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Don't Talk To Me


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So Im not sure if anyone will know of this yet, but its this new annoying thing to do to your mates and such.


Heres how it goes ;




*Then they have to respond. If they don't respond you cannot do it*




*Then you say*


"Don't talk to me"


And then they try and do it to you etc etc, and you can do it on the phone and then hang up etc. Quite amazing I think you'll agree.

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Meh, that was common in my class.



While a teacher was talking, it was common for someone to call a friend next to him who was listening:


"Psst. Hey Jonnas"


"What is it?"


"What are you doing, talking to your friends? Stop slacking off and pay attention."



I think everyone in my class fell for that one eventually. But I seemed to be an easy target.

It got to the point I wouldn't turn around even if the subject was important and the teacher wasn't talking.

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Best Prank Call To A Chinese Restaraunt -




*Can I help you sir?


*Yes, I would like to place an order for delivery.


*what would you like?


*Could I have a Sweetcorn Fritter with Egg and Spinich Sauce...


*What was that?


then it continues and continues as the dumb fuck slowly figures out that food isnt on the menu and doesnt exsist.

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I once rang somebody that I barely knew at work (internal call) and said


"Hi, it's Rob. I'm just calling to say that I can't talk right now, goodbye"


Did it on a dare


Childish humour is the best!

My mate once rang me and I said to him "Hey Ben! Sorry mate, can't talk, on the phone." and hung up... Well I guess you had to be there. We were roffling.


Best Prank Call To A Chinese Restaraunt -




*Can I help you sir?


*Yes, I would like to place an order for delivery.


*what would you like?


*Could I have a Sweetcorn Fritter with Egg and Spinich Sauce...


*What was that?


then it continues and continues as the dumb fuck slowly figures out that food isnt on the menu and doesnt exsist.


That's just... lame.

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What isn't lame about mocking someone's inability to speak another language?


God you can be some miserable fucks lol.


Nothing to do with mocking the language mate, infact alot of the time its born-english speaking people who answer. Its just funny as feck hearing them get so confused and stuttery as they figure out whether or not "the cadbury chomp curry tikka" actually exists when in a pressurised situation...

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God you can be some miserable fucks lol.


Nothing to do with mocking the language mate, infact alot of the time its born-english speaking people who answer. Its just funny as feck hearing them get so confused and stuttery as they figure out whether or not "the cadbury chomp curry tikka" actually exists when in a pressurised situation...




Like I said put it record it, and we'll see if its funny, or Ill assume you are lieing.

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So, I'm a miserable fuck because I don't like purposefully annoying people for funsies?


read the lol at the end and realise when somebody is saying something to you in jest. I enjoy prank calling takeaway phone lines from time to time when drunk with friends, I am an evil person.


good day

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The woman at my chinese take-away is actually really good.


You say "Can I have a 32, a 41 and a small portion of 9"


and a second later she goes "That's £12.75"


Actually uncannily fast at arithmatic/recognising which numbers correspond to which dish.

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The woman at my chinese take-away is actually really good.


You say "Can I have a 32, a 41 and a small portion of 9"


and a second later she goes "That's £12.75"


Actually uncannily fast at arithmatic/recognising which numbers correspond to which dish.


She's probably autistic. Computer-like memory and calculation abilities.

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