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I'm literally annoyed/angry.


My mum never gave me the letter from Pannini stating that I needed to renew my Spider-Man subscription.


Explaining why I haven't got an issue in 2 months...or however long.


I'm annoyed as it's an 11-year suscription gone, but to be honest, I'm probably more interested in subscribing to Essential X-Men and Batman legends now. I love Spidey, but his stories aren't as interesting.


Astonoshing? You can probably ring up and renew it plus get the back issues missed, maybe even for free given the long subscription. I let mine lapse and missed and issue of both Essential X-Men and Ultimate Spiderman/Xmen, then they rang me when I was well asleep, offered me a new sub to both and the missed issue, gotta ring them tomorrow though because I haven't recieved my missed issues, and that was part of the deal, dammit!

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:( I don't know what you mean. Have you seen The Office? Extremely good creation. I think he's genuine as well, hearing him in interviews he seems to be truthful.


He's a pompus, arrogant, self-obsessed, unfunny, one-trick pony whose extremely over-rated and basically the definition of cumf (to put it politely).


And so am I


Just had a half-baked attempt at a sunday dinner. Was going to have it with some vegetable things but I think they had gone off (freezer was left off one night) so basically had mashed potatoes with vegetables.


Fun times.

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Raaaaaaaarrrrrrr! Almost done summarizing my Art History. So far it's 61 pages long, haha. But then again, this does include all the paintings, which weren't in my book. Still, that's a very long summary. X3


Stress is slowly creeping up on me, heh. I think I'll skip going to bed tonight to actually get stuff done... or maybe just sleep for two hours or something. Just too much to dooooooooo.


Just had some pie though. Pineapple and vanilla pudding. Was nice, even though I don't like pineapple, hehe.


And nuuuuuuh, my neck just made a sickening cracking sound when I turned it. D:

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Sigh, the adobe software I was given is being a pain...so much for getting on with work. I'll have to start early tomorrow and stay in uni every day til the 26th..grr. Unless I can get a hold of the whole software for incredibly cheap. Somewhat unlikely.


How much is the Education version cost?


If that works out to expensive then just do what 99% of students do and download a naughty version. Whilst I was at uni I knew around 2/3 people who bought the software out of the 250 people that were in my year. Even the Tutors had a copy if you asked them nicely.

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Raaaaaaaarrrrrrr! Almost done summarizing my Art History. So far it's 61 pages long, haha. But then again, this does include all the paintings, which weren't in my book. Still, that's a very long summary. X3


Stress is slowly creeping up on me, heh. I think I'll skip going to bed tonight to actually get stuff done... or maybe just sleep for two hours or something. Just too much to dooooooooo.


Just had some pie though. Pineapple and vanilla pudding. Was nice, even though I don't like pineapple, hehe.


Sounds like my screenwriting thing. Its at about 64 pages so far.


Matching (ish) projects high five!


Hope you finish it all off though and relax a bit, always important :)

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Sounds like my screenwriting thing. Its at about 64 pages so far.


Matching (ish) projects high five!


Hope you finish it all off though and relax a bit, always important :)


Haha, no relaxing for me. Once I have the summary done, I'll have to study it for my exam on Tuesday. And still write for another assignment, study for another exam on Thursday and paint 6 illustrations for Thursday. Busy weeeeeek.


Relaxation won't be here for a while, haha.

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How much is the Education version cost?


If that works out to expensive then just do what 99% of students do and download a naughty version. Whilst I was at uni I knew around 2/3 people who bought the software out of the 250 people that were in my year. Even the Tutors had a copy if you asked them nicely.


I've been trying today, adobe being strange. Bleh. It's not a massive blow, I can go into university tomorrow and the day after etc as not everybody is back yet. But it'd have been nice..


It's expensive even at student pricing.

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I've been trying today, adobe being strange. Bleh. It's not a massive blow, I can go into university tomorrow and the day after etc as not everybody is back yet. But it'd have been nice..


It's expensive even at student pricing.


If your using the software to make a living then it really isn't expensive. If your not then it is expensive. Just download a naughty copy of CS4 and have the luxury of working at home.

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SNOW! From the last 2 days, it stopped yesterday.




Bit of the front, can't tell it but there is a pond right there. inbetween the bush and chairs.


Porch, cat on top of a 4x4 leaning on the porch. I tried to let her in but she took off. Garden Gnome off in the distance too.


Driveway, with snow covered vehicles.



Here is my house in the fall (few years ago I think) as seen from Google maps. Idk why they have a picture of my house but they do.



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Earlier today I ate a whole tape of Hubba Bubba and then spun round on a chair. Not my wisest of ideas. Afterwards I did not feel so good! :p


My quest for the 2008 shield was over. My mum had the 50p to complete this pointless adventure and then she spent it. Madness!


Anywho today was more revision which I've made more fun and exciting with my Crazy new revision technique (warning new revison technique may not actually be crazy!) It sticks in my mind better and isn't so mind numbingly dull. :yay:

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Anywho today was more revision which I've made more fun and exciting with my Crazy new revision technique (warning new revison technique may not actually be crazy!) It sticks in my mind better and isn't so mind numbingly dull. :yay:


Explain Mr. Bears. My revision involves reading a book a few days before and writing what i need to learn on paper over and over again. It works, but it takes a lot of effort to start, and is incredibly boring.


Today i went for a walk, a very muddy, windy and cold walk, but it was good nonetheless. Other than that, i havn't done very much this weekend, no revision, nothing. My next (and final) exam is 11 days away, so i better start the work again tomorrow. Fun, fun, fun. :shakehead

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Explain Mr. Bears. My revision involves reading a book a few days before and writing what i need to learn on paper over and over again. It works, but it takes a lot of effort to start, and is incredibly boring.


It may not work for you as it's a little different but I've turned my notes into stories as I remember stories/plots better than just facts and so it sticks in my head better! :D


and also it makes it more fun as I love writing stories. :yay:


I used to use your method! It is the only way I could get any information to stay in my brain but it is dull and drains the life out of me! :D

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Went out to eat and had a very average Chicken Piri Piri


Went to the gym and pumped some iron!


Tried to watch High School Musical 2 but lasted about 20 mins, reminds me of them old S Club 7 Tv shows.


I start work at 10 tomorrow but have set my alarm early so I can go to the gym beforehand, whether I actually bother to get up is another matter...


Gah! I'm pissed off with Spenno, one of his phrases is "Honestly, oh my god" and "Oh my god honestly" kinda said in this specific way and I KEEP SAYING IT when thinking to myself. Honestly oh my god, so annoying.


pretty sure i've never used that phrase, ever. Or is this some sort of joke?

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Went out to eat and had a very average Chicken Piri Piri


Went to the gym and pumped some iron!


Tried to watch High School Musical 2 but lasted about 20 mins, reminds me of them old S Club 7 Tv shows.


I start work at 10 tomorrow but have set my alarm early so I can go to the gym beforehand, whether I actually bother to get up is another matter...




pretty sure i've never used that phrase, ever. Or is this some sort of joke?


Slumdog, Tuesday 20:30 sound alright?


You say it often by the way. I'll say you tomorrow how and you will recognise instantly.

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maybe, I do really wana see that film. I also want us all to go Bowling again cos that would be ace.


Jesus Christ, my bowlings in hot demand. Went yesterday, been asked to go again in a few weeks and now this.


Bowling isn't that good. (Cos' I am actually shit at it tbh) Lol.


But yeah. Not maybe. Definitely. Monday = 24, Tues = Slumdog, Weds = Sex Drive, Thurs = Drinking, Friday = Half day, Comic shop trip, boom.


All the while hoping my LEGO arrives. Seriously....it better come tomorrow or else I'll be rolling my sleeves up, shaking my fist angrily and proclaiming "Why I oughta"

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