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Games that make you want to break your controller/swear.

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Ninja Gaiden for the X-Box.........this game was just so damn difficult, really boiled my blood :heh: .


Only ever got as far as when you have to kill some flying monster in a church I

think? Not too sure really (thought it was around half-way through the game, quite proud I made it that far :indeed: ) as I gave up after a few days trying to kill her....

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I don't know if any of you have played smugglers run but boy did that piss me off, i wont explain but anybody who has played it will understand.


I thought Monkey Ball one was great that it was challenging, made you feel better once you finally did a lvel. number 2 the same cant be said; the levels were gimmicky and sometimes luck based.

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These are the games that has aided in making me te angry individual I am today:




Daffy Duck: The Marvin Mission


It was so hard. I never got anywhere near to completing it.




The Simpsons: Bart VS the Space Mutants


This game was addictive but evil. The furthest I got was the Homer level. The amusement part level was downright nasty.

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The Simpsons: Bart VS the Space Mutants


This game was addictive but evil. The furthest I got was the Homer level. The amusement part level was downright nasty.


Haha, I had that game for Mega Drive.

Strangely, I think that it wasn't that hard. And the amusement park level was the easiest one.

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well i remember breaking one n64 controller beyond repair.. i think it was re2 that did that.. things that really piss me off is games where when you die you have to start from scratch.. running through an entire level again just to get to the boss again.. i have dropped games forever because of that.. prolonged deathscenes.. grrrr.. when you die for the 50th time you get a bit annoyed by the game rubbing your nose in it.. now N+ is tough but i love the way you just press a button and your right back at it

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I always laugh when my friends are pissed off because of a game, It's just silly. I bought Dead or Alive 4 this week and It's the first game in over 10 years that made me swear to a game. The CPU's AI is just god-like, they can counter any attack you make. :angry:

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Haha, I had that game for Mega Drive.

Strangely, I think that it wasn't that hard. And the amusement park level was the easiest one.

Ha, the mega drive game is in another realm to say... the commodore 64 version, where you played with a crappy black joystick with one height of jump (low) and one speed (slow) and enemies twice your size. Now at that point it was frustrating.
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Gah, I played a few rounds of Street Fighter 2 (the latest one) on VC... I'd had it suspended for weeks at Ryu who kept killing me. My mate beat Ryu with Sagat then we progressed to T. Hawk who its now suspended at.


I may have to just reset it and lower the difficulty... I think its only on four stars, five at the most. My skills have left me. :angry:

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  • 2 months later...

Mario Kart Wii. 150cc GP mode.


I know it's not a retro game, but I have surprised myself recently at just how many obscenities I can muster. I'm sure all MK games are like this, so maybe I'm getting less and less tolerant.


Some examples:


Being hit by a lightning bolt, causing those three shells you were carrying to be dropped around you. And then running into one of them. Or in one case, the same thing happening with three mushrooms but just as I'm about to run into one of them, the lightning bolt protagonist barges me out of the way and gets it instead.


Coming in first place in the first three races, only to spin out on the last corner of Grumble Volcano, landing in the lava and ensuring last place.


Being hit by a blue shell, lightning bolt, then red shell, all while being barely 2 seconds ahead of the second place guy.


Soldiering on in 11th position, eyes on the next item block, only to be smashed senseless by the guy in 12th with a Bullet Bill.


Being nudged off the side of a narrow bridge by someone lighter than you.

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Multiple final bosses without saving in-between almost always make me either want to throw the controller (or console if it's small enough) across the room. Finish a long arduous final boss fight, just managing that final blow when health's down to 2%, about to sit back & breathe a great big sigh of relief...then another even more difficult boss appears & kills you instantly.


I've permanently stopped playing so many games for this reason: Sonic Advance 3, Zelda Minish Crap, Castlevania Lament of Innocence, P.N.03, and loads others.


I prefer when there's something different eg. surprise button combo, "escape before everything detonates" mad rush, etc.


Being hit by a blue shell, lightning bolt, then red shell, all while being barely 2 seconds ahead of the second place guy.


My mates & i call this "getting gangraped". When every character has a go at you, 1 after the other. Hate it.

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I very rarely get angry, but some games really get my blood boiling and shouting at the screen.


Like a few others on here, F-Zero GX and Mario Kart Wii have got me utterly frustrated when playing them. F-Zero just for the general difficultly, and Mario Kart for unfairness of items in the 150cc and Mirror Mode cups.


Thinking back a bit further, the Animal Crossing games seriously annoyed me when I spent ages for certain bugs and fish, especially when I scared away an insect that I'd been hunting for hours. Oh, and on he subject of the DS, Polarium had me tearing my hair out a few years ago. I was so relieved when I finally cleared the main mode...

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  • 2 weeks later...
if you think Fzero X is hard than try Forsaken 64 without cheating!


Its IMPOSSIBLE to do it!



So true, I remember that :shakehead Never again!!!


Two games have really made me mad because of something:


Manhunt 2 on insane mode

Resident Evil Code Veronica


But I still play RE:CV all the time :)

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Let's all spare a thought for those poor souls who persevered long enough to get the fabled 9999 Play Points - achieved by finishing Expert, Expert Extra and Master levels (70 rock hard levels) in one go without losing a single life.


Bow down to me mere mortals for i have achieved this almost impossible task! If i remember right it was just before the summer hols from my first year at college. I bought the game with the cube on release night at Victoria Center in Notts (along with 3 extra controllers and i think every release game). It took me a long long time but i reckon it was crimbo that year that i finally did the lot :P


Recently picked the game back up from Rokhead, might have to do this again ^^


Oh and for me theres 2 games:


Alex the Kidd in Miracle world... Still not completed this game.


Street Fighter 2 Turbo (SNES) - M Bison. Fuck. Off.

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