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Ban the indoctrination of children by religion. It can be described in only one way - evil. ("hey kid, if you're bad, you'll burn for ever!" - they'll probably think that forever, trapping them into the religion)


Oh, and Maddog, I disagree - chavs should be shot on sight.

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Ban the indoctrination of children by religion. It can be described in only one way - evil. ("hey kid, if you're bad, you'll burn for ever!" - they'll probably think that forever, trapping them into the religion)


Oh, and Maddog, I disagree - chavs should be shot on sight.


I agree with all of this.

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Thats not fair, they earn it just like us.

Jut because we havent had the chance, or the skill, to earn that much doesnt mean they should get most of it taken away.


true enough. the volume of money given to footballers is absurd, but its not the footballers who are at fault, its the muppets who pay them (ie the fans )


lets face it, if someone offered to pay you £20k a week for surfing the net, would you say no?

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You can in your own home from the age of 5. Stop bitching.

Nothing beats going out around pubs and bars with friends, or going to parties.

Although i did start drinking and going around town when i was 16.

Didnt get asked for ID, i think because i was tall(not that ive shrunk).

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I would put a 90% tax on massive wages (i.e. Footballers)


Why? It's perfectly fair that they earn that amount. If you were offered 20k a week to play football you wouldn't say no. And you'll also find it's only the top players which get paid a lot, ask someone i nthe Championship or Division 1 how much they get paid and it won't be that much more than average, if any higher at all.

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Why? It's perfectly fair that they earn that amount. If you were offered 20k a week to play football you wouldn't say no. And you'll also find it's only the top players which get paid a lot, ask someone i nthe Championship or Division 1 how much they get paid and it won't be that much more than average, if any higher at all.

Exactly, theyre just like high paid performers and other highly paid public figures. I bet its not easy to perform to millions with them all expecting you to do well.

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Why? It's perfectly fair that they earn that amount. If you were offered 20k a week to play football you wouldn't say no. And you'll also find it's only the top players which get paid a lot, ask someone i nthe Championship or Division 1 how much they get paid and it won't be that much more than average, if any higher at all.


dude if you offered most people a regular wage, say, £20-£30k a year to play football for a living, I'm sure they would.


It's not about their skill or their dealing so excellently with the press or the fans or whatever, it's just that it's a ridiculously massive amount of money.

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But why should footballers get paid more for doing what their good at. Its not like its any harder to get good at football than other things.


I would ban mandatory P.E. Lessons for under-weight children in grade 9 and up.

P.E is good for underweight children aswell, it keeps them healthy.


They should just be monitored more closely, and made sure they eat their lunch at school.

Same about most children, their diets and physical activity should be monitored.

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Ban the indoctrination of children by religion. It can be described in only one way - evil. ("hey kid, if you're bad, you'll burn for ever!" - they'll probably think that forever, trapping them into the religion)


Oh, and Maddog, I disagree - chavs should be shot on sight.


Indoctrination by the state or by family? If it's by family, the state needs to mind its own business.

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But why should footballers get paid more for doing what their good at. Its not like its any harder to get good at football than other things.


I would ban mandatory P.E. Lessons for under-weight children in grade 9 and up.


Because their talent is in demand, and brings in big money.


I would legalise marijuana and prostitution.


Yep. Agreed.

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Indoctrination by the state or by family? If it's by family, the state needs to mind its own business.


Obviously by the state, that goes without saying, but by family too. It's not giving them a choice in the matter, and will automatically presume their parents are right, even if they start to think otherwise. It's trapping them with the little thing at the back of their mind that says "what if I'm wrong" when they start having doubts. They're trapped within one of several systems, which all are regarded at being excellent at bullshitting. There is only one "truth", and that is Pastafarianism.


I would legalise marijuana and prostitution.


Kind of agree with the second, but is still a bit hit or miss. As for the first, it's a dangerous drug, and for it's non-recreational benefits, there are better alternatives.

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