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Mafia Game #3 - Stranded in Mushroom Kingdom


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Lol, we can't possibly kill Cube off when he isn't even online to defend himself? Even if he does just lie, we need to be decent enough to hear him out.


There are still plenty of people who haven't spoke yet, someone must have something else? Or something to back up the Coolness Bears v Cube battle?

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It seems curious to me that Coolness is suspected and then a group of people rush to his aid, almost like they were protecting him, with little or no evidence to support there claims. Ellimeister gets awful jumpy when we ask why he is helping Coolness. I know who i'm voting.


Vote:Coolness Bears

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I know I'm dead, but goddammit! my internet's been fucked all day and some of you know I live for this thread... and now i'm all dead :'(


Good luck all! I'll be watching from the aether.


Pity, I was wanting to see what stealthy chaos you could unleash this time round. See you in game four. :cry:


Vote: Coolness Bears

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It seems curious to me that Coolness is suspected and then a group of people rush to his aid, almost like they were protecting him, with little or no evidence to support there claims. Ellimeister gets awful jumpy when we ask why he is helping Coolness. I know who i'm voting.


Vote:Coolness Bears


its not though, it's myself and ellmeister, i can't speak for ell, but i know that, like myself, Coolness is good, is it worth the risk to kill a person 2 people have said is a good guy?

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its not though, it's myself and ellmeister, i can't speak for ell, but i know that, like myself, Coolness is good, is it worth the risk to kill a person 2 people have said is a good guy?


The thing is though, proof is needed. Can you prove to us that you are good and therefore coolness is too?

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The thing is though, proof is needed. Can you prove to us that you are good and therefore coolness is too?


surely the reverse can be claimed? you have eenuhs findings to go on, and mine, it can be said that one is wrong and one is right, but we both have no proof to sway it either way, do we?

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Due to the lack of any real evidence so far, it's hard to vote for anyone. However, what is available at present draws me towards a suspicious cohesion between Coolness, Ellemeister and, to a lesser extent, DomJockey.


Cube is not here to give his side of the story (if he has one) and it seems all to easy to jump on the 'Let's kill Cube' bandwagon. He could be bad to the bone.. but then any of you could be :heh:


Tonight's discussions have thrown me slightly in the Vote: Coolness Bears camp. We'll hang you till you squeal, boy..

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you know whats funny, if and when coolness is lynched, you'll know me and ell will have told the truth, least thats something >.<


also, i'm defending coolness because i'm not sure i like to see a good guy die, i'd rather coolness stayed alive, he did say he can protect people did he not?


to sum it up, i hate you all :D

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