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Haggis boo at you, I love christmas and god damn I'll be happy about it if I want to be :P.


Stayed at a friends house last night in liverpool. Was awesome ^_^, went pub then rented wall.e and ate pizza.


Wall.e is my favourite film overriding batman: the dark knight and lion king. It's so cute ^_^! *goes to rate last film thread*. Got back just now. Sent an email to next asking if I can somehow stop them sending me catalogues, if they continue..people next year will still get them haha oh dear..


Going to make pasta and grated cheese and play gammmmess all night, whoop.


@ Nightwolf - Everyone loves christmas, even the moany old buggers. It's just that they advertise and put decorations up far too early these days that by the time it comes around it's like thank f**k. I love christmas but I am already getting bored of it. The christmas songs playing in the shops don't help. The only places I can get away from them are Zavvi, HMV and Woolworths and it's only occasionally that something decent comes on. Last decent song I heard in a shop during the xmas period was Ocean Drive.


Anyways, went out. Didn't get a chance to look for a pressie for my mother as the shop was mobbed and it's a small shop so I wasn't going to fight to try and get in to have a look at the ornaments. Will go probably during the week or next to decide. Still haven't got any of the other pressies I've to get. Couldn't get hold of Wall.e on DVD in woolies as the places looked like it had been ransacked. There was literally sod all left on the shelves. Oh well. Perhaps next year I should do all my xmas shopping in november to save the hastle.


So now I must find some form of movie to watch. Feeling in the mood for a bit of the old Waterboy. Either that or Any Given Sunday and then I'll round out the evening with more Fable 2 and perhaps a visit to my AC town on the DS.

Best thing about christmas are those little sausages wrapped in bacon you get to go with the Turkey, I love them.


Not a truer word said rokhed! Although you can't beat stuffing..although dad does both together. YIPPEE.


I understand putting decorations up too early, but now is a great time, my whole street are right scrrouges right now!

I fucking hate Christmas. The sheer amount of happy people make me want to shoot myself, becaue unlike them, most people don't have a "OMG I'M HAPPY ALL THE TIME" life. Feeling bitter is where it's at, anyone care to join me?




I love Christmas, as Im a romantic and optimistic person, I think (about some things). Explain my lack of cyncism of things like Christmas, Disneyland etc.


I get bitter about things like beautiful people and talented people.


Thought I'd relax today since Xmas shopping yesterday was tiring. Btw, whats everyone's opinion of guys wearing earrings? Some people think I should get one of my ears pierced while others think it's bad..


More essay fail. Due monday, I was supposed to go to the library and photocopy some of the Key texts that the essay is to be done on... Instead I woke up late and went to the uni to find it all CLOSED so I have no choice but to start it all tomorrow, once again doing my essay the day before it is due.


Soooooooooo stressed at the moment. Hate the world!

Best thing about christmas are those little sausages wrapped in bacon you get to go with the Turkey, I love them.


There are 26 of those in my freezer right now


I intend to eat as many as humanly possible.


Animal Crossing arrived this morning after an initial panic (it had my mother's name on the package so my dad didn't think to give me the package), so I've been playing that pretty much all day. Visited H-o-T, Ike and Nicktendo, but unfortunately I'm going to miss K.K. Slider. :(


Also, won a strategy guide for WoW: Wrath of the Lich King. And ALSO...




"No one escapes..."


So yeah...got my laptop back. Phoned me this morning and I did a round trip to Birmingham. Bull Ring was once again like hell. Oh and had to run from New Street to Moor Street (through the Bull Ring) and made it in 5 minutes. Almost punched a child and shouted to someone "MOVE!" but restrained.


And then had work. Which was...meh. As usual.


This new laptop keyboard feels weird and untouched. Like a virgin. Its odd.


My entire family (and everyone else, but I don't really expect anyone to know) forgot it was my name day today.


I'm really starting to hate one of my sisters.


Name day? Is that like your Saint's day?


Found the essay I'm doing an essay on online! ... But also downloaded Slither and the rest of Wire season 5, so veeery tempted to watch them.


Oh! Daniel sent me some more train tickets :D I now have over 150 tickets, much appreciated :)

Name day? Is that like your Saint's day?


Yeah, pretty much. And because my first name means 'saint' I'm actually Saint Nicholas. :D


i do love christmas. i hate alot of it, the pressure to have things perfect, the shops full of people, decorations up in september, non stop christmas music.


i hate, more then anything, the extended family christmas eve party. i love my relatives, but how i loath spending 6 hours making small talk with people i have nothing in common with, cringeing at my dad as he gets drunker and cruder.


what i love is the general good cheer, strangers in the pub being friendly, mates laughing and getting on better then ever. and christmas day, watch a family film, and generaly remembering why you love the group of people who you spend 360 days of the year hating.


realy looking forward to pub with mates on christmas eve, im leaving family do to be there.

Best thing about christmas are those little sausages wrapped in bacon you get to go with the Turkey, I love them.

Pigs in blankets?


Not a big fan, either they're too salty or there's too much fat on the bacon.


Have been working from 6-12. Fun. Caught some of the comedy awards on the toove. I came in at the point where I saw Alan Carr won an award, which was simply bullshit.


Join my Anti-Alan Carr Group:



Then I saw Adam Sandler giving Russell an award, it gets worse.


Jasper Carrott winning lifetime contribution. Well deserved.


I need to shove a final uni choice on my ucas, and have NO idea where to put. Literally been searching for hours and still no clue.


I want a big city, that does journalism (and maybe film studies with it). But cannot decide where to apply. London is too expensive, newcastle has the terrible accent (can't stand it), liverpool I have no clue about etc.


God, I'm stuck. And I need to send it by tomorrow morning.

I need to shove a final uni choice on my ucas, and have NO idea where to put. Literally been searching for hours and still no clue.


I want a big city, that does journalism (and maybe film studies with it). But cannot decide where to apply. London is too expensive, newcastle has the terrible accent (can't stand it), liverpool I have no clue about etc.


God, I'm stuck. And I need to send it by tomorrow morning.

Go to DeMontfort, we have all kinds of crazy shit over there.

I need to shove a final uni choice on my ucas, and have NO idea where to put. Literally been searching for hours and still no clue.


I want a big city, that does journalism (and maybe film studies with it). But cannot decide where to apply. London is too expensive, newcastle has the terrible accent (can't stand it), liverpool I have no clue about etc.


God, I'm stuck. And I need to send it by tomorrow morning.


Manchester? Leeds? Brighton? Cardiff? Swansea? Glasgow?


Not sure if any of them do what you want (presume they do) but they're big cities...


Speaking of. I need to sort myself out. I'd like to do television studies but I don't think im ever going to find a course that is what I want of it (for example Birkbeck's is the history of) so I may do the Japanese Cultural Studies or Japanese Creative Industries Studies one at Birkbeck but I emailed the department head last week to make sure I am on the right lines of the difference and not heard back :/


I would forgo turkey for pigs in blankets and stuffing anyday, but alas it's tradition so I'll stick by it! Oh and I love Christmas, love love it. It's the most wonderful time of the year....


I'll leave now before Haggis shoots me.

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