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There is no "PAL conversion" differing massively from the NTSC version of the game, the borders and 480i-only display mode is present in all versions of the game.


I cant play this game because it keeps crashing on me. :sad:


Is the disc scratched? Might be your Wii console too... Try exchanging your copy at the shop you bought it from.

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After playing for a lot longer today I think I'm going to change my opinion slightly. I've revisited the earlier levels and found a great deal more enjoyment trying to get the higher rankings for the kills where as before I was just trying to get to the boss and going all out with the chainsaw. The strategy element is quite rewarding, there's nothing like watching 3 guys each with 2 signposts embedded in their skulls and stuck in a barrel being decapitated by the waste bin lid. I think I was a bit quick in overlooking many of the more strategic elements and don't think it's as shallow as I first imagined.


After spending more time with it I'm convinced Madworld is a rip off / tribute to No More Heroes. The OTT violence, hordes of goons, bosses and anti-mainstream art style are very similar in both games and I'm sure NMH had a fair amount to do with inspiring Madword. I maintain what I previously said about the art style and the music being excellent. It's such a pleasure to see the presentation pulled off so beautifully. The visuals are awe-inspiring and ooze an immense amount of charachter and individuality that fit wonderfully with the context of the content of the game. I acquired the soundtrack earlier today and alongside the visuals it's wonderfully unique and original, again fitting extremely well within the context of the game. Presentation wise this is one of the best games on the Wii by an absolute mile. Developers please take note.


I'm still finding the controls a bit clunky and unresponsive at times which is my main disapointment. Overall though I actually think this game is worthy of an 8 though it isn't quite as good as NMH :D I'm only around half way through but i can't see the game getting any better, though it's still very good. Even if the story blows me away and the later levels are amazing the controls do hamper the experience slighlty and I'm a bit surprised IGN thought it was worthy of a 9 with some of the issues people have mentioned here. At the end of the day though it's a very fun game that most gamers should have in their collections. I recommend it highly and it stands out amongst the other titles on the market at the moment, even if it isn't perfect.

Edited by Nicktendo
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Shame, doesn't bode well for future new ip's or games that aren't mini game waggle fests. I hope i'm wrong as i want to see more games on Wii like resi 4, NMH, red steel, zack & wiki etc but they seem to get lost amongst the mountains of shovelware filling the shelves. Maybe having a console that's cheap to develop for is a bad thing eh! or maybe it's a lack of quality control on nintendo's part allowing any old sh@te on their console.


A lot of my friends who have had every nintendo console & missed out on getting a wii on launch couldn't be bothered getting one when they became available no matter how many times i told them about or shown them games such as metroid, mario galaxy, mariokart, nmh, pro evo, etc etc so maybe there aren't as many so called hardcore or informed gamers out there who have a Wii as we on these forums seem to think there are.

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Shame, doesn't bode well for future new ip's or games that aren't mini game waggle fests. I hope i'm wrong as i want to see more games on Wii like resi 4, NMH, red steel, zack & wiki etc but they seem to get lost amongst the mountains of shovelware filling the shelves. Maybe having a console that's cheap to develop for is a bad thing eh! or maybe it's a lack of quality control on nintendo's part allowing any old sh@te on their console.


A lot of my friends who have had every nintendo console & missed out on getting a wii on launch couldn't be bothered getting one when they became available no matter how many times i told them about or shown them games such as metroid, mario galaxy, mariokart, nmh, pro evo, etc etc so maybe there aren't as many so called hardcore or informed gamers out there who have a Wii as we on these forums seem to think there are.


I think Nintendo need to bring back the Seal of Quality and push it so consumers know what it means, maybe have it represented in an obvious manner on the front cover.

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So you've not bought it then?


I think Flinky's "lazy gamer" theory is disturbingly true...

Mind you, Flinks not bought it either so... [though he has said he intend to].


I am surprised that many people on the forums seem not to bought it after hyping it so much!

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bombed big time!


shame as by all reports its a good game..


It's also the fact that now, gamers wait for these game prices to go down (Look how fast it goes down after release) Then you have the fuck heads who bitch and moan about not having any hardcore games on the Wii system, then the lightest bit of a hardcore game comes out, they fucking download it, and they wonder why it bombed >_<


I am someone who has not bought it, sadly, but in australia, no matter how bad a game does, the price will always stay the same.


Once I get some money it will be the first thing I buy (Well second, got to buy fuel first :heh: )

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Is it possible to win during some of the (shake Wiimote / Nunchuck) boss sequences. I'm pretty sure i'm getting the movement needed bang on everytime but it just tells me i died.

I can remember it happening in part 3 of the sumo fight, so i just finished him off with the chainsaw.

I'm now doing the shamens, and everytime i get into the sequence i end up dieing. i could do it easily with just the chainsaw, but i wanted to know if it is possible to 'win' (so to speak) during the sequence


Cheers for any help.

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I would have loved to have shwon support for the game buy buying it on day one.. but I had a feeling this would happen so I decided to wait!


Clearly it was the right decision, so hopefully I will be able to pick it up now for a better price and have it for my birthday next month :yay:

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Just picked it up myself for £16.99 off Gameplay. Can't wait, but I have to say I'd be fucking gutted if I'd paid full whack for this not two weeks ago. Glad I waited though.



Looks a fantastic game, but seems to be dividing audiences. Nevertheless I'm really looking forward to it. I welcome a mental and blood-filled return of the scrolling beat 'em up!

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Man I love the ending so much, the last of the game was great right to the credits.


People say its repetitive, I can see that happen if you play like 4 hours straight, but playing it in small bursts was great!

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Man I love the ending so much, the last of the game was great right to the credits.


People say its repetitive, I can see that happen if you play like 4 hours straight, but playing it in small bursts was great!


Same here, fighting the last boss was great. :D

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