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Heroes Season 3 *Beware of Spoilers*


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And please do away with the predictive painting lark...matt needs to die now seem as everyone else who has painted the future has...but then if they kill him off its only a matter of time before someone else uncovers this mysterious power...hell I think I've got it, I'm painting now...just painted a picture where Heroes dies a slow and painful death before finally being put out of its misery.

And kill Claire too [Kill the cheerleader, save the series]. I can foresee the future for her also.


She'll leave home to do some deed, she'll get caught and have her knuckles rapped with no real consequence and plonked back home. She'll then leave home again to do some deed... Repeat to fade.


I'm waiting for Noah to reveal his ability, we all know he's got one hidden. I keep envisioning the scene in I Robot where Smith is being attacked by a robot and his robotic arm is revealed, leading to a pr0 piece of pimpsmacking.

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Nathans kids will be part of the next volume aswell. I don't really know how they can focus on them more than they already have though, would just seem boring.


They'll probably de displaying some type of power.


Seriously, though, since all that Heroes does is emulate X-Men storylines, I really don't get why they can't just go in and emulate something worthwhile out of all that canon.

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Best episode of Heroes for a LOOOOOOOONG time!


It's episode's like this one that really make you wish all the episodes in between hadn't happened. It felt so much more like Series 1.

Focused on selected characters, used outside NY street locations much more [instead of obvious set after set], Micah was back, some epic effects moments [Hiro freezing time, Tracey's big freeze], focused on the key powers and not stupid powers like Matts painting etc...


Also emphasises what an aweful character Claire has become, because she wasn't in it and it was great! And no Nathan who has also become aweful!


Tracey was great in this episode, probably because she felt more like Nikki with having Micah around.

Great scenes between Matt and Daphne!

And Micah's has become EPIC!

Edited by Retro_Link
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Best episode of Heroes for a LOOOOOOOONG time!


It's episode's like this one that really make you wish all the episodes inbetween hadn't happened. It felt so much more like Series 1.

Focused on selected characters, used outside NY street locations much more [instead of obvious set after set], Micah was back, some epic effects moments [Hiro freezing time, Tracey's big freeze].


It was better. But not great. In fact, Heroes was never and will never be great. It's just cool. Or rather, was, until they ruined that.

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I was left a little confused after last nights episode, which I thought was great! ( Ando doing Hadoken FTW! ) At the end of last weeks episode we seen Sylar in that agents apartment didn't we? Yet he was no where to be seen at the start of this episode. Was he the one to catch Doyle and leave him as a present or have I mistaken something here?

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  • 4 weeks later...

For the people that has stopped watching heroes; here is the final episode details that will air tonight on US TV.



""I can tell you this Nathan dies for real, Sylar gets brainwashed by Parkman so he thinks he's Nathan, Sylar frames Danko for a bunch of murders, Hiro begins to have a stroke due to his powers, Peter gains all of Sylar's Abilities, and Tracy returns on a killing spree as a person who can turn into and control water."


Edited by Dante
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For the people that has stopped watching heroes,


""I can tell you this Nathan dies for real, Sylar gets brainwashed by Parkman so he thinks he's Nathan, Sylar frames Danko for a bunch of murders, Hiro begins to have a stroke due to his powers, Peter gains all of Sylar's Abilities, and Tracy returns on a killing spree as a person who can turn into and control water."



i thought you meant it was a summary of the episode that was last aired - not spoilers for the SEASON FINALE!!



SHIT!! >__<

how do i un-read stuff?!

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There's one way to forgot this, to the chamber of booze!


Does booze really help forget things before you were drunk or do you mean just stay drunk till you've finished watching it so you're too stupid to remember what you read until you're sober at which point it doesn't matter since you'll have seen it.


Actually it might be good if you were pissed.

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It got good for one episode a few weeks back and then suddenly slipped back into it's lazy ways. They got so bogged down in making every character morally grey that they forgot that having that conflict isn't the only step to making things interesting.


I'll still watch it next year though, its something to do and it's only 40 minutes out of my week.

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The fact that it appears Sylar can't die now = *sigh!*


Will we never be rid of him!... it should have been the end for him at the end of Season1 ffs! Let alone 3 seasons on and now invinceable!


I thought he was just going to say "you missed" to be honest... I don't understand how else he could have survived massive damage to his weak spot other than the fact that Danko was a bit off.

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