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Majora's Mask


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it was originally a 7 day time limit with a dungeon per day! i'd just love to see what they cut out,


they usually put the planned dungeons in the next zelda so we may have already seen them, but info on the original 7 dungeons is thin on the ground


Indeed: Nintendo usually use ideas they didn't use in previous games; even across IPs. It wouldn't surprise me if at least two of the Wind Waker dungeons are heavily inspired by those cut out of Majora's Mask.

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well with my idea of extending the game aside

what could nintendo include to make it worthwhile? it doesn't have a master quest, and a boss rush and improved graphics alone wouldn't please most people, it would probably put them off making it at all


the best option i think, is to make an entirely new Zelda game using the same engine (since they've spent time updating it) and bundling MM as a special edition extra :p


I wish

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Why couldn't they just create a MM Master Quest?


So would the original game have had 7 giants? which btw would need a bit of a redesign, they always looked pretty awful... like they'd been designed small, then just increased in size.


I don't know to be honest, i just know it had three dungeon's cut to meet deadlines as it proved too difficult to do or something


Those giants look terrible now lol

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it was originally a 7 day time limit with a dungeon per day! i'd just love to see what they cut out,


they usually put the planned dungeons in the next zelda so we may have already seen them, but info on the original 7 dungeons is thin on the ground


Can you link us to more info on this? I've never heard about it before.


what could nintendo include to make it worthwhile? it doesn't have a master quest, and a boss rush and improved graphics alone wouldn't please most people, it would probably put them off making it at all


Maybe I'm thinking of a different game, but doesn't MM already have a boss rush within the game? For some reason thinking about it is conjuring up memories of the bubbly eye boss.


So would the original game have had 7 giants? which btw would need a bit of a redesign, they always looked pretty awful...


Those giants are disgusting. Seriously! They are the worst thing about the entire game, imo. I remember seeing the ending for the first time and all four of them looked rotten. :woops:


I think a great idea for a Master Quest would be a back story behind Fierce Deity. Too much coolness... Too little time.


Ooh, heres a not-very-Zelda idea: what about a post game for MM? Seeing as you get the Fierce Deity right at the end theres not much to do with it. Some post game adventuring would solve that. Not sure where that could lead seeing as Termina would be saved and all... but I'll leave the finer details of that up to Nintendo. :p

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well with my idea of extending the game aside

what could nintendo include to make it worthwhile? it doesn't have a master quest, and a boss rush and improved graphics alone wouldn't please most people, it would probably put them off making it at all

I'd be happy with nothing but improved graphics. Boss rush is pointless and Master Quest in the Ocarina of Time remake is nothing special, since it's been available since 2003. :heh:

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Maybe I'm thinking of a different game, but doesn't MM already have a boss rush within the game? For some reason thinking about it is conjuring up memories of the bubbly eye boss.



Ooh, heres a not-very-Zelda idea: what about a post game for MM? Seeing as you get the Fierce Deity right at the end theres not much to do with it. Some post game adventuring would solve that. Not sure where that could lead seeing as Termina would be saved and all... but I'll leave the finer details of that up to Nintendo. :p


MM has a sort of boss rush, when you have gained the mask of each boss, at the entrance a stone portal teleports you to the boss.


Actually, I'd love there to be a 4th day, seeing Termina in full glory without doom. :idea:

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it was originally a 7 day time limit with a dungeon per day! i'd just love to see what they cut out,


Are you sure about that? First I've heard of it.


Anyway, a remake of MM with updated graphics alone would be amazing. IMO even more exciting than OOT 3D

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Oh man that BIRD! Fucking motherfucker. I remember him taking my bottle one day, and another time got my sword! He's a good source of money once you figure him out, though.


Someone mentioned the little birds/guays, and it reminds me how much I miss MM and OoT for their actual sort of...freestyle? aiming system. To master that bow! TP disappointed me slightly due to the pointer etc :(


I should replay this some time. Only time I played it I used a guide to get everything.


Yes, yes you should. Without a guide, too.

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Are you sure about that? First I've heard of it.


Anyway, a remake of MM with updated graphics alone would be amazing. IMO even more exciting than OOT 3D


Can you link us to more info on this? I've never heard about it before.





took me bloody ages to find info on this, its been years since i've looked and alot of info seems to have vanished











Thats pretty much all the info i could find :hmm:

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Unless I'm missing something that's just someone on a message board saying it was supposed to have 7 days/dungeons? Thanks for digging out those links though

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Unless I'm missing something that's just someone on a message board saying it was supposed to have 7 days/dungeons? Thanks for digging out those links though


from the first link, from the first paragraph

The Legend Of Zelda: Majora’s Mask / Gaiden – Released for Nintendo 64, a “sequel†to the Ocarina of Time had lost much of its original features to 64DD, including 4 days of the original 7 disappearing from the game


it has images too


The gamespot message board post was what originally enlightened me to the 7 day original plan, i then began a search Unseen is one of the only lost content sites i can still find, there used to be a zelda site with more info on the beta content



the third link shows zelda beta content, and i'm sure it used to have majora's mask listed along with the others, but its been updated and replaced with lots of TP content


The last link was just for reference of MM starting off as a 64DD expansion of OoT


there used to be a whole page of info on the zelda wiki but when reviewing an old lnk i found this



its all due to it starting out as a 64DD game, that half the problem with finding sources, i've just spent 4 hours reading random bit on forums and ct content sites and it goes on forever because of it

Oot and MM started out as all one game

Oot was intended to be expanded using the 64DD drive having a second quest (the master quest eventually) and a 3rd quest (Gaiden/Majora's Mask) the extra power of the system meant 7 days and dungeon's could be done along with the rest of the content and more

so disseminating info relating solely to Majora's mask is hard work


Unseen has lots of info on Zelda 64

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I always thought Gaiden was something completely different to both Master Quest and MM. I thought it added content to Ocarina of Time. For I always heard about a fenced area (can't remember where this is but it was there somewhere) you could see into the distance and apparently beyond there was another temple?

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I always thought Gaiden was something completely different to both Master Quest and MM. I thought it added content to Ocarina of Time. For I always heard about a fenced area (can't remember where this is but it was there somewhere) you could see into the distance and apparently beyond there was another temple?


there could have been at some point, but the gaiden project/64dd expansion of OoT eventually became Majora's mask for the N64, lots of stuff never made it that aspect could have been one of the early betas of the 5th/6th/7th dungeon


what ever it was it probably ended up in another zelda or the concept is on reserve for a future one

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I never got round to getting Fierce. Maybe when I get round to playing it again I'll try 100%ing it.


Fierce in the final battle, too easy. Like many others have said, and i agree. More fun to be had not using this mask in the final battle.


Pity it didn't have a use outside the boss-rooms, but the Japanese version allowed usage outside i think (anyway)

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