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Yeah, I agree totally, such as how that guy was. I wonder sometimes if too much comedy/joke racism perpetuates or dissolves the problem, as some people start to forget the original point, and think it's cool to just be actually racist. Luckily, I don't think I know anyone like that, but I've seen people do it and act like it, they just don't realise the implications of things. I always tell the story and point out the guy who didn't realise that it's still offensive and wrong, just so people realise it isn't cool to throw it all about carelessly.

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i think racism is more accepted in jokes because the notion of actual discrimination is so alien to most of the audience, white guys aged 16-25. i have to addmit, i can be ammused by racist jokes, but i think its the abserdity that ammuses me, the notion that all black people are in gangs for example, makes me laugh, because it simply isnt true.


i obviously dont agree with any form of racial or national steriotypes, i do, afterall posess a brain. i guess i laugh partialy at the joke, but mostly at the shock. i suppose the jokes would be hurtfull for those involved, even when no malice is intended. kind of makes me fell a little ashamed for laughing at/telling them.

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Had a bit of a non-fun moment tonight.


Somehow my finger got like, squished into the pointy corner of a brick wall by my dog. I heard a small crack like sound or something (nothing too bad) and then my finger just hurt. A lot. Mom told me to hold it under some cold water but it just kept hurting like crazy. D:

And then I suddenly started feeling really dizzy and nauseous and broke out in a sweat, like I was going to faint or something. Had to sit down, but even then I kept feeling like I could drop on the floor right there, so got told by mom to lay down on the sofa. Had to stay down for quite a few minutes, while my finger kept hurting still. Was weirdddd.


Luckily I'm all better now (though my finger still hurts a bit to the touch).

Plussss, I got yummy crêpes in school (2 for € 1.5) and got given a free smoothie! =D

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I don't get why racial jokes are seen as anymore taboo than other jokes, e.g. fat, skinny, ugly, geeky, ginger, thick etc. Slavery doesn't go on now (ok maybe with human trafficking and stuff but you know what I mean) so why should insult somebody of different race be any worse than insulting somebody of different intelligence, weight, body shape, hair colour etc.?

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I suppose because its still within contemporary knowledge. The ramifications are still felt. We never slaverised fatties, gingers or morons. I dunno.


Anywho day. Shopping (food mostly). Lecture. Bathroom still not finished -_-.


And my housemate knocked her drink on the floor, then mine and spilt the glass and it was a good glass. She keeps breaking stuff and not replacing, but she and her boyfriend use up everything. Between the two of them they get through four bowels, six plates and 12 mugs a day. And she never washes up (although thats kinda a good thing as she's crap at it). One of those little annoying close proximity things.


Our lecturer is fucking off again next week and so we've offered to show a screening at our house (as the DVD is R1 and apparently wouldn't work or something). Chinese film with chinese take away. Doubt many people will show but oculd be fun.

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Not so good today, woke up at 11 and threw up, not good. Had to go to a lecture at 4 and left swiftly at 5...no idea whats wrong with me, but at a guess I'd say the bad kfc I ate yesterday..sigh.


Got a headache to boot, but I'm hoping getting out of bed for a bit will help somewhat.

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Had a chemistry interview at Nottingham today, which is one of the best Universities for chemistry in the country..and well it was fucking awesome. Got an offer which they'll be posting to me tomorrow :)


Saw them have ABB written on their copy of my UCAS sheet which is very do-able :)

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We never slaverised fatties


Damn right, its just not efficient.




Could have also gone with ;


We never slaverised fatties


Speak for yourself.



Oh yeah two for one.




Last night was very great. Went for a cheeky pint first, and then onto the cinema. 4 and then 3 in front. At the beginning we must have been quite annoying to the cinema...being loud...and stuff....but it was just the adverts so all good. New Revel is out....does anyone know what it is? Molly said she thinks its fudge, and Jamie said "Its Mars with a raisin in" which admitadly sounded the less likely of the two.


Ah yes. It was very good. Also when trying to escape the car park (I was dropping Jamie home) we heard some loud engines, and screechs, (well....little overexagerated maybe, but we definitely heard cars) come up behind us, and our two friends had blocked us in. Cue Jamie and Mike Chronicles Episode 5 (up later!)


So yeah. Wicked night. :)


Molly, how long you out for on Friday, yo? I wouldn't mind making it a medium one depending on how you/others feel?

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I made fajitas last night. I was so impressed with myself!


And I've had some permanent marker on my arm since saturday night, and it wont wash off me! :(


BT have fucked our phone order...


It got cancelled mid order, so we're back to square one and i'm waiting for them to call me back on my mobile.


Seriously, what the fuck.

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Still feeling iffy after yesterday, god damn it was awful, never felt so bad!


Been in class with friends to get some bits and bobs done so hopefully it'll be a productive day.


Hope you're alright babe. My lil sister has been vomiting too due to dodgy pizzas at college. Your energy levels could be low so try sipping some lucozade or nourishment.

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Hope you're alright babe. My lil sister has been vomiting too due to dodgy pizzas at college. Your energy levels could be low so try sipping some lucozade or nourishment.


I'm currently sipping banana milkshake, which means I'm not too bad today, but had my mum abit worried yesterday, couldn't even get out of bed once I got in it.

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Stayed up until 2am last night watching Pirates:AWE. I dont care what anyone says, i think its awesome. I wanted to go to bed but i just couldn't leave it. Mailstrum part at the end is particularly immense. But now i'm shattered at work. Ubisoft should be coming down to give us PoP but i'm not in any mood to be sociable!

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Molly, how long you out for on Friday, yo? I wouldn't mind making it a medium one depending on how you/others feel?



Probably not 'how was your dayish' but I'll be looking for a short-medium (lols) drinking session. Money's a tad tight and I seem to have a permanent headache/ill feeling this week, I may be on the floor by friday! (not in the good way)

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Waitta minute what....are you talking about,....I thought you were staying over? Crazy. I pictured you going out with the Bristol crew for drinkies.


If you are back in time, then I would potentially be MASSIVELY up for that actually.


Episode 5 will be up when I get back btw, I realised I wouldn't have time to do it this morning when I realised it would take more than 5 minutes.


Strawberry? Thats awesome actually. Its good that its not mint or biscuit. Actually theres a thread somewhere, I think it needs reviving.

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Video should be good, I think I pulled off the angry thing quite well.


Agreed. Your genuine anger acting was good, and then....well mine, but I won't ruin it for everyone as it will take away slightly from the comedic genius and of course funny internet personess.


Anyway, shhh. On topic yo. This isn't MSN.


Day is going fine. Doodling stuff to make on LBP, and I am now "chilling" at work till 4pm.

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In the library at Uni writing reports :( Had a lunch consisting of a chocolate muffin and a hot chocolate :P so im in chocolate overload mode and typing at some crazy speeds :) Then train home to go for Tea at my uncles and then a night of revision for my test tomorrow on structural design. Booooo


PS Rez, ive noticed The Wire is getting to you and slowly infiltrating your speaking patterns :P

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Agreed. Your genuine anger acting was good, and then....well mine, but I won't ruin it for everyone as it will take away slightly from the comedic genius and of course funny internet personess.


Anyway, shhh. On topic yo. This isn't MSN.


Day is going fine. Doodling stuff to make on LBP, and I am now "chilling" at work till 4pm.


shhhhhhhut the fu....

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PS Rez, ive noticed The Wire is getting to you and slowly infiltrating your speaking patterns :P


Hahah, blates. Like the "yo" and stuff? Its killer dude. I realised I made it when I saw episode two where the drug crew have a conversation, and say barely a few words each but I knew what they were talking about. It was an epiphany (sp) I was like "....I can talk gangster". Loving it hard style.


shhhhhhhut the fu....


Thats laundry you tit.


No you're not you're a poor mans Neil Morrisey. :heart:

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