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Heroes Season 3 *Beware of Spoilers*


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I don't get what....


What Peter has supposed to have done in the future to be so hated? Also what did Claire admit to when her mum was torturing her? I didn't quite get it.



She said she wanted to help people, then she said she wanted revenge for what sylar did to her.


and we don't know what peter did to be a terrorist you know? he just was...



I'm liking Knox more and more you know? He has a cool power and a cool weakness, re: sylar not having powers, i swear, he has his own power, telepower and the object power, future sylar seems to have remembered his powers somewhat so he can paint the future and explode.


But I still wanted Linderman to be in Nathans mind, would have been far more interesting! But now of course, who brought nathan back from the dead? Did peter ever meet Kaito? I reckon it was Kaitos power that did it you know.


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I'm liking Knox more and more you know? He has a cool power and a cool weakness, re: sylar not having powers, i swear, he has his own power, telepower and the object power, future sylar seems to have remembered his powers somewhat so he can paint the future and explode.


But I still wanted Linderman to be in Nathans mind, would have been far more interesting! But now of course, who brought nathan back from the dead? Did peter ever meet Kaito? I reckon it was Kaitos power that did it you know.


I reckon it was the blood he got from Adam in season 2 when they healed his burns...possible the blood is still in his system and still has an effect?


Nobody seems to have mention yet about Nathan not having "natural" powers, that he was part of the science experiments. This could be what makes Claire "special", she could be the first person born from a "natural" and "non-natural" parents. Asuming her mother is natural... if not then maybe the first born of two "non-natural" parents who developed natural powers?


Micha could also be "special" then if this is the case, since we know Nikki was a "non-natural", D.L i'm almost certain was "natural"?


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I reckon it was the blood he got from Adam in season 2 when they healed his burns...possible the blood is still in his system and still has an effect?


Nobody seems to have mention yet about Nathan not having "natural" powers, that he was part of the science experiments. This could be what makes Claire "special", she could be the first person born from a "natural" and "non-natural" parents. Asuming her mother is natural... if not then maybe the first born of two "non-natural" parents who developed natural powers?


Micha could also be "special" then if this is the case, since we know Nikki was a "non-natural", D.L i'm almost certain was "natural"?


Unlike claire, micha ability can't really evolve? He can talk to machines and control them, whereas claire's power means that she can't feel pain, until adam shows that he too can't feel pain either we'll never know will we?


Or nathan can't die either? but he 'died' in the future too... oh and that adams blood didn't heal the bullet wounds straight away did it? whereas it healed the burns right off..


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Unlike claire, micha ability can't really evolve? He can talk to machines and control them, whereas claire's power means that she can't feel pain, until adam shows that he too can't feel pain either we'll never know will we?


Or nathan can't die either? but he 'died' in the future too... oh and that adams blood didn't heal the bullet wounds straight away did it? whereas it healed the burns right off..


The effectiveness of the blood decreases over time, right now it's still enough to heal his bullet wounds but it just took awhile... eventually it will dilute to the point that he won't heal again and can die.


Though i doubt the writers thought that far ahead


as for Adman feeling no pain... when he first appeared "in the present" and Peter zapped him with electricity I don't think he reacted much... might go through some eps from season 2 later and see.


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Looks like Sylars powers have been reset.




BEHIND THE ECLIPSE is edited by CBR Executive Producer Jonah Weiland and CBR Staff Writer Remy Minnick.


"Heroes Volume Three: Villains" airs Monday nights on NBC


Welcome to BEHIND THE ECLIPSE, where writers/producers Joe Pokaski and Aron Coliete join us every week to answer questions sent in by you about all things “Heroes.†This week’s BTE is the first for the new season of the hit NBC show, entitled “Heroes Volume Thee: Villains.â€


“In ‘The Second Coming,’ Sylar says to Claire, ‘You see, I lost everything that made me special. Does Sylar mean that he permanently lost all of his acquired powers except for telekinesis? Has his slate of powers been ‘wiped clean’ and does he have to start all over again? If so, then by the end of ‘The Butterfly Effect,’ it appears that he only has his telekinesis power, Claire's healing and regeneration power, and Bob's power to turn things to gold.Or am I reading into things?â€



Nope that’s right. Sylar’s starting over. Getting a whole new slate of powers as he goes. You can count Jesse’s voice powers into the mix as well.


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Wonder why they decided for him to lose them all apart from Telekenises, cause it was his first ability he took? Makes sense why he's getting crappier abilities, though how come in the future he exploded?


Wonder if he killed someone else that had Teds power.

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That's a load of bull on the writers part again,


If he was "reset" why would he retain his telekenetic powers... that was not his original power and so should also be "gone" if he was "reset"


So according to ep 4, that means there's another person like Ted with nuclear power who Slyar will kill? I guess he'll end up getting to the painter guy with Matt in Africa too then since he was painting in the future.


And since the way he gains powers is by understanding the workings of others brains unless he suffers from memory loss which we've seen no sign of i don't see how he could be "reset"


Plus I thought in

Ep 5 it was pretty clear he could hear Noah's convo with "vortex guy", ie: Dale Smithers super hearing power



Saying something like that just raises more questions

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That's a load of bull on the writers part again,


If he was "reset" why would he retain his telekenetic powers... that was not his original power and so should also be "gone" if he was "reset"


So according to ep 4, that means there's another person like Ted with nuclear power who Slyar will kill? I guess he'll end up getting to the painter guy with Matt in Africa too then since he was painting in the future.


And since the way he gains powers is by understanding the workings of others brains unless he suffers from memory loss which we've seen no sign of i don't see how he could be "reset"


Plus I thought in

Ep 5 it was pretty clear he could hear Noah's convo with "vortex guy", ie: Dale Smithers super hearing power



Saying something like that just raises more questions


Well, at least a couple of us thought that Sylar couldn't hear the convo with Vortex guy, and he only picked it up once it got all loud and shouty.


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So according to ep 4, that means there's another person like Ted with nuclear power who Slyar will kill? I guess he'll end up getting to the painter guy with Matt in Africa too then since he was painting in the future.


1: That's shit, Sylar being "reset", it makes no sense what so ever, but whatever.


2: In answer to your post, instead of all that backtracking, maybe all he did was get to Peter... who in the future is his friend and could've let him get the powers and due to his healing factor would therefore still be alive and well. Or maybe Sylar just took them from him in the near future. Whatever, the whole Sylar reset thing is stupid.

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I'm not a fan of this whole reset thing as it just doesn't make any sense. As at the end of season 2 it looks like he is cured and says I'm back. You'd think he'd be much more annoyed if Sylar only returned with Telekenisis. Also if the are resetting then why does Telekinisis stay? shouldn't that go as well. but why would they all go, if he really doesn't have all the powers that he had before and then claims he is "back" at the end of season 2 as he isn't really and having no powers really (TK doesn't count) he would still be annoyed and probably go on more of a rampage than he has thus far in Season 3. :)


Also he has displayed other powers like the Nuclear Power in the future which means if his powers are reset he'd have to meet someone with the same power (which is possible) and kill them but that will probably not get explained as the future may not even happen so they feel they do not need to explain it. They probably haven't even thought of it!


and now I've lost my thread....


I prefer thinking that Sylar got all his powers back! :D


I'm getting way into this. :p


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ooh! ooh!!!

the russian roulette thing with claire and her two moms was pretty predictable... was still glad when she bopped that guy in the head tho! he was a pretty good side-character ~ i hope they dont explore too much more of the past relationship between him and fire-mom 'cause it's super creepy when you have to fill in the blanks yourself O__O


hiro and ando were great this episode!! ando's japanese gets stranger and stranger tho O_o you can tell he's not a native speaker... but he was awesome!! hiro getting so worked up about his time traveling not working was so funny ^__^


and zomg! british dude!!? i cant believe it. i liked himmmmm (u____u)



....whats up with that haircut, man?! i know he's busy being in comas and saving the world and time traveling and stuff but... come on!!

...oh yeah and he lost his powers and stuff.... supposedly...


whatever happened to pete's gallway girl? did he just leave her in the future and forget about her?? i musta blinked and missed what happened to her.





gotta love tuesdays off work :grin:

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Maybe with Sylar, that the Haitan chap only raped some of his powers, yet made others dormant. I'm still waiting for him to use his lovely voice again. Which I was disappointed to find he didn't use at the end of season 2 when he said "I'm back"


Also with Jesse's (& Peter) voice power, how it took him this long to discover it. He shouted angrily. He was shouting his bollocks off when he was first put in Jesse's body.

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WOAH! Killing Adam Monroe like that. :o A bit of a waste I liked him as a character and to bring him back just for that feels a bit odd.


I loved Hiro's part this week and glad he didn't kill Ando it was funny to watch himself watch himself get hit on the head with a shovel!


Also Peter losing his abilities! Wow Papa Petrelli has some power!!! :awesome: They seem to like Peter Losing his powers in this show, he never haves them for to long. Though that will get rid of his hunger.


Claire's part was creepy, that guy was messed up! Also I like Claire's real mum glad she is going to be doing something hope she uses her fire against the other guy with the Blue flames that will make for some Special Effects. :)


Best part of the episode has to be HAS.TO.BE...


The Turtle! :grin: Definately one of the best characters!






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