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When I live on my own I'm buying a cat and calling it Gizmo, for obvious reasons.


Then when Gizmo dies, I shall buy another cat and call it Dog, for ironies sake.

Guest Stefkov

If I get a dog I'd call it Ni. This will definitely happen when I get my own house.


If I were to get a hamster I'd call it Jebediah. This will also happen.


If I get a cat when I'm living by myself or whatever I'd call him/her Nero. I love that name. As for a dog, I'm not too sure. I think dogs suit more normal names as they're in my opinion alot more personal than cats.


Had a cat called "wilburforce" (wilbur for short) but he died a few years ago.


Nightwolf, Pepsi and Max are awesome names! I'm using those for my next pets.


haha, we needed matching ones because they are sisters, but we weren't sure what originally it was going to be coca and cola, but never mind.


Call me wolfy it's alot easier xD instead of nightwold :P


Rafiki, who is dead, killed by the Audi Man (a guy who lived a few doors down from me when I was a nipper and owned 8 old Audis.) My Dad once had a bust-up with him while walking a massive, violent, unsuccessful police dog we were looking after.


Lara, named after miss croft, who is not dead.


And another cat we adopted called Nucie, which is short for nuisance, who is also in the cardiac sense alive. You can gather from that last statement that the previous owner was an absolute asshole.


Jet-black and green-eyed, she would definitely role Horde if she could.

Guest Stefkov

I'm glad you called them Pepsi and Max, nightwolf. Pepsi is infintely better than coke.

Before anyone jumps and says no, it's my opinion. Plus all your opinions are invalid

haha, we needed matching ones because they are sisters, but we weren't sure what originally it was going to be coca and cola, but never mind.


Call me wolfy it's alot easier xD instead of nightwold :P


Pepsi and Max sounds better, also lol, wolfy it is. I'm getting a couple of dogs in a few weeks, and now their names are sorted. Thanks!


haha, apprently the place we get them trimmed (long haired yorkies = no in our house) have 4 other sets of yorkshires that are called exactly the same haha.


Technically we call max maxi now so everyone knows she's a girl.


/ Stealing other people's names feels cheap.


Atlantis and Interzone


Stevens and Deeley (Exchange stevens for Power if it's two female cats)


My sisters rabbit is called Mufasa after The Lion King. Our dog has the highly original name, Holly.


My friend has named her kitten Cous Cous which I think is really nice.

If I get a cat when I'm living by myself or whatever I'd call him/her Nero..


Say hello to my cat. His name his Nero:




I also have Maximus and Figaro.

I'm glad you called them Pepsi and Max, nightwolf. Pepsi is infintely better than coke.

Before anyone jumps and says no, it's my opinion. Plus all your opinions are invalid


I disagree. The statement "Pepsi > Coke" is fact not opinion.


My first two pets, two gerbils, were named Michaelangello and Donatello, after the turtles, and my girlfriend's cat's name was Mrs Jones, which I always found quite odd. Weirdest (and most embarrassing for my parents when going to the vet) name I ever gave to a pet was Starbug, my hamster. :p


Stickman and Stickwoman = my two stickinsects as a kid. Fluffy had a stroke and fuzzy had her head bitten off - they were rabbits.


My friend named her rats boobs, custard, mooface, fatface, micky drippings, beans...

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