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My days been ok. We cut up a rat in biology which really, really reaked.


Just had gammon for my dinner and it resembled the smell of the rat so i ended up leaving it.

Yeah, they tend to stink like that. Did you cut open its stomach? There's normally some really smelly mush in there.


Interesting though.


Today was boring, as ever. I wish I was back in Cambridge, it's so much more interesting there.

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Yeah, they tend to stink like that. Did you cut open its stomach? There's normally some really smelly mush in there.



Yeh we did, I cut something by mistake and it started to smell even worse. What i didn't like doing was snaping its front legs to nail to the board, i got someone else to do that.


We went in search of the brain which we didn't have long enough to find :(


Hope you have a nice dinner ReZourceman. I have a pic if you want.

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Had a very fun morning in work, but not a good afternoon. My computer broke, which meant I had to go and sit with the t*at's, who make a lot of noise, and hardly do any work :(


On my way home, I was driving along the bridge onto Anglesey, doing about 40mph in a 50mph zone, due to the wet road's, and some idiot in front of me get's too close to the vehicle in front of him, and slow's right down to about 5mph, which resulted in me putting my foot down on the brake's suddenly, and skidding to a halt while doing a 180 degree turn in my car, before stopping to a standstill in the middle of the road. The traffic was heaving, so I was very lucky that the vehicle behind me had not smashed into me. My engine had not cut-off, so I moved into first gear, and drove away very calmly, swearing to myself for about 3 mile's. I was amazed that I hadn't burst into tear's on the middle of the bridge!

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We went in search of the brain which we didn't have long enough to find :(

The brain is really tiny and hard to find, as you have to break through the skull and all, and once you get to it, it's very liquidy. Did you strip the skin off the tail? If you do that you get to see how all the bones articulate together.

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What i find annoying sometimes is the fact that i think i here someone call me down and completely stop what i'm doing (usually playing a game) rush downtairs to find out no one has called me and the voices were all in my head..anyone else get that? :) or i'm i becoming more insane everyday? :heh:



I get that sometimes : peace:

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What happened today for you Dante!?


Well I had to get up early today (7 is hella early for me) after going to sleep at about 1. Woke up far more awake than normal which proves I only need to sleep 6-7 hours a night since anytihng after 8 hours I wake up half dead.


Had to get up early for my last Computer Science test. I thought it was to last for 2 hours (9-11) but turns out it only lasts for one and you can appear anytime between 9 and 11. So I done the test in 20 minutes (multiple choice, 40 questions) so I got off early and then collected 3 essays which I done better on than I thought which was good. Now I have 25% towards my final grade in Psychology.


Then went to the city centre and now i've pratically finished my Christmas shopping. Just need to get the Grandfathers something which my mum says she'll get for me and then just need to get my girlfriend something. I know what i'm getting her but I dunno if it exists...



And yea Coolness, that used to happen to me, not as much as before which is good cause it get's annoying!

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Me and my ex got back together over the weekend.

I was unsure at first, but it looks as if stuff will work out fine.


But her friend asked me to find out her bra size which i was sure i already knew but aparently i was wrong, and as soon as i asked her she asked me what i was buying her, so now i have to buy her underwear. This is good/bad. -money but + sexy time.

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Took my car in for an MOT today. I just know its gonna be expensive...and the garage is far away to walk to...and all these things stress me out! Booo! :(


Kay, got a call, it failed the MOT (Not suprised, so no problems there...well obviously problems but thats the point ;)) Said something like ;


Front light (broken?)

Windscreen wiper

Brake light (?)

Rear wheel noisey (?)


Lol, something aswell I think. My wheel always is not inflated well (one of them) I hope they inflated it for me. Should be able to fix it today and call me. Hopefully it will be under £400...and Ill be chuffed. Anything more and I suppose Ill be devastated....

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Guest Stefkov

Today I was woken at 7. I got up and was like what the hell. I went back to sleep and then woke up again at 8. More like it. I had a shower and rested a bit more before going for a dentist appointment at 9. First time in ages he tells me I don't need fillings, just floss and carry on brushing...I hate flossing.

Came home and turned on pc to check emails before I set off for college. Lucky I checked my timetable otherwise I would have been late for my only lesson.

Got picked up after the lesson and got some chips, got home and now I'm here. Extremely cosy.

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