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More Advenutes in the Soap Opera of My Life!


I'm going to be a non-uncle!


My brother thinks he is the father of his fiance's baby that is due in October in spite of the fact he's only been out of prison for three weeks.


Its like seriously, deluded much?


(although if it were his child I still wouldn't be an uncle to it)

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Guest Captain Falcon

Well my day was quite weird even though nothing really happened.


I was wearing a new shirt today at work, and some new cuff links too, and I was getting a strange amount of praise from both guys and girls.


At first, I was quite flattered, but the longer it went on, the more I began to question the sincerity of their comments. They normally comment whenever I wear a shirt they haven't seen, and in a good way, but I was feeling a bit awkward today.


They seemed to be of the mind that I must have been seeing a girl but I'd not made any more effort today than I do any other so I don't know what gave them that impression.


In fact, I seem to get teased a lot about my apparent "networking" with the various ladies around the business. It seems that if I'm seen talking to a female, whether in person or on the phone, no matter what the topic of conversation, it is classed as flirting - but I'm no good at that stuff.

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decent day, went to town to pick up my psp fromt he posties, met up with ym mate, bought loco roco for >£10.


went home and played street fighter IV, only have the one controler so we just finnished off carcade mode with all the cast of fighters.


sent off aload of stuff to buyers from amazon, happy about that.


had a little go on my psp, got it set up, very happy with it all now.


just gotta fill in a form for my job seekers tommorow, and my day will be complete.

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I had a pleasant day at school, despite Wednesday being the fullest timetable day at school for me (only one "free" period).


But I generally had fun at school..it's nice now as everyone starts to sit outside on the front steps of our massive temple thing, chatting/failing to tan etc.

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Blurrgh, I've had almost no mental or physical energy these last couple of days. I think me and housemate caught a cold from the gym or something. Or the doctors. Why does every health facility around here harbour some kind of irritating disease? I'm afeared to go to the chemists now. :/

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Just had an awesome session at the gym, dripping with sweat and my t-shirt is sticking to me. Disgusting..


Also good to see some hot girls at the gym for a change, even if they're 17/18 it's great. Managed to get involved in a bit of conversation, well I interupted them as they couldn't think of the name of the girl that was in Dragons Den :D


good times...

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Just had an awesome session at the gym, dripping with sweat and my t-shirt is sticking to me. Disgusting..


Also good to see some hot girls at the gym for a change, even if they're 17/18 it's great. Managed to get involved in a bit of conversation, well I interupted them as they couldn't think of the name of the girl that was in Dragons Den :D


good times...


very fit girl at my gym, checked her out alot of times. noticed she spent alot of time talking to the younger lads who go, mostly school boys. then i saw her sign in on the junior list. meaning shes 16 or younger.


i felt ashamed of my self.

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Just had an awesome session at the gym, dripping with sweat and my t-shirt is sticking to me. Disgusting..


Also good to see some hot girls at the gym for a change, even if they're 17/18 it's great. Managed to get involved in a bit of conversation, well I interupted them as they couldn't think of the name of the girl that was in Dragons Den :D


good times...


Did you fuck her? A man would've fucked her.

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Whooo internet! Hadn't been working here for a couple of days so I was getting serious symptoms of withdrawal. =P


Been having a couple of nice days here in Brighton, quite relaxed. Just been sitting around, watching tv/dvds, playing some Guitar Hero, cooking food.


Only interesting thing that happened was on Sunday. Went to my first pub quiz ever with Flinky and some of his housemates. It was really quite nice and fun, and we weren't doing too bad (not thanks to me though). Thing is, me and Flinky have been a bit ill the last few days, even though it wasn't that bad yet back then, I just had a slight headache, a sore throat and felt a bit tired or something. But then after the first round of the quiz, I started feeling really unwell and said I would go outside for some fresh air and Flinky said he would come along. But he took ages to get ready, so I walked towards the door, felt dizzy, walked back to the table and then poof! My vision was gone and I sorta stumbled and fell on top of someone at our table. And next thing I know I was sitting outside with a glass of water in my hands. =P


First time I've ever fainted and it was reallllllly scary and unpleasant. Hope it never happens again. And also apparently Flinky wasn't much help in getting me outside. X3

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Days been alright, got to get a doctors note due to having slightly above normal blood pressure before i join the local gym, won't let me work out otherwise. Darn it, but i guess it is health and safety after all.








I had an argument with God the other day, but we've now patched things up.







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Dans embarassing moment of the day


Dual msn conversing last night. I was talking to a friend about the prospect of giving up masturbation for lent. Told him I was going offline. Then explained why.


Other conversation was with a girl I am interested in. She then says 'ok im off' and as we always try and sign out before each other, I tried to prove that I was going before her, by copy and pasting 'Ok im off cya' from the first conversation.


Sadly I rush the copy and pasting and end up copy and pasting completely the wrong part of the conversation to the girl. Pasted below.




Mega 'fuurrrrkkk' moment when I realised my copy and paste error.

So that was good.



Boring week elsewhere. Lots of work to be doing, all of that jazz.

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Still, at least you didn't copy and paste the part about her being the subject of your fantasies. :D


She could put two and two together and work out what the inspiration for his pre-Lent activities would be, given she was the last person he talked to before going... Major oops. :heh:

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It was all going swimmingly today. As I said earlier. I then proceeded to get 6 tiger rolls, and 6 hot cross buns for a grand total of 10p from asda! And they taste good. Sat, ate, and drunk with friends whilst watching Nixon v Frost.


Then a girl ruined it all. Stupid ex :) Why can't I just get over her. She's already found someone else.

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Then a girl ruined it all. Stupid ex :) Why can't I just get over her. She's already found someone else.


The heart ruins everything, plus its engaged in constant war with the head. But if she is with someone else it may help, as it makes you move on (or...become obsessed. choice is yours :heh:)


I kinda wish I wasn't alone tonight. Wasn't supposed to be but would have been nice to have just had someone to talk to about the absurdity of my family and stuff. Ah well, I drank and watched Nip/Tuck instead :p

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The heart ruins everything, plus its engaged in constant war with the head. But if she is with someone else it may help, as it makes you move on (or...become obsessed. choice is yours :heh:)


Yep thats exactly what I'm hoping for. Kind of annoying though. She keeps bringing up the last time we broke up whereby after a month, me getting with someone was too soon. About 2 weeks have gone by and shes with someone.

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