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Your Favourite Wii Title So Far...and why


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I've been evaluating my Wii a lot lately. I have around 9 or 10 games, and when I buy a new game, I do almost always find myself addicted to it. Games like ExciteTruck and Fifa2008 get fuck loads of play time. We're talking around the 30 hour mark, they're just great pick up and play games.


So, what has been your favourite Wii title so far, and why?


Looking back over my games, I can safely narrow it down to three games.


The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess




At the moment, I'm seriously addicted to Fifa, I just can't put the thing down. I must be on that game for around 3 or so hours a day, and for a guy with a busy schedule, that's quite impressive.


For that reason alone, I think it has to be the winner. It's definitely got me back into my gaming, after such a prolonged absence.


Zelda has been, technically wise, the best Wii title in terms of gameplay experience and what enjoyment I got from it. Excitetruck is pure fun, so that deserves to be up there. In order of what gets my Wii time, it has to be Fifa.

Definitely has been my shock of the year, so far. :)


This is my truth. Tell me yours. ;)

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I too have about 9 or ten. My top games are (in no order)



Tiger Woods 08

Then theres a stalemate between Super Paper Mario and Mario Strikers.


Strikers is a great laugh on 4 player with mates. but paper mario has a lot more 1 player depth to it - so i'm on the fence on this one.


Excite truck is a great pick-up-and-play game. Got half an hour? Don't know what to play? DS battery died because of too much pokemon? Stick in excitetruck. I got it for 25 quid (i think) when it came out. If you find it for this price i would seriously consider buying it even for laughs.


Tiger just has so much content. This, combined with the actual standing-up-to-play-a-round aspect makes it a lot more involved and... serious (for want of a better word)


I made a point not to buy Zelda as i just found it diffcult to commit to an RPG. I'm quite fickle and will easily let a month go past without playing a game i was all over for the first 3 weeks. Zelda does not fittoo easily into this scenario. After a month away, im screwed trying to remember what i was doing in a game. Same feeling i have towards Metroid. Got prime on the cube and just could not get back into it after a break.

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The thing that has got me is how much time I have spent across each of the games I have picked up.


Usually , once completed I rarely go back to the game for a good while (if ever) but I have noticed that I have been going back to lot of my Wii games. The likes of Eledees , ExciteTruck and SSX Blur still seem to come out regularly.


My favourite would have been Madden '07 due to the outstanding controls which reinvented the series , and I do still spend a lot of time on the inferior '08 version but that was before Metroid Prime 3 dropped.


I was looking forward to MP3 but never got really hyped about it , but from the moment I started playing it I was hooked. The controls , graphics , level design and attention to detail is incredible.


It has surpassed any expectations I had and the fact that I have just started my third play-through shows how much this game has got my attention and it is has been years since a game has grabbed this much.

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1. Zelda: Twilight Princess - It was magical to get home on the launch day and start playing Zelda. The Disc Channel intro, the starting sequence, the sword ringing through the Remote's speaker, the music, the gameplay, it was fantastic.


2. Wii Sports - This has easily gotten the most play time out of all my games. The multiplayer is excellent and keeps the game going. I regularly get it out and play a good game of bowling with my friends (bowling seems to have stood the test of multiplayer time).


3. Mario Strikers Charged Football - Being the first online Wii game and also having an extremely addictive quality managed to get Strikers into third place. I was never any good in the N-E tournaments or in ranked matches, but it was fun, except when you're with a friend who couldn't save goals if his life depended on it.

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Resident Evil 4. Better than any new game I have currently played (Metroid at Christmas m8s.) Controls improve the game rather than feel pointless. Doesn't suffer from the Wii's graphical shortcomings as it is a great looking GC game anyway.

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Zelda TP definitelly.

This is the game I've been bitching that Nintendo should make for eight years, and now that it's here I just plain LOVE it! I just hope I won't have to wait another eight for a seqel. Hopefully it'll be out before I'll be a fully fledged games dev myself (2010 atless I flunk too much).


Then Godfather: Blackhand has definitelly given me quite a few hours of playtime, allthough the replay value is next to none. If EA had made sure that you can't wipe out the rivaling families alltogether, this would be right up there with the "real" GTA games.

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Metroid Prime 3 and Excite Truck are my absolute favorites.


Metroid because it was exactly what I wanted it to be (yes, especially the Halo-esque opening, the federation soldiers and the first planet) and got better and better.


And Excite Truck because it's pure and simple fun.

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Resident Evil 4 i never played it on the Gamecube and it is excellent on the Wii! The controls work Perfectly! It's the second game i completed on the Wii! :grin:


The award for first goes to Kororinpa :heh:


I also Love Zelda but i STILL need to complete it! and Metroid Prime 3 is an awesome game. :


Ask me on November 16th what i think my favourite game is then! ;)

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Being a big Zelda fan I want to say that but TP just lacked that speacil something so Im going to have to say Eledees.


The game was just brimming with charm and it was so addictive. Alot of reviews slated it for being short but they clearly didnt spend the time trying to get S rankings and find all of the pink Eledees. Once you progress through the game and unlock various upgrades you can start throwing around houses for maximum carnage! A great game that every Wii owner should have a go at.


A close 2nd would have to be Excite Truck.

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At the moment mine are.

1. Metroid 3

2. Fifa 08

3. Resi 4

4. Excite Truck

5. Wii Sports.


This is obviously pre- Mario Galaxy, Zelda P.H isn't in the list as i completed the GC version and Resi 4 & fifa 08 may topple MP3 when i complete it due to their replayability

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Being a big Zelda fan I want to say that but TP just lacked that speacil something so Im going to have to say Eledees.


The game was just brimming with charm and it was so addictive. Alot of reviews slated it for being short but they clearly didnt spend the time trying to get S rankings and find all of the pink Eledees. Once you progress through the game and unlock various upgrades you can start throwing around houses for maximum carnage! A great game that every Wii owner should have a go at.


A close 2nd would have to be Excite Truck.


Eledees looked fantastic, I think I'll be picking it up in the Argos sale.

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In order, it would be:


1. Metroid Prime 3 (i still haven't finished it but i'm too in love with it to care).

2. Resi 4 (the definitive version of one of the best games of all time, too good).

3. Erm I'm going for Scarface, because it kicked ass.


And yeah, i know i left Zelda out of there.

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