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I think i've posted one on a Naruto forum because of an idiot months ago, then before that, Eurofusion for a MK tourney when MK came out on the DS.


Those aside i've been with N64-Europe/Cube-Europe/Revo-Europe/N-Europe :heh:


Only here, 4chan and dA's forum (its shameful) at the moment.


My guild on Guildwars used to have a forum that I posted on, but I don't know if it still exists.

I also used to post on the Saw forum :(


I only post on here really. I used to posted abit on AV forums, but that was only to get the post count up so i didn't look like a dodgy noob on the trade boards.


I just post here and on my own forum at nintenreport.


Though I occasionally use forums with other specialties if I need help with something. Like flashkit for instance.


N-E is the only place I post on really! I barely ever leave the place! :p


I hadn't joined any forums before last year!


I occasionally post on MAL (MyAnimeList) though it doesn't feel right when I do.



I joined animesuki and 17 posts later gave up and also recently I joined No-Homers.net and one introduction and 6 posts later I gave up again. They both felt really alien to me, they are too big and it doesn't feel like much of a community on them like here does.


I feel like I'm cheating on N-E! :heh:


and over the year I have come to love you Guys! :awesome:


*cheesy forum hug*

Approximate calculation is 33,000 posts divided between ;




Rule 3

South Parks



I rarely check anywhere else, but these everyday.


Haha, I totally forgot you posyed on SP aswell. What was your username again?



bluetights/theplanet, sort of, only to talk about DC comics and Smallville


used to be a regular on the AFI forums... til that monstrosity of a latest album came out

...I'm sure there's somewhere else *mind gone blank*


Oh lawd, I just remembered I also post on gaiaonline forums (Im so sorry!!), infinitychan, and christian teen forums (for lulz).


And also destructoid.


I used to post on the Nintendojo forums all the time. But then i lost them after they kept getting moved about. I've tried to find them a few times now but it's been too long and there's no trace. Probably under a completely different name, or else dead altogether. That was a fun forum.

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