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Ever felt that you're inches away from creating something... truly awe inspiring?


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I get this feeling an awful lot. The feeling that somehow, in some as yet unknown way, I can do something, or create something... brilliant. How I would go about doing this is unclear, but I feel I'm almost able to craft the fabric of the universe into something that myself and others would revel in. I can invoke this feeling by thinking like this, and it's great. It doesn't seem to matter that I can't actually do this "thing", whatever it may be, and such thoughts give me infinite motivation to carry out other, less important tasks.


Does anyone else get this, or is it just me being strange?

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When you're on the brink of...creating something amazing. And for one reason or another, you can't.


Also, thanks for gracing my signature with your awesomeness Shino.


My pleasure.


I've had epiphanies, motivation and occasionally the idea I could change the world, but nothing as "Galactus" as manipulating the universe.

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For a second I thought I'd wandered into the drugs topic.


I've had plenty of ideas that seemed good at the time, but that I later appraised to be undiluted tosh. I've never come up with something I even briefly considered awe inspiring, though, and certainly I've never felt I could be some kind of mythical maestro of matter.


Sometimes I like to think that I could create something exceptional or original, but those comforting thoughts never transcend to belief; I am terribly average, and all too aware of the fact to contest it. So no, I've never had that feeling.

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that wasn't just spam, i seriously did invent flat-packed hamsters. it was my final major art project in college - then 2 months later the dandy magazine magically produced an identical thing for their magazine. fuckers. :nono:

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I've had the feeling a few times, I swear I must have had some most brilliant ideas, the kind that you think are so brilliant and amazing you'll remember them until you find a pen to write them down, however it seems I always manage to forget by time I do. :(

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i get the feeling all the time! :D


I was trying to make an avatar and it looked good in my head but when i made it gradually got worse and worse! :blank:


Also i'm always trying to draw things but when i put pen to paper it turns into a complete mess! :)


Another time i woke up with the thought that i had the perfect answer for a piece of school work so i wrote it down and looked at it when i woke up later that morning and it turned out to be a load of rubbish! :heh:


that wasn't just spam, i seriously did invent flat-packed hamsters. it was my final major art project in college - then 2 months later the dandy magazine magically produced an identical thing for their magazine. fuckers. :nono:


That's awesome! :awesome: Flat pack Hamsters FTW!


Stupid Dandy! *shakesfist*

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We all feel that, because we must believe we are special in order to live comfortably with ourselves. Either that or we have no self esteem and are most likely depressed. Either way, we suck.


Jesus!, you can be negitive you know. From posts you've made in the past you sound like a smart person but your attitude towards society and humanity can be very... glib lol (from what ive read, and I could be wrong, I dont know you), Hell theres non more cynical than me but I also like to think I can see the possitivity and the good side of things, sometimes I just dont that from yourself.



Anyways Im sure a lot of the great art has been created by people feeling this way.


To Supercrunch - I feel this way a lot as well,l I think that you are using this feeling to motivate your self to do 'small' things is a smart thing, If you can use to try and great something bigger, go for it, it could be very enriching to create something.


By the by I keep thinking maybe Ill learn to play my acoustic guitar better and then attempt to write some songs or write a screen play for a movie or TV show, its nice to have pipe dreams.

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Right now, I'm in this cool time of my life where I wake up everyday like if I'm glowing! I'm so pumped up with life these days...Obviously, this is fucking awesome. Major changes in my life due to this feeling: wake up at 7am everyday, eat healthy food, study, start tennis this week and japanese classes! indeed, life is good.

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I've had the feeling a few times, I swear I must have had some most brilliant ideas, the kind that you think are so brilliant and amazing you'll remember them until you find a pen to write them down, however it seems I always manage to forget by time I do. :(

This reminds me of something I heard about a philosopher (I forget who) who woke up in the middle of the night with a brilliant idea that he thought would revolutionise philosophy forever. He quickly wrote it down, so that he wouldn't forget it, but when he came back to it in the morning, it read:


"Higamous, hogamous, woman in monogamous,

Hogamous, higamous, man is polygamous."


Actually, I've had a similar experience with an experiment I was trying to design. In the night, I thought I'd come up with some kind of fluoresence photography method for quantitatively measuring the amount of oxygen in leaves, but it was just a load of bollocks. :heh:

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