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just back from the pub, £3.85 for a pint of Hoegarden! But yeah the barmaid in the pub im certain loves me which is a shame because i've decided girls are all idiots and i've given up on everyone. Was a pretty good night though.


who are these girls you speak of and why are they idiots?! :heh: which pub was that btw?

Can't believe I only have 12 hours of my entire Christmas holiday left.





Ah, i still got 7 days left of mine. Go back on the 5th January.


I spontaneously decided just now to stay up and see how much Lee Evans i can watch in one night. Starting with Live in Scotland right now.


Ill PM my reply. But yes the Harrow is the best pub in town by faaaar; for many reasons, not least the chalk board topped table!


I don't go back to work till friday, woooooooooohoooooooooooo. (sorry). Sales shopping tomorrow and the house to myself as my parents are taking my nanna home. Whatever shall I do? partaaaay. Probably won't tbf.


EPICNESS!!!! Utter win.


Right my internet explorer is not working on my PC at work.....so I've rang the tech guys to help and they are sending an engineer...


But yeah I just tried to access on Outlook and here we are! So legendary.


Now my day will be 68% better! But still shit.


Jamie doesn't like girls because they have cooties.


God this company are ridiculous. It is FREEZING cold in here. My fingers have practically seized up they are so cold. :(




This is honestly the most depressing job in the world.


I was toiling with growing my hair out..then realised how bad I looked with long hair xD


Having something just for the sake of it, regardless if it makes the person happier. I need to keep realising that!


Tempted to go into town and grab these, just because I can ^_^, although I cannot for the life of me remember if dorothy perkins near me will have tall in their shop..should do!

Plus some quite expensive boots..£40 shouldn't really, but we'll see! I can cash my cheque then too, yipee!

21 today, it's even further downhill from here. Went out for a kick-ass meal last night, shame I had to work today.


Happy Burfday.


Todays fun, Spenno singing his own lyrics to Katy Perry.

I kissed a girl, it was rubbish....her breath smelt of....*long pause*....poo.
my laptop sounds like a bandsaw now....HDD failure?


Have you get Speedfan, or some other way of checking the temps on the HDD/CPU/GPU? If so, it could just be the fan going mad trying to cool things down. My laptop does that when I'm running a game way above its capability.


So tired.... Had a crappy nights sleep last night. Was awake for the most of it and just couldn't drop off to sleep. My brother was up till like 4 or 5am and he was watching Shawshank Redemption. I heard the entire thing. That's how bad it was before I managed to drop off for like 3 or 4 hours. :shakehead


Anyways, today hasn't been very productive. I've finished the Family Guy Season 7 boxset (I had seen a few episodes recently so didn't need to watch them) and feel kinda scammed as they seem to be putting fewer episodes in the DVD releases meaning we're further behind the Americans. So guess I'll start The Sarah Connor Chronicles boxset.


Backinsheffield. Atesomefood. Bitborednow. NO XBOX NEED MY FIX AARGH. Whattodo. Friendswannagoclubbing. Don'twanna. Notherfriendwannagowatchmovie. ButwithpeepsIdunno. Whattodo. Perhapstypewithoutspacesalittle. CoolioMcGoo. WatchTheWire? K.


HOUSEDVDSNOTHERE! Wasgonnalendembacktonight. Growlsatshorty. Takesitback. BLuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuueberries!


^ ...ok


Bad day, went shopping, which was kinda cool, managed to get ahold of stephen king's IT, so I'll read that at some point and some new red shoes ^_^. Took me an hour to get out of northwich though...crazy I imagined it'd be like thaton boxing day not a few days after! Mental..woolies was stripped down and people were still ''buying'' things!


Trying to think of what to do, the xbox is downstairs and it's freezing in the conservatry..gah!

^ ...ok


blah blah, blah blahblah, blah blahblah blah, blahblah blah blah blahblah blah blahblah blah's BLAH, blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah BLAHFACE. blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blahblah blah... blah blah blahblahblah blah'd blah blah blah blah blahblah blah blah blah blah blah blah! blahblah... blahblah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah "blah" blah!


blahblah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah XBOX blah blahblah blah blah's blahblah blah blah blahblahblahblah...blah!



Urgh, I'm never buying anything from Aria again - they've recalled the delivery just before Christmas so there's been 4 days of no responding to my email. I didn't get a reply today, so I sent them another, and still nothing. Ahh!


Hurr hurr, worked for MONEY today!!! by the week should have 150 something more than i have atm woo.


Came back and showered, put a plaster on my thumb as it had a hole in it. Watching the west wing now, i got excited because they were choosing who the nominee for the supreme court junior judge was




lol. J7 has actually gone insane due to lack of xbox fixation. Hey Jay, I'm sitting with mine in my room, just finished playing CoD and gonna play some more. :D That should get him worked up abit more. :heh:


Anyways, I now feel very awkward. As I've mentioned, my grandparents are ill and so we couldn't go and see them at xmas and still can't go see them. So my mum who has been looking after them came home today with what would have been given to me by said grandparents on xmas as a present, i.e. money. I'm now in the predicament where I don't know what to do. I know they'll want me to go out and spend it but it doesn't feel right opening the envelope with the money inside at home because I'd normally do it at their house. It's a silly little thing but it doesn't feel right. Think I'll just hide it until they get better and we can go round. Would just feel much better doing that.


You see this?! I JUST KILLED YOU! Yeah, that's right. I just made a sandwich and wrote "GP32" in marker pen over the bread, the ham and the cheese and then I ATE YOU. Next I'm gonna get an apple and write "GP32's Xbox360" on it and I'm gonna turn it into an xbox429 - you know why? Because I'm gonna SIXTYNINE IT. RIGHT OVER YOUR CORPSE after I've shat you out.

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