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Marijuana, The Good, The Bad, The Lolz.


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Im interested in peoples experiences, views, exposure too or anything related to marijuana.

Personally I have had some lolz adventures, and some completely phail ones.

Post away my fellow forumites.


EDIT: Aparently I cant edit topic titles so can someone correct the spelling of Marijuana please :)

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My best mates do it regularly - some deal or have growed. They're now experimenting with higher-level drugs. I try to stay out of it, as I don't want to go down that road. Sucks that alot of my best mates are involved with it, because it stops me being able to hang around with them.

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My best mates do it regularly - some deal or have growed. They're now experimenting with higher-level drugs. I try to stay out of it, as I don't want to go down that road. Sucks that alot of my best mates are involved with it, because it stops me being able to hang around with them.

Higher Class drugs are generally phail, and unless everyone else is on them you look like a n00b at life because you have spent 45 minuites finding a dimmer switch the greatest invention on earth.

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I'm going to say it's bad. Never tried it myself, never will.


Simple - everyone who has used it more than once that I personally know has since gone wrong in their mind tank.


If you're thinking of taking it, remember this: it's illegal for a reason.

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I'm going to say it's bad. Never tried it myself, never will.


Simple - everyone who has used it more than once that I personally know has since gone wrong in their mind tank.


If you're thinking of taking it, remember this: it's illegal for a reason.


(hehe, from the main forum page, the general chat tab read, "the good, the bad, the fish"):indeed:

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If you're thinking of taking it, remember this: it's illegal for a reason.


Alcohol was illegal for a reason during prohibition (some very good reasons if you look at the problems it causes peopel long term, and in the short term every weekend and bank holiday) Indeed it still is in many countries, with harsh penalties for possession. And yet people still drink it. Some people end up alcoholics, some people drink drive and die, some people get tonked and choke on their own spew. And yet when you see soemone having a pint before a match, or out with their mates you don't start telling them to think about what they're doing to their bodies, that they're a loser, that they can't enjoy themselves without a drug, that they're going to end up dead or a shambling wreck.


Weed is decriminalised in some coutnries as well, is it OK if you're dutch? if weed was made legal would you change your views on its effects?


Basing your views on somethign as arbitary as legal status is utterly naive, salvia and magic mushrooms are legal (although i think the status of mushrooms has changed recently), doesn't mean they're any safer or better for you than weed. No doubt they're legal for a reason though.

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I wouldn't do it.

But I don't really care what other people do. If they want to smoke and screw up their mind they can. Same with drinking. I do it, but nowhere near excessively, if people want to screw up their minds doing that they can.


I wasn't happy when my friend did it, but shes a loser now anyway so oh well.


I want to hear j7's view on all this =]

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As long as you're sensible about it, then there isn't really a major problem. As Bluestar says, it's legal in certain countries, and it's not done them any harm. I've tried it once or twice, it was alright. I figure you're only young once, so why the hell not? It's not something I, or anyone should do on a regular basis though.

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Thing is with Weed, is that it's all well and good in small doses every now and again. In that way, it's like getting drunk, but I know people who do it every day and they're just a bit fucked off the stuff. It does mong you out far more than people are likely to admit when they take it alot.


Still, I'm in the former, so I'm alright :) luls aplenty many a time for me.

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I'm going to say it's bad. Never tried it myself, never will.


Simple - everyone who has used it more than once that I personally know has since gone wrong in their mind tank.


If you're thinking of taking it, remember this: it's illegal for a reason.

And that reason is.....

The Brittish navy was getting stoned from smoking hemp ropes!


So no it isnt illigal for a real reason.

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I'm going to say it's bad. Never tried it myself, never will.


Simple - everyone who has used it more than once that I personally know has since gone wrong in their mind tank.


If you're thinking of taking it, remember this: it's illegal for a reason.


Haha if everyone has went wrong you know that has smoked weed, i think they must have been abit fucked up in the first place.

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I find the whole everyone who smokes weed ends up on harder drugs argument to be utterly stupid personally. Pretty much everyone I know has smoked weed at some point and I can think of about 4 people who have even tried something else and only 2 who regularly do anything else.


But anyway I used to smoke quite a lot when I was at school as in 2-3 times every day. Then I just stoped one day because I felt like it, have probably had about 10-15 spliffs since I left school in 2001. I would say about 2 of my friends have been fucked up because of weed but they are both total addicts, it should be pointed out that neither of them do anything other than weed though.

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I haven't smoked weed for a couple of years now, I won't tell anyone not to, though what I would say is that you should always be aware of why you're smoking it. Words like "pandemic" get bandied about in the media when drugs are discussed and the attitude we have in this country is practically paleolithic compared to the progressive (peter piper picked a peck..) continental thinking we could learn so much from.

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I'm going to say it's bad. Never tried it myself, never will.


Simple - everyone who has used it more than once that I personally know has since gone wrong in their mind tank.


If you're thinking of taking it, remember this: it's illegal for a reason.


Sorry, but that's a little bit silly. More than once and BANG they think differently? Dude, nearly every teenager tries it more than once. I'm hard pushed to think of someone I know who hasn't tried it more than twice, and I know a lot of people who aren't nutters. Hell, both of my parents smoked lots during the 70's. Big surprise? Nope. Of course it wasn't as full of THC back then, but I'm sure they made up for the difference.


Did their minds alter? Perhaps. I think the term that was used then was something like "free your mind, dude" because weed allows the brain to perceive differently.


The mind alters continuously. Recently I've sort of had a staggered-steps set of minute realisations about how I view the world differently now, thanks to my experience and so forth. It's not necessarily a bad thing. It can be quite a good thing.


I agree with the general 'recreational use is ok' theory, because overconsumption of anything is going to be bad for you. Drugs are enjoyable but society dictates that we cannot allow ourselves (or indeed our fellow man) to become hooked on pleasure. WORK is important to keep the economy running! That's what laws are for. The country needs to maintain a rising level of workers to keep the money mill churning, right?


Personal experiences? I spent 'bout 18 months hanging around with two of the biggest stoners. I'd smoke a spliff on the way to college, have one at break time, go to my english or philosophy class (if it was psych I'd probably skip it) then have a spliff on the way to my stoner pal's house, and when I got there she'd offer me a pint of gin and lemonade and another spliff, then the three of us would sit around watching south park/cannibal holocaust/whatever we could find, smoking a couple of spliffs an hour. Then they'd pack me off at 2am with another spliff for the home journey. Sometimes I'd stay over, and if that was the case I'd often end up going straight from there to work or college. I never went to work on thursday nights sober, one way or the other.


You knew summer arrived when you had that first outdoor spliff in the heat, getting high from the temperature too. We started taking trips around the city, discovering little pockets of no-man's-land over walls, up trees and behind boarded-up windows. We'd walk in the middle of the bypass at 3am singing. Having bong hits in a school field in the middle of a school day while the kids are all in class...


We painted coconuts. Shot fat people with BB guns from the bushes. Played around with air horns. We had deep, serious conversations that gave me a serious head-start when I studied AS philo and AS/A2 psych... and English, too.


It was fun. It was the best part of my life so far. Would I do it again? Hell yeah. It's made me who I am today.


I'm not saying there's not a negative side, though. I've passed out, thrown up, nearly been beaten up and been scared shitless with paranoia. It got so bad I had to give it up for over a year.


But recently I've started smoking it a bit more; pretty much exclusively when I know I can sit and chill for the 4 hours after the spliff with a movie or two and get myself utterly absorbed into it. I put a lot less weed into a doobie, enjoying the ride.


This isn't a very structured post or anything, so I apologise for that. I just woke up.

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Only think keeping me away from marijuana is the paranoid part, I´m way to anxious and paranoid over everything as it is.


Same, although weed smells loverly, after a period of time I don't care what anybody says it makes you god damn paranoid and I don't want that to increase.

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That's another point - I know people who do pills and coke but won't touch weed! They're into clubbing and thus their choice is geared towards enjoying the music more.


Only think keeping me away from marijuana is the paranoid part, I´m way to anxious and paranoid over everything as it is.


Well I was way more anxious than you can imagine each time I tried it over the last year. If you're a truly paranoid person then best thing to do is to do what I do now - get a spliff's worth, be in your favourite place in/outdoors with a pen and paper, a couple of movies and a large pack of crisps/pack of frankfurters/boursin/whatever munchies you can get a hold of.

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