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Flatmates who don't pull their weight


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We're having the problem in my flat of one guy just not doing any washing up whatsoever. It's go so far that if there aren't any plates, he'll take two saucers and just eat of them and then leave them out. Ketchup hardens, hot chocolate solidifies on the bottom of mugs making it impossible to get out. It's actually embarrassing to take people through to the kitchen/sitting room. He's never once taken out the rubbish or even put a new bin bag in the bin when it's over-flowing already. I am absolutely sick of it.


I've just done all the dishes which took me about half an hour and left a note telling people to take their fingers out. Don't think it will actually do anything though.


Anyone else have a similar problems with flatmates and any potential solutions?

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*finishes vomiting lungs*

Urgh. Anyway, you can try talking to him, but if he's anything like the three dickwads I got lumbered with last year, he's not likely to get the message. I remember leaving the kitchen immaculate with only the bin needing emptying, returned after the Xmas break to find them sitting in a kitchen with analogous fluids of every colour of the rainbow dripping out the fridge, over the oven and off every available surface.

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Half an hour to do the dishes, how hard done by.

What was that, first time you've done them in how many weeks/months?


When they're not your own dishes its bloody annoying. And it's every 2 or 3 days we need to do them. I don't know how they pile up like that.

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Dishes pile up fast, if theres stuff left over... because i'm an idiot i always do stuff for the other people who live here.


I'm way too nice though. The fact is, if that space isn't tidy and you have a landlord you can tell him and they'll sort it out.

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as difficult as it is to live with someone like that, the only thing you can do is put up with it.

thats not really advice, but its realistically the only thing you can do.

but you should piss in his milk.

That's what my dad told me to do, if I ever knew a flatmate was stealing my shit.


Last year in halls the kitchen was generally annoying... Just put his stuff aside and wash your own? Maybe organise a rota? I would just say to him "look, i'm fed up of washing up your shit so fucking do it yourself, and don't you dare use mine else I'll shit on your face when you're asleep."


I don't know. Jeez.

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*reads thread title*

*Remembers last year*

*Starts vomiting blood*


lol did you post about your bad experiences? It kinda rings a bell.


I was bad at washing up in my shared uni house but the thing is I didnt impose it on anyone else I used my own stuff and washed it when I wanted and kept dirty plates and cups in my room so im not a complete bastard.

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Hide the other plates. Everyone else should take a plate, knife, fork, spoon, glass and bowl into their room, only clan your own stuff and then when he needs things, he'll have to use dirty things or clean up after himself.


University is fun. Oh wait, no. University is hell because you finally realise that there are so many people who don't give a toss about anyone but themselves.

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lol did you post about your bad experiences? It kinda rings a bell.


Indeed I did, at some length. Being able to vent my rage on this forum was the only thing that stopped me from committing multiple murder and then multiple suicide. It was a long year. They actually drove me to have a brief mental breakdown in the end. Finished their year, took straight off with the bleeding kettle. I had to boil the water for my tea in a pan for two weeks, the bastards.

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I end up doing most of the kitchen work in my house. I share with 3 other people, 2 guys, one lass. They like using plates then just leaving them wherever's free space in the kitchen. I end up making pyramids out of the shit they left behind.


One housemate only brought one plate with him, so when he uses that he ends up using mine, and when I ask him to wash them, he states that he does wash them, only to use them a second later.

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