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Save the Retro games - do your bit

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Fruits of the Game takeover, or did some executive take one too many happy pills? Either way, it seems that most Gamestations in the UK are planning to physically destroy every retro game and console they have in store. Reports from some staff suggest that only a few branches are planning to keep their supplies - and will become specialist retro stores.


So what of the others? Well by the looks of it, the only possible way forward is to destroy the remaining stock. Any devoted gamer would see the monumental wasted opportunity here. If they cannot keep stocking the retro gear, then why is burning/burying/crushing the only available option. Care homes, hospitals, even schools must certainly be crying out for items like this?


I urge anyone and everyone to let their concerns to Gamestation be heard.


You can find the contact page to e-mail them at their website, but you would be surprised how much more further a well handwritten, polite letter would go. That address is:



PO Box 47


Y030 4YF


So even if it is a futile task to try and persuade all branches to carry on stocking all Retro goddies, then please try and ask them to consider the alternatives. Hospitals, care homes for children et al.


As gamers, it is our duty to protect the legacy of the work that has inspired us today, and as consumers, we have a right to have our voices heard.


Thank you for reading and please save the Retro games.

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If they're planning to destroy it they may as well give it away (perhaps x amount of retro games with a purchase of a normal game).


Unfortunately my local Gamestation seemed to stop selling retro stuff a few months ago.

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Bullshit! They can't seriously think this sensible? Surely, it'd make sense to just proper slash down prices as well? If you could buy N64 games for say...20p a piece, wouldn't you go and buy about all of them?! Saves them cost of destroying it too. I find it so hard to believe. I wish I was an eccentric millionaire gamer and I'd buy it all right now, then distribute it to the gamer massive/sell for small prices!

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I have always found it frustrating how you can walk into somewhere like HMV and look through the huge selection of CDs and can still buy music that came out a good few years ago.. or buy films that came out a long time ago :hmm:


I wish games were the same and that you could still buy new copies of games for the SNES, N64 etc.. or even if it was all just second hand..


Destroying all those old games would be insane :(

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Wouldn't it just makes sense for them to just employ like 5 guys to sell all of it on eBay? They really are fucking stupid, especially as Retro was one of reasons Gamestation was founded on.


I'd suggest that all of you start going to your local CEX and Chips stores now.

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I'd suggest that all of you start going to your local CEX and Chips stores now.

I don't have either near me. There is one independent, but it doesn't stock retro goods and is often more expensive than GAME/GameStation; I genuinely have no idea how it's still in business.


I find it hard to believe they'd actually destroy old games as it's tantamount to burning money. Besides, if they're going to have some dedicated retro stores surely they would simply send all the old stock their way? How else are they going to supply them?

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^^^ This is where you'd have to just hold some trust, or be utterly cynical.


Any readers of C4's Teletext Gamecentral service would know numerous anonymous sources (ie Gamestation staff) are the only ones to actually know about the exodus; there hasn't been an official report.


It absolutely brings into question the solidarity of this whole post, I know, but if you are fortunate enough to have a Gamestation near you, I implore that you ask (in confidence, really) a member of staff on the matter.


I did hear recently that not all retro games will be destroyed, merely the "non-classics", but isn't the popularity of a game for the consumer to decide?


Recent revalations have painted the picture considerably less morbid than I may have initially percieved it, that is something I'll admit now. Make me look like a fool? I'm not sorry: the important thing is that the situation is better than first expected (although far from rectified).

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Gamestation Mansfield dont even stock Gamecube stuff anymore! They told me all there Retro stock is upstairs waiting for the sale. Didnt say what sale though......


Gamestation Worksop still has there retro stuff though :)


One of my friends works in Gamestation Mansfield so I'll ask him next time I see him.


EDIT: I've just asked somebody who used to work there and he said there is going to be a sale and he doesn't think they will stock it afterwards.

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If they're planning to destroy it they may as well give it away (perhaps x amount of retro games with a purchase of a normal game).


Unfortunately my local Gamestation seemed to stop selling retro stuff a few months ago.


if they give it away they should just give it away, put a big bin out that says "free" on it.

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