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Nip/Tuck - Manny Skerrit


An episode of pretty people! Bradley Cooper, Morgan Fairchild and Katee Sackhoff. Cooper's character was fun as always and Sackhoff's "do what you want" character will add a nice change in dynamic.


Storyline wise; that Lifetime movie was amusingly bad; "CIA, CAA. What's the difference?" (CAA being an agency). And self-fellatio, always fun.

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Well I was only mildly dissapointed - the pilot episode was tight and severely funny, but I guess it was mostly gigglesome before Chuck becomes a trigger for spy antics. The episodes were weekly coincidences that are always a stretch, but generally they managed to maintain the status quo fairly well without making it toooo annoying that Chuch and Sarah don't just get it owwwnn.


For s2 I predict... One of Chuck's friends finds out about his 'occupation' (either Captain awesome [very unlikely] or morgan [far too likely], or that asian jew dude)... I also predict a new member or two of Buy More, and hopefully a new love interest. Perhaps from sister/awesome some "we think you should find your own place" stuff which leads to an episode where chuck tries to live with Casey/Morgan but fails... And some sort of new over-arch that hopefully won't just be Chuck avoiding incarceration. Perhaps that can be a mini-arc too; Chuch spends an episode in a padded room. Who knows!


All I know is that the show in general pleases well and keeps it mixed up. Chuck is perhaps too much of a doting idiot, which is to be expected, but we'll see.


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Skins - The new recent episode. I dunno because I don't normally watch this...


Skins is alright in my book, but that doesn't mean I'll actually watch it. I sort of dive in and out of it at random points, but I have watched a couple of the new eps. (Last week's was rather dandy.)


This recent episode was also rather good. But my main gripe was the whole thing regarding the playboy footballers swanning about swigging Lambrini and driving BMWs, despite that they play in the Reserves for League One side Bristol Rovers, whose first-team players don't even earn enough to buy a BMW.

Inaccurate. And it bugged me a bit throughout watching it.


On the plus side; Harry Enfield being more of a foulmouth than Wayne Slob, and a bit of lesbian kissing. Wahey on both accounts. :bouncy:


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One of the first eps, Chuck is reeling off the fact that he knows all the answers to these conspiracies and he lists "oceanic flight 816"... That's a Lost reference, right?



Also RE: What I thought might happen earlier; well I think I'm about 3/4 right so far... ISH. Not bad :P

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Best episode of skins so far I think. Had everything!


Mr Villan, if you noticed that and it bothered you, you can't have enjoyed it very much if that was what you thought about :p


Beisdes the footballers are funny. Every name ending in an o, I was waiting for one guy just to be called "Bob." It didn't happen though :(

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Well, it only bugged me a bit. I kept thinking "But they play for Bristol Rovers, not Blackburn Rovers!" but the lesbian snogging took me mind off it completely. Until the footballers reappeared.


And that bit with Hugo Horton off the Vicar of Dibley and Sophie from Alan Partridge having made some sort of sex-tape made me forget it and also helped me define "Surrealism".

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Am I the only one who doesn't think effy is the best looking girl there?


The twins are hot, even the blonde lesbian is. Pandora isn't bad! I think effy is the ugliest girl of the group personally :)


Well I think the they are all attractive in different ways. Out of all of them I would say The shy twin was the best, then Effy and then the normal twin. I can see what you mean but Effy is still very nice. Helps that she always dresses like a slut.


Effy is the brunette that has the parents that split up.

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Isn't the show pretty much about a bunch of 16 year olds having sex with each other?






Will & Grace (Some season 4)


Funking hilarious. Has to be the most consistently funny television show I've ever had the pleasure of watching...over and over again. Wonderfully, it manages to be as fresh as it was the first time I saw it.



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I'm all caught up with Chuck now. It's a perfectly entertaining way to pass 42 minutes but in all honesty it's not really got anywhere to go, story-wise. The constant back/forwards sitch with chuck/sarah is reminiscent of clark/lana, which any Smallville fan will tell you is not really a good thing.


The pilot episode had me laughing oh-so-lots, and there as one episode in s2 so far which made me shout out epiiiic loud enough for shorty to hear in the other room.


Sarah Connor Chronicles has started up again (to help fill the holes smallville and supernatural left in my schedule). Wonder if it'll be any good!

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How I Met Your Mother - The Stinsons



This wasn't supposed to be on for a couple of weeks from what I heard but low and behold apparently it was. Good episode. Typical Barney to create a fictional family to keep his mum happy. And it appears Ted has another woman, although I don't think it'll last long.



Terminator: TSCC - Good Wound



Missed it on Thursday because Virgin1 wasnt't working but just finished watching it and another good episode. Really starting to kick it up a notch with John Henry and what's-her-name who can turn into different things because she's liquid metal. The whole Kyle Reese thing in this episode was abit strange, especially seeing as we hadn't seen or heard much of him in the show up till then. Don't really know what is purpose was in the long term but obviously in the short term it was to try and get Sarah to trust people more. And then of course the whole Riley business. I think Cameron knows who she really is. Just something in the way she looks at her. Gonna be interesting to see how that pans out, as well as the whole of the story.


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Season 3 of Dexter ending was okay. Nowhere near as good as the previous two seasons. It didn't have the same magnitude of drama and it all seemed a bit too easyfor Dexter to get through. Still, there were some good parts throughout the season so it wasn't a total loss.


Hope it picks up again in season 4. No idea when that is going to be though.

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The Devil's Whore


I didn't watch this out of choice but actually it was ok, interesting take on a massively important part of British history; Civil War and the start of Parliamentary democracy. Plus Dominic West playing Oliver Cromwell, love.

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