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My day, a bit rubbish really.


Speak to me child!


I like your watch btw; big, strong and manly, heh. I read your article and seen as I've never played the game, I still very much enjoyed! My favourite bit was this:
I do believe that Edge can forcibly insert their sensationalised and partial review up their collective anus (assuming it can fit past their own heads)


Yeah. I grudgingly I love my beautiful watch. :D


I'm glad you liked it. That line is hijacked from Donnie Darko. :heh:


Word Daft. It just enthralled me. I love text pwnage, which you did in this to the nth degree, there was reasoning behind your criticism, so much so that I was giddy as a school girl.


Thanks! It's fantastic to hear positive comments. : peace:


Good words, Daft. Colour me faintly guilty that I still need to write up my brain on Street Fighter and Halo Wars.


No worries. I look forward to what you have to say about Halo Wars. :smile:

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Are review scores really important in this day and age?


Scores or the reviews themselves? I find scores generally quite useless. The opinion should be obvious in the review itself.


Near enough finished my Big Love assignment (speaking of I hate how this season its becoming more and more difficult to find the episodes) which is about the only productive thing I've done today, uni wise.


Also played more of de Blob and made a chocolate cake :D!

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I'm really hoping that's not a "One Guy, One Cup" reference there....*mind explodes as a result of images of Jordan with a jar in his arse* :eek:


old cube-europe / n-europe tale where Jordan used a jar for his man juice.


Scores or the reviews themselves? I find scores generally quite useless. The opinion should be obvious in the review itself.


I am taking about the scores.

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Been watching Arrested Development/Life all day. A great pairing compared 30 Rock/House that I was used to previously. Once I'm done with these whores... I should probably get some work done.


Been thinking... I reckon I've watched more contemporary TV shows than anyone else my age. If I can find a job that pays for this information then I'll be sorted, otherwise I'll probably end up being some weird grandfather shouting at his grandkids to watch six feet under... and stuff. I don't know.


But basically I think I'm enjoying myself too much. We're not allowed to have this much fun and not somehow pay for it, right?




me over here. :P



Jordans jar?


I'm really hoping that's not a "One Guy, One Cup" reference there....*mind explodes as a result of images of Jordan with a jar in his arse* :eek:

Jordan once, years ago, admitted to masturbating into a jar in a sort of collecting-semen sort of way.

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Merci beaucoup! :smile:


Mon Plaisir :)


(I really wish I could actually speak more languages)


Been watching Arrested Development/Life all day. A great pairing compared 30 Rock/House that I was used to previously. Once I'm done with these whores... I should probably get some work done.


Been thinking... I reckon I've watched more contemporary TV shows than anyone else my age. If I can find a job that pays for this information then I'll be sorted, otherwise I'll probably end up being some weird grandfather shouting at his grandkids to watch six feet under... and stuff. I don't know.


Arrested Development is awesome. Just watched an episode and even though I have only 100 words left on my "quality TV" assignment I kinda feel like changing it (coupled with my lecturers hatred of Ron Howard and the juvenile joy in intentionally pissing off lecturers).


But you still have many more untapped gems; Big Love, The Comeback, Life As We Know It, My So-Called Life, Freaks and Geeks (the last two I still haven't seen), Pushing Daisies, Dead Like Me, Wonderfalls. And many more I've probably forgotten about. Im sure I'd watch as many but some of us go to uni you know :heh:


It would be lame and geeky but I could see myself in twenty years time being a lecturer in television studies.

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I attempted Big Love but the site I was streaming from wouldn't have it. Pushing Daisies... I've watched about 4 episodes and to be honest, the Tim Burton/cushy cushy lovey dovey stuff just pissed me off, so I don't know if I'll give it another try.

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I attempted Big Love but the site I was streaming from wouldn't have it. Pushing Daisies... I've watched about 4 episodes and to be honest, the Tim Burton/cushy cushy lovey dovey stuff just pissed me off, so I don't know if I'll give it another try.


And yet I really enjoyed the romance (it does move onto other things, and explores its mythology more). Cynical old me :p


I can bring the first season of Big Love up with me if you want but its rather intense (ie something that craves attention), complicated (ie reading The Book of Mormon would help) and 10 hours long (ie 50mins x 12).

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Bring it up :P I've actually read parts of the Book of Mormon, time doesn't matter and I would much rather watch stuff that needs my attention :) You up to date with it? New ep was out last night (or night before).


Sunday night but this season its been a bitch to get hold of. Have just done so and will watch it tomorrow night when my housemate is in lecture. (Ep 7/12 btw)


Some background knowledge of the history of mormonism helps too (its why we have Odders on the staff :p), stuff like Hill Cumorah, Joseph Smith Jr.s' wives and issues of "sealment", as well as references to real world polygamous families. Its an educating show.


We can watch and drink fine wine. Its a show that needs sophisticated drink (even if the characters don't drink).

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Guest Jordan

So, now that we're off that subject...


Yesterday, I spent from 5pm till midnight installing Windows Home Server on my "new" Pentium 3. Ironically, it has the same specs as the server that died and i vowed to replace it with a better machine. That worked well. The first server board i bought to replace it, was totally fucked.


Anyway, after hours of playing around with WHS. I can confirm it is one of the worst OS i've ever used. It makes matters so needlessly complicated, its restrictive as an iron maiden and useless in so many ways.


So, tonight i'll be formatting and shoving Windows Server 2K3 on it. I got a completely free copy thanks to Letty being in higher education, cheers Microsoft. She can also get Server 2k8, SQL Server 2008 developer edition (which costs in the region of hundreds of pounds!) and some other crazy shit.

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old cube-europe / n-europe tale

:nono: *snore*


i'm at work... praying that this crazy american "designer" from yesterday doesnt come back to haunt me today...

she came in yesterday morning for some simple printing and stayed around for 3 freakin hours being generally quite rude to me - asking for the designers to come talk to her instead of me because "they'd know better" (my degree does nothing i assume??) and when her files wouldnt print properly because she'd set up the PDFs wrong she started crying and rocking in the corner of the shop O_O!!!


at least this job is teaching me how NOT to do the job i wanna do.

after she'd finally left (after running up a bill of nearly £100 of completely useless colour prints) i got an email with some PDFs of her work saying await instructions.


i wonder if i should email and tell her they're saved as low-res and will look pixelated when i print them A3 or if i should just tell her in person?? :laughing: </evil>

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The day is going well. I've come across two instances of newsworthy items involving Jade Goody, each just as pointless, but more special treatment over her criminal [now]husband.


Anyone else as annoyed as i am with how the majority of papers have her on the front page as headline news. I think there is more important news out there than a Z-list celeb.

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It pisses me off. I dont buy the papar so i happily avoid it, but if i did i'd be livid. She's a fucking tragedy and is not worthy of front page news ever, even if she dies. Shes just a person, an annoying, pig-faced person.


Besides, im sure she'd prefer it if her personal life was more private considering her current circumstances.


Anyway, day has been good. Was raining a bit this morning so i didn't cycle, and i didnt have anything for sandwiches so ive just had a maccy d's. Not had one for so long! It was goooood. Played some SFIV on my lunch break, now back to work... ironically i'm doing more stuff on SFIV for that too, haha.

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