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Rambo exists and he´s British


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A BRITISH soldier who almost single-handedly took on 150 Taliban after he and his 50-man convoy were ambushed in Afghanistan has been awarded the Military Cross.


Fusilier Damien Hields used his grenade machinegun to destroy seven Taliban positions before his ambushers realised he was their main threat. After peppering his vehicle with bullets, they hit the 24-year-old soldier. He had to be dragged off for treatment by his driver after he tried to continue fighting.


“Fusilier Hields showed extraordinary courage under intense fire,†said Lieutenant-Colonel Huw James, his commanding officer. “I was astonished at the state of his vehicle. There were so many holes in it, it was like a teabag. The Taliban did everything in their power to neutralise [him] and Fusilier Hields was having none of it. His actions allowed his patrol to come out of the ambush in which they were outnumbered by three or four to one and probably saved a lot of lives.â€





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Guest Jordan

I kinda hope he was blindly firing and going "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" the entire time.


But yeah, with a grenade launcher? You can kick some serious ass.

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so he only got the third highest honour.... just doing his job ?


He got the honour for bravery. He carried on fighting even after he had been hit. The Taliban realised he was the main threat and targetted him. He fully deserves that honour.

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He got the honour for bravery. He carried on fighting even after he had been hit. The Taliban realised he was the main threat and targetted him. He fully deserves that honour.


no I meant why only third... and how do they decide between higheest and third highest... i guess to reach the pinacle you got to take out the taliban with your teeth or suffer some loss.

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on the subject of his gun, are we talking about one of those cool ones you get in Goldeneye that look like massive fuck off revolvers? other notable appearances in Predator (you got time to duck?) and Terminator 2.
possibly even more badass http://www.mod.uk/DefenceInternet/DefenceNews/EquipmentAndLogistics/RapidfireGrenadeLauncherWillBeAWelcomeChristmasPresentForRoyalMarinesInAfghanistan.htm




taliban are pretty brave to go up against that..

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150 kill streak?! Someone should have filmed it!


The teabag comparison just made it that little bit more British.


I don't think he exactly killed 150 people though. More like, there were about 150 there, doesn't mean they all got killed.



Anyway, violence is bleh. =/

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Anyone read all the way through the link?

"Hields followed the trail of RPG-7 rocket-propelled grenades coming towards him and started firing grenades one at a time, trying to home in. “Then I switched to automatic fire,” he said. A grenade machine gun has a box with 32 grenade rounds. “I emptied a box onto that position and you could see all the dust and smoke flying about where they hit.


“After that no fire came back from that position and I moved on to the next one."


32 grenades into one position? Not surprising that no fire came back out, jeez...

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Don't believe everything the media say about war. They'd even make up stories about a prince going on the front line.


Anyone read all the way through the link?

"Hields followed the trail of RPG-7 rocket-propelled grenades coming towards him and started firing grenades one at a time, trying to home in. “Then I switched to automatic fire,†he said. A grenade machine gun has a box with 32 grenade rounds. “I emptied a box onto that position and you could see all the dust and smoke flying about where they hit.


“After that no fire came back from that position and I moved on to the next one."


32 grenades into one position? Not surprising that no fire came back out, jeez...



So he was just playing a game.

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