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What's all this talk about my hips? =P


Well, it's called Speculoos, actually. A lot of people seem to make that mistake. Aaaah, a sandwich with speculoos spread is soooo delicous... *drools and slobbers*


Actually we call it speculaas here, always have. Might be a regional thing; I prefer the name speculaas over speculoos anyway.

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Well, on the downside I'm going to be made redundant, but on the upside my job has been making what passes for my life feel evermore empty and depressing. So, until my funds run out and I start my new career as a full-time bin scrounger, I think I'm going to see this as a positive thing.

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I can vouch that her hips are amazing. I hope they don't change too much from this diet! :heh:


I can't be the only one who saw that coming, right?


I've got very, very little to do - I don't have any work bar an irrelevant maths test on Friday, so I guess I'll just have to play video games and hang around on the 'net... It's a hard life. :awesome:

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I dislike student housing, fucking pressure >.< buuuuuuuut i decided to look elsewheres, students at the ready, whats a good admin fee and deposit to pay and rent monies? I need advice =[



I was told that first month is a good pricing on the deposit, although make sure you get all of it back, sometimes they tell you to put down £250, but they key 50 regardless.


Around in sheffield good is about 40-50 a week it would seem, specially in the town centre. Roughly £10 more depending on the area outside of the town centre. Or as I recall from jayseven less than that a week for ten minutes away from city campus.


Always make sure you all have seperate contracts, so if one of you backs out you don't have to pay their rent too, plus that means you can move in at different times.

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I dislike student housing, fucking pressure >.< buuuuuuuut i decided to look elsewheres, students at the ready, whats a good admin fee and deposit to pay and rent monies? I need advice =[


You can rent monies now? :p


If it helps;


Last year - rented through university approved landlords (and fantastic people too). Rent was around £300 per month each (four of us with three different room sizes but that was about average) and that included bills. Deposit was...a months rent I believe? Can't remember. No admin fee...maybe. Or it might have been small, like £50?


This year - rented privately. Admin fee was about £130. Deposit was rent + £100 (thus £650). Rent is £550 per month. (and we paid 6 months upfront so no guarantor fee faff because most places either refuse students or need a guarantor). Still yet to recieve any bills (they're every three months so due one soon)

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You can rent monies now? :p


If it helps;


Last year - rented through university approved landlords (and fantastic people too). Rent was around £300 per month each (four of us with three different room sizes but that was about average) and that included bills. Deposit was...a months rent I believe? Can't remember. No admin fee...maybe. Or it might have been small, like £50?


This year - rented privately. Admin fee was about £130. Deposit was rent + £100 (thus £650). Rent is £550 per month. (and we paid 6 months upfront so no guarantor fee faff because most places either refuse students or need a guarantor). Still yet to recieve any bills (they're every three months so due one soon)



That's pretty expensive 0.o, it's shocking some of the prices people are telling me they are forking out next year for housing, when they can get houses just as nice and nearer for less!

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That's pretty expensive 0.o, it's shocking some of the prices people are telling me they are forking out next year for housing, when they can get houses just as nice and nearer for less!


depends where tbh, 70-90 aweek is the norm here it seems,


originally, it was gonna be 400 a month with bills, bills inc water gas, tv license, interwebs, electrics and sewage. It was 85 per month for us and 10/12 mins from campus, but i'm looking around, the thing that put me off was 450 deposit and a 75 admin fee =/


Ash how does one find uni landlords, do all unis have them? =S

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depends where tbh, 70-90 aweek is the norm here it seems,


originally, it was gonna be 400 a month with bills, bills inc water gas, tv license, interwebs, electrics and sewage. It was 85 per month for us and 10/12 mins from campus, but i'm looking around, the thing that put me off was 450 deposit and a 75 admin fee =/


Ash how does one find uni landlords, do all unis have them? =S


I have no idea if all unis do. For our second year they had a paper list of all landlords and I suppose it was first come first served? (I came in late due to a cancelled semester abroad) Third year it was online (although as I said, we went private). May be best to speak to the accomodation office. If anyone knows it'll be them.

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The rent I have is £450 for a 2-bedroom flat in what is regarded as the 'city centre', or near enough. No bills included, but I still pay less than everyone else i know per month.


I'm thinking about living about 30 mins away next year, if i get this masters thing sorted and get on teh course - for the same rent as this year(ish) - plus this is £450 for NON STUDENTS which is hella cheap -- I can get a 3-bedroom house with a garden and a driveway - a proper house. Just need to find people to live with, and a job, and I'm sorted! Dom; don't fret too much about finding a place. Me and shorty didn't get ours sorted 'til, what, easter time or something ridiculous? You won't be homeless. Worst comes to wrost, university can help shunt you back into halls.


My day! Shorty turned 22 a few hours ago, so us and nami have been playing banjo-kazooie, drinking, talking shit, watching eddie izzard and playing cards. A good night. My lightbulb in my room is bust so I gotta sort that out, but meanwhile I will watch The Wire season 4 and Supernatural season 4 in teh dark, thus fucking up my vision that much more. Essay, again, due monday. NEED TO GO UNI TOMORROW AND GET BOOKS AND NOT CRY AT HORROR OF IT ALL. Ahem.

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The rent I have is £450 for a 2-bedroom flat in what is regarded as the 'city centre', or near enough. No bills included, but I still pay less than everyone else i know per month.


I'm thinking about living about 30 mins away next year, if i get this masters thing sorted and get on teh course - for the same rent as this year(ish) - plus this is £450 for NON STUDENTS which is hella cheap -- I can get a 3-bedroom house with a garden and a driveway - a proper house. Just need to find people to live with, and a job, and I'm sorted! Dom; don't fret too much about finding a place. Me and shorty didn't get ours sorted 'til, what, easter time or something ridiculous? You won't be homeless. Worst comes to wrost, university can help shunt you back into halls.


My day! Shorty turned 22 a few hours ago, so us and nami have been playing banjo-kazooie, drinking, talking shit, watching eddie izzard and playing cards. A good night. My lightbulb in my room is bust so I gotta sort that out, but meanwhile I will watch The Wire season 4 and Supernatural season 4 in teh dark, thus fucking up my vision that much more. Essay, again, due monday. NEED TO GO UNI TOMORROW AND GET BOOKS AND NOT CRY AT HORROR OF IT ALL. Ahem.

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Jeez sorry to hear about your job Aimless.


Today has been ok, going bowling later for the first time in ageeeees. I'm probably a bit of a hustler, so I'm sure it'll be goods.


Okay, well....this was basically true as you won it for our team. In the second game I did....so wank. Like embarassingly bad (but I rarely get embarassed) so not. But yeah. And Molly saved us and bought us up to 80.6 average as opposed to our opponents (incl Spenno) 80.0 average. Awww yeeeaaah. :yay: Not that I should be happy, my performance was lame.


Rogue Traders? That'll be iPlayered then. FANX 4 MENTIONATIONING mates.


Good night.

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Mwahahaha, my area is completely covered in snow. No media studies for me today. :awesome:


Rogue Traders was on. :o Program of win. TO BBC IPLAYER!!!


*sounds the horn of madness*


Haha, I actually watched that last night. The bit where about 20 people called Dennis came into the house to fix the boiler was great. :heh:

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Wait, so as soon as it snows schools close over there? Wow. I think there would have to be at least a meter of snow over here for that (in other words, I've never heard of schools closing here). =P



I'm trying to draw a duck for a story. It's a lot more difficult than it sounds. Darn ducks!


Got a film evening planned with a friend, gonna watch some DVDs (not sure yet what, heh). Hopefully we can get some other people to join us. =)

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Wait, so as soon as it snows schools close over there? Wow. I think there would have to be at least a meter of snow over here for that (in other words, I've never heard of schools closing here).


No, no. The roads have come to a standstill here, driving is treacherous and the snow is still falling. The place where I do media is closed, however my sixth form is open, but I don't have to go there today. My sister's in school however, and so is my dad (he teaches at the college where I do media).

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Wait, so as soon as it snows schools close over there? Wow. I think there would have to be at least a meter of snow over here for that (in other words, I've never heard of schools closing here). =P


The moment their is any snow, this country grinds to a halt, because people are stupid. It's normally because no one can get anywhere, not because of snow banks, but because some idiot forgot it was icy, brakes too late in a car, goes into back of someone, cue blocked road. This happens everywhere, because some people are either too thick to realise the road maybe icy, or too thick to break soon enough.


Anyway, rant over, I've got a two hour materials lecture to get to. Still, it's got to be better than being outside. Down here in Guildford, it's not snowing, it's just very cold, very wet and very grey.

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No, no. The roads have come to a standstill here, driving is treacherous and the snow is still falling. The place where I do media is closed, however my sixth form is open, but I don't have to go there today. My sister's in school however, and so is my dad (he teaches at the college where I do media).


Even when that happens here (like it did two weeks ago) our schools always seem to stay open. Even if half of the people can't get into class because of (public) transport suffering from the snow. Boooh to our schools. X3

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Even when that happens here (like it did two weeks ago) our schools always seem to stay open. Even if half of the people can't get into class because of (public) transport suffering from the snow. Boooh to our schools. X3


It's rare for many schools to be closed around here, actually. There's loads today, very strange.


Here's some pictures of my street and garden.







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