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I got it on a mates recommendation. To be honest even with the Outlaws to the End DLC I haven't played RDR since I got 100% redeemed trophy ages ago. I know Naughty Bear will be the same so hopefully it'll still have a good trade in value when that time comes.

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Wow - well I hope your happy with your swap. Looks like IGN and Gametrailers disagree with your views on the game.




Slightly better but but not a great score of 5.1 on Gametrailers




Looks like you'll miss out on this for Red Dead:


Yeah I had heard Naughty Bear was meant to be pretty bad.


Can't wait for that DLC! Sounds awesome. I hope the zombies are somehow incorporated in missions and not just an available character skin. It'd be great if they can pull that off. Really can't wait for the new weapons, but I really do wish they'd fix the EXP since it's currently ridiculously low after that patch.

So I traded in RDR for Naughty Bear the other day, it's a funny little game, but I somehow feel it'll get old quite fast. But so far I've enjoyed playing it

Wow, I bet they were laughing their asses off at you..


I think it's all down to circumstance and preference, Another of my mates made the same trade, as he nearly fell asleep near the end of RDR. He didn't really see the appeal or see himself playing it again. Regardless, it most likely isn't a good trade, but that was my choice. I see these responses I've been getting as rather cruel, you've all hurt my feelings.

I think it's all down to circumstance and preference, Another of my mates made the same trade, as he nearly fell asleep near the end of RDR. He didn't really see the appeal or see himself playing it again. Regardless, it most likely isn't a good trade, but that was my choice. I see these responses I've been getting as rather cruel, you've all hurt my feelings.

Aww, sorry, that wasn't my intention. Reviews can often be full of bullshit anyway.


The story side to RDR can be a bit rinse and repeat, but it can shine online.

I see these responses I've been getting as rather cruel, you've all hurt my feelings.


I didn't. I love you.

But how could you do that? Moron...




Still loving Red Dead. Did you play it online much?

Oh and to respond to this. I just kept losing connection to games. Only on 1 or 2 occasions was I able to get a good free roam, even then when playing game modes themselves I kept losing connection, only on 1 occasion did a game let me participate till the end, then lost connection the next game. So yeah, online wasn't as good as it should have been for me.
is saboteur really that bad? I keep thinking of picking it up but have a HUGE backlog at the moment so will be one for later down the line.


I personally enjoyed it. It's good fun blowing stuff up and there's plenty of things to do.

Bakugan? really...


Shouldn't knock it before you try it. For effectively a tenner, it's worth it to me. Plus I've played nothing but it since I got home, which is more than I can say for Naughty Bear, which depending on how the DLC works out, I'll pick up later when it's cheap.

is saboteur really that bad? I keep thinking of picking it up but have a HUGE backlog at the moment so will be one for later down the line.


The Saboteur gets the MGOTY me. Meh Game of the Year. I found it so amazingly meh. Some ideas in it were nice but the exectution was meh. Meh meh meh. Meh all over the place.


Also, an Irish guy as the main character? What? The story it's based, the driver William Grover-Williams, was English (and half French). A bizarre and needless change.

lol, Naughty Bear is no longer in my possession, got £25 for it, so now I have Uncharted and Bakugan battle brawlers, plus I got 5 quid off my next purchase at Gamestation.


Bollocks, now I need to change my sig.. Uncharted 1 or 2?

Incidentally I platinum'd Uncharted 2 today. Very happy. Love that game.


Nice one! How come it took you so long? (Considering how much you play it, I'm surprised)

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