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What's your job endurance range?


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By that i mean - i i'm SICK of looking at my place of work, and all the little underlying tensions and incidents with people have just all built up until i can't stand it anymore. I have an urge to go and start all over again in a new job.


I felt like this at my last job after 1 and a half years, and this job i've been at 2 years. So i think i have approx 2-year-itis. I can't stand a job much longer than 2 years.


What's yours? It only counts if you work fulltime, cos that's when the routine really kicks in.

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I agree, after two years it becomes meh. I was at Woolworths for two, and Game for two and a half but only stopped over Christmas for the sake of the then-manager as I liked him.


Although neither were classed as full time but I worked anything up to 50 hours a week at Game so im gonna say it is. Besides, if you routinely work part time then its still a routine.

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I don't mind my routine so much.


TBH, my job changes a lot with the service.


Currently we work 9-5, taking referrals for Primary Care Nursing, Continuing Care Nursing (both are what most people know as District nursing) and Community Rehabilitation (aka Home from hospital service).


We could be going to a 24hr service in the next coming years, and we take on different services from time to time... So my job does change every now and then.


Been in the job for almost 3 years, and I like the fact that I know my job well. Also being the most senior staff (other than the boss, and one other person) is pretty good.

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Guest bluey

my longest was 3 years at gamestation, before that i was at argos for 2 years, then like, 6 months at a few places... game, tchibo... 4 months at blockbusters (quit to come to j-p0n) the shortest time i've ever had 1 job for was 1 month. i worked at santa's grotto in my local shopping centre as an elf :grin:



loved every minute...

although the costumes were a bit dodge. :indeed:

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Longest job lasted me 2 years 3 months at the Co-op, shortest was 5 days and that was at the Celtic Manor when they promised weekly pay in my contract and didn't pay up as they claimed i and a few others didn't do a full weeks work, so i walked out and got a few people involved.

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Lets see umm retail around 1 year went insane with boredom :( then Traffic Warden for 7 months before joining the Police almost 2 years in now , love it and intend to spend my working career within the service.


Oh and Double rounds morning paper boy for 5 years from 12-17 lol:yay:

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2 years (now) at HBOS. Its kinda sickening I guess....but its a damn good thing that my colleagues are so awesome...or else Id be sooo depressed, because Id want to quit but I had suuuuccchhhh an epic phail hard time getting a job. Nowhere wanted me.


hahaha awh poor reZ..


I got in my place through an agency, then the jobs came up, I applied, and got the job. By then I had the experience necessary to apply =)


Thing is all jobs ask for experience.. Yah, how can we get experience when no-one gives us a chance >_>

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I havn't lasted more than 2 minutes on the job, but i'm getting there!


Bwa ha ha ha...


I don't know... a year, I suppose? Not been in the world of work long enough. But I seem to be promoted quite quickly in whatever field I am in.

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