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deja vu- your thoughts


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Deja vu is a very strange thing. Unlike most dreams these things do replicate shortly afterwards in real life. Usually without us realising until the last seconds. Doesn't that suggest that every human on the planet has the ability to see into the future in there dreams?Instead of just mediums and psycics


In my opinion your subconcious has the ability to time travel in your dreams. At least see the future for a brief moment ,whilst your physical body remains in the real world. Thats why its impossible to time travel physically. Since when you have deja vu your in a kind of tranced state.


your thoughts?

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its nothing more then your brain recognising a similar situation. you may have been in one, you may have dreamt it. it doesn’t mean your brain has seen that exact moment before, if it had, why do you only remember it the instant before, and why is it only an exact moment, rather then a length of time you remember?


the existence of a subconscious isn't necessarily true. even in psychology, the idea of a subconscious is met with mixed views. Whilst it is known that certain processes happen without need for conscious thought (heart and lung function, some memory processes) the idea that you have some deep un known self is not widely held.


Plus, if your subconscious is travelling time, it has no way to know were it is. no sense to record information, nor any matter to exist.


the idea that the mind is some how separate from the body is a false belief. your emotions are chemical and electrical, your long term memory is electrical, everything you are is in your brain (and some would argue a soul, not me though). in my view two things determine who you are. firstly your genes, they are like the foundations and scaffolding of your life, but what’s more important, is your experiences. these are your memories, these can forge a personality, sense of humour, everything unique about you.


so if your physical self stays behind. that includes your brain, and all elements of consciousness, which rules out your subconscious travelling time.


I belive your just remembering similar moments, or even dreams which fit some of the basic criteria of the current situation


Sorry if this sounds like I’m dismissing your idea, I’m not trying to be a jerk, just sharing my views.

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I don't know what the fuck it is. I just know that countless times each year I'll have seen some banal situation in my life exactly as it unfolds, before it's even happened. But I don't remember it until it's actually happening. It's cool, but quite useless, much like everything else that exists.


Although, David Lynch has managed to re-create the feeling of it perfectly in his films, there's a scene in "Lost Highway" that is so bloody terrifying because of it.


The only theory I have on why deja vu exists is a pretty terrifying concept to me. The idea that we have already lived out our lives, but we're now experiencing them again on a loop. Therefore when we dream some of our future experiences bleed through and we remember the future for a short moment.

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I could've sworn we had this thread before... :P


I was taught (basic AS psych, mind) that it was to do with pretty much what shino says - something's basically in your long- and short- term memory processors at the same time. In relation to what CTG says; yeah, I know these circuits aren't some physical and separate section of the brain, but they're generally acknowledged to be separate processes, right?


I've had some serious deja vu's like what killthenet's described before... Like, ones lasting for minutes where i know where to look for the next thing, and I can hear myself in my head going "...and then an old lady comes around the corner" and she does, or if someone's with me, the usual thing to say is "wow deja vu.. deeejaa vuu... I knew you'd say that... yeah and that.. woah it's still going..."

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Guest Stefkov

I always thought it was just one eye 'sees' it before the other giving the illusion of you experiencing it already. In a sense you have but it was only a split second.


I love deja vu. When you're in a situation and you realise you've seen it before. Then you sit back and think 'What is gonna happen next, I can change the future with my next act'.

I think that and I get a buzz.

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I believe that it exists. I mean sometimes it's just a few fractions of a second. but sometimes I know what's going to happen next because of it. And it's not me making it up/my mind playing tricks, I've told my girlfriend what's going to happen and it has.


unless its somthing totaly unpredictable, like a monkey bursting out a tree and stealing a mans brife case, and heading to the office, id say your just reading the environment. i saw an old lady with a shoe untied sit in a sideways facing bus seat and realised she was going to try anf tie the lace then fall. it was simply my brain evaluating the situation. i knew the seat was awkward, that old people fall easily, that she would lean to tie the lace, shifting her ballence, and that a tight corner was on the way.


i worked it out before id thought about it. and yes, she fell.


you work it out for a reason, it seems like a defence mechanism, working out potential danger

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And you didn't stop her?


I've had moments when i'm talking to someone and i was able to predict what would happen for about 2 seconds, not what they were saying, but rather what would happen around them, such as someone walking into them or into a door etc.


But i do know what you mean by working it out before you think about it. One time a landdrover being chased by the police flew past us at a round about, by luck a car had overtaken us and gone before us, causing us to wait at the roundabout, in the split second it flew by, i sorta saw what would have happened if we had gone instead etc.

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unless its somthing totaly unpredictable, like a monkey bursting out a tree and stealing a mans brife case, and heading to the office, id say your just reading the environment.


I think that's just psychologist's talk to try and steer away from the possibility of "prediction". (or whatever you want to call it)


You try on a normal day and you can't predict what somebody will say word for word. Especially when It's unexpected.

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i didnt stop her, what could i say? she was fine, caught the bar before she hurt herself. reactions like a cat on her.


and moogle, id say you can predict what will be said by certain people, when you know them. i am dissmissing prediction in this case, as i dont see any evidence for it. ive seen a little evidence for telepathy, not strong evidence but enough to make me consider it. perhaps that can explain deja vu?


but i have to ask, why is deja vu almost always trivial stuff? surly we would benefit more if we knew when cars would come speeding, or when somthing was in danger of hurting us?

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i didnt stop her, what could i say? she was fine, caught the bar before she hurt herself. reactions like a cat on her.


and moogle, id say you can predict what will be said by certain people, when you know them. i am dissmissing prediction in this case, as i dont see any evidence for it. ive seen a little evidence for telepathy, not strong evidence but enough to make me consider it. perhaps that can explain deja vu?

but i have to ask, why is deja vu almost always trivial stuff? surly we would benefit more if we knew when cars would come speeding, or when somthing was in danger of hurting us?


True but how often does trivial stuff happen compared to life saving moments? If we can't control it then it is most likely that we will see trivial stuff.


I'm not saying whether it does or doesn't exist. All i'm saying is that scientists and psychologists are far too close minded and too quick to dismiss it.

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I'm not saying whether it does or doesn't exist. All i'm saying is that scientists and psychologists are far too close minded and too quick to dismiss it.


depends who you ask. lots of psychologists study areas like this. a study in the 70s investigated telepathic zbilities in australizn tribes. to be a good researcher, you must be open minded, aware your belifes can be wrong.

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depends who you ask. lots of psychologists study areas like this. a study in the 70s investigated telepathic zbilities in australizn tribes. to be a good researcher, you must be open minded, aware your belifes can be wrong.


Well the ones that appear on TV and in the papers seem to be closed minded.

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Has anyone ever heard what a chinese king once said. - He went to bed everynight and dreamed he was a butterfly. How did he know he wasn't a butterfly that every night dreamed he was a chinese king.


Thinking on those lines how do we know (or if this is true, how do I know) that, what I think is my life when I'm awake, isn't actually a dream. Therefore deja vu could simply be me remembering something that's already happened.


logically, if we accept the impossibility of time travel, then seeing the future in a dream is impossible. Therefore this theory says that the incident in the 'dream' happened first and that the incidence of deja vu is me remembering it in a dream




I don't know if that makes sense but i think it's an interesting idea

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Doesn't that suggest that every human on the planet has the ability to see into the future in there dreams?Instead of just mediums and psycics


(Old member passing by the forums...)


You do know that every human on the planet has the ability to become a medium right.. most people just aren't open to the thought so they'll probably never experience things that aren't logical, hence thinking it's all bullcrap. Their loss realy!!


i love deja vu's, wish i had more of em! the ones i do get are real intense :smile:

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A deja vu is usually a glitch in the Matrix. It happens when they change something...


It's just a big shame that the cat thing in The Matrix is not a case of Deja Vu.


Quite often, towards the end of a conversation, I get the feeling that I've already had the conversation weeks/months earlier.

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Guest Jordan
(Old member passing by the forums...)


You do know that every human on the planet has the ability to become a medium right.. most people just aren't open to the thought so they'll probably never experience things that aren't logical, hence thinking it's all bullcrap. Their loss realy!!


i love deja vu's, wish i had more of em! the ones i do get are real intense :smile:


Holy christ, talk about a blast from the past.

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