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The problem is that they've taken nothing from Iron Man going from that trailer. There's a way Iron Man should 'feel' and they've captured none of it, merely borrowing the suit design for a generic 'kung fu mech' anime. By comparison, the movie totally nailed the feel of the character.


So what is this "feel". Explain.

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So what is this "feel". Explain.


Well the way it should really be done is that the Iron Man suit is a weapon It's hardware thats piloted, rather than worn. That anime clip just makes him look like a robot ninja, rather than a man at the controls of bleeding edge military hardware. It's too fast, too flashy and lacks any weight.

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Alien Prequel Confirmed



This is turmoil, to be honest. One the one hand, you have got Ridley Scott directing an Alien film. He is the Godfather of Alien. This has been every fanboy's wet dream for about...well..since Alien! There have been occasions over the years where the proposition of an Alien V was made for Ridley to direct, but it was always a maybe, and merely just a dream. In this respect, I am absolutely delighted to hear that Scott is directing an Alien film. This is news of the century for me.


On the other hand, this is a prequel to Alien. This worries me deeply. First of all, the problems that I have with prequels is that they hold the potential to ruin any mystery that the original film holds. There are many unanswered questions in Alien, but it's never a bad thing! Having something unanswered leaves that air of mystery, or suspense, and it also gives others the opportunity to speculate and discuss what they think happened. By answering these questions, sometimes you can kill that mystery.


The beauty of Alien was that there were many things in that film which were "Alien." The Planet itself was harsh and the conditions were terrible. Rocky landscapes, it was very different to what the audience or the crew were used to. The space-ship that we find on the Planet has a strange design, which does not seem practical. The inside also is very "Alien", with the ribbed design. The Space Jockey/Pilot that we see in the chair, this is the subject of much discussion for Alien fans ever since the film was first viewed. And, how did the eggs get there? What happened to the crew? Where did the Aliens or Space Jockey come from?


I am all for Scott directing an Alien film. But, I am unsure about the idea of a prequel to Alien. I need to hear more. However, if I had to choose one single man who would be given this task, it would always be Ridley Scott. 100%. Nobody would get a second thought.

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or James Cameron.


Sorry, it has to be Scott every time. Cameron did exceptionally well with Aliens, and I love that film probably more than it is possible for anyone to love a film. But, there is one film I love more: Alien.


I guess it comes down to what you want. Cameron's Action or Scott's suspense. These days, I want suspense.

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Aliens still has some crackin suspense. Motion trackers, ay!


tbh, I do agree. A Scott directed prequel definitely makes more sense. Though I'd much prefer a sequel.


It does, but it's a different kind of suspense, to me anyway. Alien felt more claustrophobic than Aliens did, imo. Although, both films are masterpieces and fine examples as films. The way I see it, Scott is the Godfather of Alien. Cameron did a great job, but I think the foundations were laid by Ridley. :)


However, if James Cameron ever directs another film in the Alien franchise, I would also be ecstatic with that. They are both legendary directors. Although, I would much rather prefer that Cameron has more to do with the Terminator saga, right now anyway.

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The first Roald Dahl book I read and one of my favourites so pretty excited for this. Looks like there's a lot of additional scenes included from that trailer. I only hope they don't spoil the story.


maybe its becasue i am a hardcore strapon gamer but the frame rate in that animation is really annoying. i know its coz its stop motion animation but I'm afraid its unwatchable and will be worse on a big screen. 60fps ftw

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Oh fucking hell. Why can't they just leave Alien alone? Or make a decent sequel again?


Prequel's aren't needed!!!!!!!!!!!




Yes, I know it's Ridley Scott. But I don't care.




The Iron Man anime indeed felt nothing like Iron Man.

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Zombie movie made with a £45 budget





Price, originally from Swansea, but now living in London, has no formal training in film-making and said he picked up most of his skills from DVD extras, such as directors' commentaries.


Now two Japanese companies have made bids to distribute the film, and Price is hoping for more offers after screenings at Cannes this week.


"It cost us about £45, which was spent on a crowbar and some tapes," Price said.


"We wanted to focus on story and character, and rely on that to hook the audience."


The film puts an unusual slant on the zombie genre, telling the story from the point of view of a zombie trying to understand what has happened to him, rather than a human trying to escape and survive.


"The ultimate goal was rather than going for screams, we wanted to try to move the audience, to try to get them to cry, get a real emotional response from them," Price said.


"We wanted to try to avoid what other films had done, which is why we began doing it from the zombie's perspective."


Colin was shot on camcorder in Swansea and London over 18 months, and the film-makers persuaded actors and make-up artists to donate their services for free to create the necessary blood and gore.


"Cast-wise we had over 100 people and I'm still not quite sure how that happened," Price said.


"They were friends of friends, and friends of friends of friends, and none of them were paid.


"Lots of them were just like, 'Hey, I'd love to be a zombie', so we said, 'If you want to be a human too, bring a weapon of your choice'.


"That's the beauty of the end-of-the-world scenario — people just grab whatever they can find and use it as a weapon."



I'm so buying that when/if they get a distibutor.

Edited by Goafer
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A charming music video featuring Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Zooey Deschanel has been released to celebrate the (American) nationwide release of 500 Days of Summer and is available to watch here.


Film is due out here 4th September :D

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The first Roald Dahl book I read and one of my favourites so pretty excited for this. Looks like there's a lot of additional scenes included from that trailer. I only hope they don't spoil the story.


It looks nothing like the book, but the style of the film looks fantastic :).


Just hope they have not butchered another classic novel

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My friend is making the props on that film. She made the chicken in the trailer or sommit.


Dune Details Too Epic To Start Filming Just Yet




Director Peter Berg has been filling the world in on his highly anticipated Dune adaptation. What's he got planned for his take on the movie is, he explains, something more "muscular" than Lynch's former film translation.


In an interview with SciFi Wire, Berg explained that te script isn't finished yet because they're working on making it much more epic than ever before. At least, that's what I take from this quote...


"[The book] was much more muscular and adventurous, more violent and possibly even a little bit more fun... I think those are all elements of my experience of the book that can be brought in without offending the die-hard fans of the Bene Gesserit and Kwisatz Haderach. There's a more dynamic film to be made."


Well, Lynch did have a half naked Sting. That was pretty muscular for me, but I think I understand what he's saying. Dune is one of those books where everyone has their version of the spice planet, and we're looking forward to Berg's.


I'm really wishing they break it into two films. I really can't see how it can be done in one. Maybe even a LOTR style trilogy.



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Lionsgate, Paramount and Universal Fight For Kick-Ass


Footage from Matthew Vaughn’s big screen adaptation of Mark Millar’s comic book Kick-Ass rocked San Diego Comic-Con International 2009, topping most top ten lists for the Con. We raved about the footage in a previous video blog. Distributors are interested, but the film is not yet sold. Who is interested?


Risky Biz reports that the talks are down to three studios: Lionsgate, Paramount and Universal. Paramount is definitely my favorite of the three. Universal distributed the big screen adaptation of Mark Millar’s Wanted, and likely would like to be in the Millar adaptation business. The film was independently funded because none of the studios wanted to tackle the story which fused ultra-violence with children (the be more specific, a 10 year old who chops bad guys in half). But now that the film is completed, and the buzz is high, the studios are fighting to win the comic book property.


“Studios interested in “Kick-Ass” see a Vaughn pickup, even at a price in the solid seven figures and with a significant P&A commitment, as a way to plug a franchise-level property into their slate with comparatively little financial risk or production headaches.”


Whichever studio wins, I assume the plan is to open the film in March 2010. The Zack Snyder 300/Watchmen slot could be a safe bet. But this is just speculation on my part.


Kick-Ass tells the story of (beware of possible comic book spoilers) “Dave Lizewski, a kid growing up in a rundown suburb of Americ. He isn’t a gamer, he isn’t a jock, he isn’t a mathlete, he’s just a regular kid. When he is not hanging out at the local comic store with his friends Todd and Marty, he is fantasising about his school teacher and Katie Deauxma, the class hottie. The only thing that is unusual about Dave is that about a year ago his Mother died. But somehow through this blend of normality, teenage angst and irritation at being continually mugged, Dave makes the decision to become a superhero’ KICK ASS! Dave’s first foray into being a Superhero results in him being stabbed and run over. When Dave recovers he realises he can’t walk away from being a hero, and when he successfully steps in on a mugging he brings himself to the attention of the US media and Frank D’Amico could this be the guy who knicked his coke? As Dave gets sucked into the dark world of vigilante crime fighting he gains a sidekick named ‘Red Mist’.”

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It's not an official poster, just something James White mocked up.


This isn't official by any means, but it would certainly be a dream job to design a poster for the film, especially since they slated the mighty Daft Punk to create the score. So if anyone at Disney reads this, give me a call :)




Shexshy stuff though. :smile: (Although I suspect the tag line would be more along the lines of 'This is not a game.')

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The first Roald Dahl book I read and one of my favourites so pretty excited for this. Looks like there's a lot of additional scenes included from that trailer. I only hope they don't spoil the story.

For some reason I thought it was Mel Gibson until they revealed the Clooney.

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