Gaijin and that Godzilla will wreak his vengeance on me T________T;;;;; baka ne!!!


Go eat some Pocky and draw some furry hentai for deviantart and complain how no one understands you.

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People bragging about how much fun they had at Download


You'll find most of it was wank, go read the forums, over 50 cars got broken into etc. :heh: makes me feel better about not going, worse than redding apprently!


*points above* I hope bluey gets mad at him :heart:

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What does ne mean?

Because Blueys keeps adding it to end of her words on msn. :hmm:


(17:40) bluey: 5.40 in the uk ne?




NE: Informal interjection with many uses. It can mean "right?" or "isn't it" or "hey!"
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I beg your pardon, sir. :wtf:


Villan, as you could probably tell, I am a BCFC supporter, lol.


I like football but I'm not completely mad about it. But I do hate Villa supporters who think they're better than every football team on the planet, when they are not, lol. The reason why I say this is because some of my friends are Villa supporters and they do nothing but say how AVFC is the best in the world, lol.


I love my team but I don't think they are the best team in the world, lol. But still, whether we win or lose, I will always stand by my team no matter what, : peace:

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Japanophiles. Oh God shut the fuck up. You weren't socially accepted in England, America, France etc, you're sure as hell not gonna be seen as cool in Japan . Stop with the dumb smileys, your kawaii desus, stupid poses and constant need to look like a freak experiment (your dress sense may be unique, it's also shit).Those J-rock bands no one's heard of? They're shit. That Hello Kitty t-shirt you bought from J-list? It's shit.You know that androgynous anime character you fanatsise about being? He/she is shit,and more importantly, so are you. In fact, I bet there's one right now reading this post rolling their eyes thinking I''m a stupid Gaijin and that Godzilla will wreak his vengeance on me T________T;;;;; baka ne!!!


Go eat some Pocky and draw some furry hentai for deviantart and complain how no one understands you.


Damn I was planning on complaining about these people and otakus to some extent.


Oh well, you did it far better than I would have anyway. Much respect.

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