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Family organization upset with Nintendo over MadWorld


Hardcore gamers have been anxiously awaiting MadWorld for a long time. But not everyone is happy to see the stylish, kill-happy game arrive. The National Institute on Media and the Family (NIMF) issued a press release this morning complaining that Nintendo has "shed its 'family friendly' reputation with MadWorld's release."


"The release of MadWorld for the Wii brings violent videogames to a once family-friendly platform," said Dr. David Walsh, president of the National Institute on Media and the Family. "In MadWorld, gamers use the Wii Remote to make the necessary physical actions to chainsaw an opponent in half, impale an enemy with a signpost or decapitate a victim with a golf club. MadWorld is another reminder that parents need to make sure they watch what their kids watch and play what their kids play.


"In the past, the Wii has successfully sold itself as being the gaming console for the entire family and a way to bring family-game nights back into people's living rooms. Unfortunately, Nintendo opened its doors to the violent videogame genre. The National Institute on Media and the Family hopes that Nintendo does not lose sight of its initial audience and continues to offer quality, family-friendly games."


The press release goes on to quote IGN's review of MadWorld in order to describe some of the possible kills players can perform.


Each year, NIMF issues a videogame report card, grading the industry on its efforts to regulate violent games. In 2008, the industry was given an "A." Over the years the organization has singled out many games it found objectionable, such as Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. In 2005, NIMF famously accused the videogame industry of promoting cannibalism because of the Xbox game Stubbs the Zombie.

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"the Wii has successfully sold itself as being the gaming console for the entire family"
The idiot justifies Madworld existance right there!

It's got a rating, so don't buy it for someone under 18 if you care that much.


Articles like this really enfuriate me!... Go empale yourself on a signpost Doc!

Edited by Retro_Link
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I laugh at these kind of news releases. No doubt they'll be further upset if the title goes on to sell well. Think someone should give NIMF an email explaining the phrase 'gaming console for the entire family' with entire being the key word here. I honestly don't know why they've bothered coming out with this because the title is rated 18 and no parent in their right mind would willingly give their kid MadWorld if said kid is under 18, although there will be parents that will do it. It's really not a big deal. The various actions you can perform in MadWorld are so stylised it's extremely unlikely that some kids who shouldn't be playing it are going to go out and try and start a game of man darts.

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there was actualy some sense in that article.

parents need to make sure they watch what their kids watch and play what their kids play

parents today seem to want their kids raised for them. tv and schools educate them, video games keep the quiet. parents simply trust that what they watch and play is appropriate.


i fail to see how the games existance could be a problem though. its like winging at a dvd players manufacture that violent dvds can be played on it, or filing a complaint against the written word as some books are inapropriate for children.


we live in a wolrd where some forms of entertainment are unacceptable for kids, its accepted in tv, film and books, why should games be any different? because the people who complain don't understand what they are talking about so naturaly fear it.

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Ignorance is the only thing that causes people to say things like this. He should know better than to talk about games because obviously he doesn't know anything about them. Nearly every game is probably appropriate for the average 14 year old. By that age, everyone has been exposed to stuff from movies, or whatever else.


I hate how people follow the ESRB (and other game rating systems) like they're a law. My parents are like this. I'm 16 and they think I shouldn't play "M" games until I'm exactly 17.


Especially with MadWorld, its not that far off from the sort of cartoon 6 year olds watch.

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MADWORLD merchandise part 2 - Nintendo Wii Decal set









How can you get your hands on one of these sets? We’ll have some competitions springing up in the next few weeks so keep your eyes peeled.

Very professional looking decal! Edited by Retro_Link
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TBH, I can see where they're coming from. Same with Manhunt 2.


MadWorld is a violent game that WILL be played by young children. For that reason alone, I can understand an organisation wanting to ban it.


But they're not looking at the broader picture. They're addressing a side-effect of the real problem. That is, the idiot parents letting their children play it. If they must spend money and resources to stop children playing it, then spend it on educating the parents.

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I find it pretty hilarious how this family organisation are acting all 'betrayed' I really don't see the problem... there are plenty of family orientated (and mostly crap) mini game collections avaiable for Wii and then all of a sudden a more substantial 'hardcore' title comes along that just happens to feature 'ZOMG Violence!' and they are all up in arms.


Simple solution = they aren't gonna let their kids play it...


So where is the problem? :blank: People who want to buy Madworld will i.e mostly gamers who have been looking forward to playing a more 'proper' title on Wii for quite a while, theres an age restriction on the game for a reason, it's not as if their 9 year old or w/e kids are gonna walk into Game with £34.99 and walk out with an 18 rated title XD I know that some places can be slightly negligent with game ratings but not to THAT extent. :heh:


Anyway... back on the topic of the actual game itself, who's getting this on release? I must admit I haven't been following it really closely but I have heard quite a bit about it even so and it does look like a thouroughly original and decent title. :)

Edited by S.C.G
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TBH, I can see where they're coming from. Same with Manhunt 2.


MadWorld is a violent game that WILL be played by young children. For that reason alone, I can understand an organisation wanting to ban it.


But they're not looking at the broader picture. They're addressing a side-effect of the real problem. That is, the idiot parents letting their children play it. If they must spend money and resources to stop children playing it, then spend it on educating the parents.


Yes, but saying that - when I was a kid everyone was watching Robocop and Terminator - did we see calls for them to be banned? No.


On a different note: AWESOME modded Wii! :)

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a) films are much more passive than videogames.


while this is true, id argue that filmsa are usualy more emotionaly involving then games, which many psychologists seem to think is more likly to lead to violence.


films usualy get me personaly more fired up then a game. ultimatly, no mater how violent i get in a game, its always justified, as in to avoid dying and to, ultimatly, beat the game, the feelings of violence don't continue outside the gaming world.


b) There are many films that have had calls for bans too.


again, this is true, but not necicarily representative. i'll use the comparison of sin city to madworld, due to outlandish visual style and heavy focus on blood. i dont remeber sin city being overly controversial, though i may be wrong.


it seems that films have to do far more then games to get attention in terms of violence.

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I was very interested in ordering this.. but now the T-Shirt is not available online it seems :hmm: ..I guess I'll wait now :sad:


You should get it. I've read many posts on here, where people who've pre-ordered from GAME online, get an unexpected freebie :- the pre-order gift they advertise instore.

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If you're lucky enough, if you go to GAME on day of release you may well get the t-shirt free with your purchase instore. It says it's a pre-order bonus but so was the Mirror's Edge T-shirt and I managed to get that free with the game when I bought it in store.

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Although 90% of me is annoyed at the "NIMF" for (apparently) thinking all the games on the machine should be family-friendly, 10% of me has some sympathy for them. From what I've seen of Madworld, it is gratuitously violent. Fairly good-natured and good-humoured, but still gratuitous. The violence is relentless and celebrated.


It's nowhere near as bad as films and I don't get a "nasty" feeling from it, unlike a few other games I won't mention (it's not even the worst game on the Wii), but I feel we should question the legitimacy of gratuitous violence as entertainment, in any form.

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Copying my impressions of the first level from elsewhere and posting here.


BUY IT NOW!!!(assuming it's released in your particular country and you own a Wii)


It's just pure fun, imagine God Hand No More Heroes and Sin City all getting drunk and having their ways with each other. Mad World is the result and it's ****ing awesome. It looks beautiful too, controls are excellent music is fitting and the Commentary with Greg Proops and John DiMaggio are reason enough to buy it. They are pretty hilarious.

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