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Knocked up - not the movie :(


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Oh stop with the "No method of contraception is 100% safe" bullshit, it's giving me a hangover.


If you are taking the pill or if you are wearing a condom then it is a given that you DO NOT WANT to get pregnant/have a child. So therefore in the unlikely event that it happens (Newcastle winning the league is more likely) then you should be prepared to BOTH make a decision.


Sure, the woman's body is the one that has the baby, but the baby is 50% of the male. People talk about responsibilities of the man, but what about his rights? What if he uses a condom/she's on the pill and then she's pregnant? The man has to obey the whims of a woman he may not love or who may not be entirely stable mentally, and yet he has implied clearly beforehand he doesn't want or doesn't feel ready for the responsibility.


All the while wankers are sitting there in their Ivory Towers wagging their fingers and saying "You should have been more careful" and other useless bullcrap, implying yet again that the woman is the victim of another heartless man intent only on sexual gratification.



Simply don't have sex then! If you want it, then you should simply be ready for any mistakes that happen. It takes two to tango as they say.

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Guest Jordan
Exactly, so if have doubt, simply don't do it. It's the same as if you want to rob a shop, you can get caught or not, simply as.


Says you and your 10 testicals, capable of giving a woman 5 babies or more :o


*huge injokes*


Either way i'd agree with Ash, i'd rather do it and face the bad stuff than not do it at all. Sex is pretty damn awesome, tbh.

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Simply don't have sex then! If you want it, then you should simply be ready for any mistakes that happen. It takes two to tango as they say.


Oi! Don't force your celibate lifestyle on other people!


Seriously though, "It Takes Two To Tango" is the basis for a lot of the law concerning parenting and holding fathers responsible for the "dance" as it were. But it really makes very little sense and again seems totally weighted against fathers by way of making them almost totally responsible.


Take this as an example: there were two of my colleagues dating, not too serious, but they were happy together, I was on a summer job before university and they were considering their options for the future -work or further education.


Anyway, the girl gets pregnant and suddenly the future is only the baby and nothing else. If the guy didn't like it: tough. Where's the "two to tango" in that? Basically, two people had sex and only one person gets to decide on the future afterwards. How is that "two to tango"? That is saying "It Takes Two To Tango, But Only One Decides When The Dance Ends" and how is that fair?


The guy involved made it very clear that the future was not certain, and that he didn't want a child before they had sex the first time. They had their whole life ahead of them, and all of a sudden his life has been chosen for him. In what way is that even slightly right? In fact, it's practically criminal! He uses contraception, makes it obvious he wants no children because they are too young and it's financially unviable.So they split up and she decided she was keeping the baby because of her "beliefs" when his "beliefs" were "no babies before we can be responsible and decent parents."


But no, the woman has a sacred right to control her body and the man just has to lump it. So for the next 16 years this guys gets stung for child support from a woman he made it clear that he didn't want to have children to, and he is denied the ability to look after the child full-time because "mother knows best" and the courts decided that because he made it plain he didn't want to have children, it is obvious he is not good father material BUT HE STILL COUGHS UP EVERY MONTH from his bedsit while mummy and baby play house in a fully furnished council house big enough for 4 people JUST IN CASE SHE WANTS MORE.


How is that it takes two to tango? That's a bullshit law designed to protect the woman's rights and deny the say of the father, if it was really "two to tango" then the father would have as much say on a termination or adoption as the woman, if the relationship breaks down. But no, he doesn't.


The only option then as you say Dom, is no sex just in case. Then nobody dances and nobody has to pay the piper for a song they don't want him to play.

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Guest Jordan

Having a relationship has its ups and downs, but at the end of the day you'll get something far, far more meaningful and different out of having a girlfriend/boyfriend/wife/husband or whatever.

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Guest Jordan
Everything I've seen always just comes back ending up with problems. Wouldn't surprise me if that is one of the reasons why my brain is so fucked up on the matter. Rather be secure with myself rather than been screwed over later in life.


I suppose.

Fact is, you gotta take chances now and again.

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I think that saying you were an accident is one of the most evil things any parent could do (with words). I dont have a good relationship with either of my parents though and spent most of my teenage life living with my sister.


Well sometimes its obvious. When two kids are in their twenties and the third is a baby... Granted saying "you were an accident" isn't the nicest thing but doesn't the fact they still love and care for the child count for something?


Having a relationship has its ups and downs, but at the end of the day you'll get something far, far more meaningful and different out of having a girlfriend/boyfriend/wife/husband or whatever.


I still don't see what more I could have, other than combining what I get from several people into one package. In fact, the only advatange I can see is not having to get tested frequently.

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Wow. This has been a though provoking roller coaster week for me. Friday she tells me that she in fact has forgotten to take 3 pills over the last months, and that means she could in fact be in her 6th week. But nearing the end of Friday she says she's experiencing pms. So I think It's all over. Saturday night she says that it might not have been pms and that she's late, and she's NEVER late. But luckily on Sunday it came.


So it was all a big FALSE ALARM :D:yay:

I thank you all for listening and writing your views ;)

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Guest Jordan

How about this piece of advice.


Don't cum inside her, just do it else where! Jeeze, thought that'd be the obvious thing to take away from this.

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When I was still with my ex-, I honestly felt that if we'd gotten pregnent and she wanted to keep it, I'd support that decision.


yes, it's a decision the two of you need to make together, but it's her body that'd have to go through an abortion, which I could imagine to have the potential to be mentally uncomfortable.


Of course I say 'play it safe', but you gotta realise that by 'playing' you're accepting all possible outcomes. I don't agree with abstaining from sex, just that you as an adult should be prepared. I had my fair share of scares, and my girl wasn't the type to want to abort a zygot let alone a foetus.


And at the other end of the spectrum; I also agree with iun- if the guy never wanted kids, it is quite harsh for him to be lumped with child support for the next 20 years. my dad was hugely against child support, because my mum didn't actually get half of the money he was paying. he much prefered to give her the money himself but the law objected to it.. but that's a whole other story.

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I wonder if it will teach him a lesson...


Com'on Domjcg, I'll Always be "DiemetriX"


I had unprotected sex yesterday. But this time I asked her if she was sure she had taken the pill ;)


How about this piece of advice.


Don't cum inside her, just do it else where! Jeeze, thought that'd be the obvious thing to take away from this.


I think this is what saved me ;) thank god for great sex and the ways you can have it ;)

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Com'on Domjcg, I'll Always be "DiemetriX"


I had unprotected sex yesterday. But this time I asked her if she was sure she had taken the pill ;)




I think this is what saved me ;) thank god for great sex and the ways you can have it ;)


oh god.

you're an idiot.. no wonder your little guys couldn't find the egg. :wink:


not gunna waste too much time on THIS post but~

as long as you trust this girl enough and realise that precum also contains sperm, pulling out isn't going to "save" you if she's forgotten her pill again. and if you will insist on having unprotected chocolate wrapper sex with women (worst analogy ever, by the way - dont ever say that to a girl or deciding to wear a rubber or not wont be a problem for you) you should get YOURSELF tested for STDs regularly... it's the decent thing to do even if you've only had unprotected sex with a couple of people - i hope i dont have to explain why :blank:

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Wow. This has been a though provoking roller coaster week for me. Friday she tells me that she in fact has forgotten to take 3 pills over the last months, and that means she could in fact be in her 6th week. But nearing the end of Friday she says she's experiencing pms. So I think It's all over. Saturday night she says that it might not have been pms and that she's late, and she's NEVER late. But luckily on Sunday it came.


So it was all a big FALSE ALARM :D:yay:

I thank you all for listening and writing your views ;)


Can't a girl still menstruate while pregnant if she is taking the pill?

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Can't a girl still menstruate while pregnant if she is taking the pill?


Nope. The flow of menses serves as a sign that a woman has not become pregnant.


@ Bluey

I don't think Pulling out is in anyway a safe way or that it should even be considered as a birthcontrol. But a man should be allowed to have fun once in a while. And I'm sure this girl is Clean and has taken all her Pills.


And I check my self whenever I Get a new Partner.

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