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Thriller Mafia


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The day was disrupted by a large explosion.


Please stop posting, but don't send your PMs until after Tellyn posts the proper write-up.


You'll have to wait in suspense to find out what the bomb did.


Perhaps it was some kind of party bomb filled with sweets and chocolate!


Then again....probably not.

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The engineer stood in a watchtower at the far reaches of the town. He watched as the townsfolk began to close in on the creature, threatening it with cruel weapons. The creature desperately negotiated to save its own life... everything had gone to plan. The bomb-maker placed a pair of shades on his face and stood back to watch the fireworks.


The townspeople had formed a perfect circle around the creature. It begged and pleaded, and they began to go with his story. And then the beeping started. The creature looked down at its leg. In amongst the white fur lay a small device fused to its skin. The beeping intensified. Its heart thudded in between the quickening beeps. The townsfolk ran for cover as the creature exploded.


Maase is dead. He was the polar bear (Evil), an arctic inhabitant of a desert island who specialised in eating the evidence.


There are 27 players left in the game (14 is a majority)



Coolness Bears


















Raining again



The fish






Day 4 is over. Night 4 will begin now. Please send in your targets asap.

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Ok, ok... Damnit :\


Im Sherriff Al Someting from Pshyco


I can investigate people...


Night 1 i investigated Mccoy, the result was "Good"


Night 2 i investigated Chairdriver, the result was "Evil"


Night 3 i investigated MoogleViper, the result was "Evil"


At the end of Day 2, i found out that my results about Mccoy was wrong, i discovered that i was problably wrong about Chairdriver too...


But then, i remembered that Chairdriver said he could turn evil and protect people, so i guess i was still right by trying to lynch him...


Happy? Here it is, all i've got :\


Now i'l be killed because of you guys...


Well, atleast you now know that Moogleviper is not Evil xD



Lol sheriff al my ass not even human :P

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Guest Maase

Ahahahahah, im such a good lier :D


And btw, its Sheriff Al Chambers, i just pretended to don't know how to spell his name, just to give more realism :D

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Ahahahahah, im such a good lier :D


And btw, its Sheriff Al Chambers, i just pretended to don't know how to spell his name, just to give more realism :D


Oi, dead men tell no tales, and it's night time anyway. Begone!


*goes back to sleep*

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The female double agent grasped at her neck. The 'cure' had taken its effect on yet another victim.


Coolness Bears is dead. He was Sydney Bristow (Good), a double agent trying to bring down an evil organisation.




The doctor issued a cure to the adventurer, before being handed one themselves.


Someone has been poisoned. Unless the cure is found soon, they will die in a few days.




The lawyer opened his door and threw himself onto a chair. There had been no cases to defend in weeks, and he was beginning to feel a bit depressed. He heard a creak behind him, but he couldn't turn around before two bullets were fired into the back of his cranium.


Ellmeister is dead. He was Miles Edgeworth (Evil), the arch-nemesis of Phoenix Wright and the solicitor of the evil organisation.




24 hours ago...


The doctor lay clutching his knife wound, mere seconds away from death. With shaking hands, he ripped the fabric from his pocket and tore out a sample to rescue himself.


Oxygen_waste is back in the game! He is now a completely new character.




The man had found his target. He descended from the helicopter and entered the temple, giving chase to his target. He ran the man into a corner and pulled out his pistol.


"My name is Jack Bauer, I am a Federal Agent, now get down on your knees and put your hands behind your head!"


The man smiled and waved at Jack, mockingly. Jack was about to shoot him in the kneecap, when a boulder fell from the ceiling, and Jack proceeded to run away from it in a straight line. He was chased into a chamber with seemingly no way out. Then someone tapped him on the shoulder. Jack's pulse raced.


"до свидания."


MoogleViper is dead. He was Jack Bauer (Good), a CTU Agent who just wanted to find the damned bomb.




The professor watched the agent try to capture his target, in the hope that he would find what he was looking for in Jack Bauer. The man yielded no clues, and he couldn't help but feel sorry as he was chased into a hole in the wall.


A TV, strangely placed in the middle of the temple, eerily flickered to life. The professor pivotted on the spot, and screamed as a clown jumped into him.


Someone has been silenced. They will not be able to post for the rest of the day.




As the psychiatrist sipped his Chianti, the thief snatched his psychiatry notebook and swiftly left the house.




The man with the bleeding eye took yet another person hostage, another female. He decided to go with the removal of her fingers, that worked last time...




There are 25 players left in the game (13 is a majority)



















Raining again



The fish






Night 4 is over. Day 5 will begin now.

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Well, I've been tripping around the north a bit recently, but I'm sure I read different ideas about the clown thing. Surely it's the guy from saw that's silencing people? Not too bad, considering usually he kills at least one person.


No news is bad news :/

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raining_again was one of the people who targeted moogleviper last night. He was probably working with a group of people.


Hmm, Raining_Again could be involved then so where is she to give us a sob story?


What about Moogleviper working probable with a group? Being Jack Bauer he could be part of some CTU gang? ::shrug:

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