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BLOPS2 also £10... might be OOS now. But check in any local ASDAs because mine has pro pads and wiimote plus sets for £20 a pop... BLOPS should be £10 in-store and zombiu and NSMBU for £18, though you would be very lucky to find any now.

****AMAZON have now price matched.


£29.86 for Lego City @shopTo - http://www.shopto.net/video%20games/wiiu/WIIULE01-lego-city-undercover-limited-edition?affiliate_source=aw&awc=2943_1373644751_629dcc3bc032cf7ffdd9e4056b887cc6


Is there any chance of picking up a Black Wii U Pro Controller and maybe even a Black Wii Remote Plus Set and send it over to me..? I'd pay for postage, of course :smile:

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Is there any chance of picking up a Black Wii U Pro Controller and maybe even a Black Wii Remote Plus Set and send it over to me..? I'd pay for postage, of course :smile:


I might not be passing that way until Wednesday, and I think I had the last Wiimote plus :-p


You can PM me your mobile number if you want and I can take a look when I'm next in and txt you, but to be honest with the prices Royal Mail charge these days, you'd get it for around the price by sending the Amazon link to flubit.com



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I popped in today and had a look for you but they didn't have any. They had loads of games for £18 though.


You probably weren't in the ASDA in Antrim, though.. :heh: I'd imagine it's very unlikely they'll have anything but it's worth nipping in if I'm up that way..


EDIT I managed to pick up a Wii U Pro Controller for £20 :yay: It's certainly comfortable, though the Y and B buttons feel like a bit of a stretch..

Edited by nekunando
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  • 2 weeks later...

The GAME SALE is actually quite good. Went in a bit earlier on for a few minutes and saw Sticker Star for £20 & New Style Boutique for £10.


There are many other games with the red 'SALE' sticker on it so I may give them another look tomorrow.


You guys should check out GAME if you can.

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Been a few Batman Arkham City deals, at the moment brand new on Wii U for £13 in GAME stores, for impulse buys I guess! :)


I guess its understandable as well with games like that where a lot of people already own it elsewhere or its been out long enough that you can just pay £4.99 for the Game of the Year edition on PC.

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Not quite close enough for me to post as its own thread, but someone's selling an apparently not very used Wii U Basic with Injustice for £125 within my work's trust. Dunno who actually checks in here but if anyone was tempted by it and willing to commit I'd be willing to get it and post it etc.

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Wii U Pro Controller is £24 at Amazon.


I'm flubbiting it right now because I'm a cheap bastard.


Buy it Buy it Buy it Buy it Buy it Buy it Buy it Buy it Buy it Buy it Buy it Buy it Buy it Buy it Buy it Buy it Buy it Buy it Buy it Buy it Buy it Buy it Buy it Buy it Buy it Buy it Buy it Buy it Buy it Buy it Buy it Buy it Buy it Buy it Buy it Buy it

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  • 3 months later...
Personally that's enough of a price for me to buy one if I hadn't already. I don't think we'll get much cheaper or more storage I'm afraid :(


I do think that price in itself is great value, and I do want one, I'm just a stingy bastard who wonders if it will be even cheaper when I have more time for it, or if now is the right time to jump in. I'm a bit of a hoarder who doesn't like trading things in so wouldn't really like it if a bigger capacity model was released!

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I do think that price in itself is great value, and I do want one, I'm just a stingy bastard who wonders if it will be even cheaper when I have more time for it, or if now is the right time to jump in. I'm a bit of a hoarder who doesn't like trading things in so wouldn't really like it if a bigger capacity model was released!


Ahhh, I know the feeling! Tbh I got my Nintendoland premium at £199 with ZombiU when HMV was doing it in March, and to date I've yet to see anything else better it(though essentiall matched on occasion). I could be wrong, but given the nature of both Nintendo and the Wii U - I really don't think we'll see a 'larger' model out anytime soon(especially as they've probably got a butt-ton of stock to sell). It's one of the biggest oversights in the console's design imo.

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Thanks for the link! But following it today shows up as £249.99 :(


(and £242.86 if you go directly to shopto's website)


Pretty sure it was a time limited deal - always worth keeping an eye on their play.com shop though - this has come up a couple times now!

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Yeah, was a Mega Monday deal...


Shopto do some very good offers through Play. My mum bought a 3DS for my brother the other week for £99, delivered next day of course.


Meanwhile I have to wait until tomorrow because Play took so long to process, the Shopto order didn't go through until 17:05, five minutes too late!

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Don't know if this is an 'amazing' deal, but it seems pretty good to me.


Nintendo 3ds XL (in any colour) plus Professor Layton and The Arzan Legacy plus Professor Layton and The Miracle Mask for £159.99.


Offer ends Tuesday next week.


I'm pretty tempted tbh...

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