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Today has been alright. Woke up a bit late, and my train taking me to the main station was cancelled. The second train would also be delayed, so I ended up sharing a taxi with three strangers to the station.


I had an observation by my head of department, which went pretty well, I thought. I think it was the best lesson I've taught so far, and I had some pretty good feedback from that.


Life is pretty weird though. Nobody is really doing anything, and all I've done is make my tea and listen to Lighthouse Family since I've been home. Hmm, I feel pretty invisible. I don't think anyone has said two shits to me today.

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hum. I've been having sharp pains down my neck/shoulders and my chest. :(


But I got my new phone, and im relaxing in bed so all is well! :D Still a bit sleepy from the messed up sleeping patterns while away in manchester, but it was so worth it :D


Dreading weightwatchers tomorrow, but well, I can't go back in time, and holidaying was a treat I don't do for myself very often. I think when you diet you do need little breaks of being bad and letting yourself go a little, or you would go freakin mad. XD

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got up before 11 (big deal i know!) played some ps3, went tot ehy gym at 12 with mates, ran my 3 miles with no breather period, starting to get a bit better, bit faster, my stamina is up, my legs look good!


came back, had a read of my focus magazine, science be great, then went out for a pub lunch, well it was 4 but meh. then the cinema, saw pride and glory. dull.



highlite of the day, a little kid, about 8-10 points at me, my mate and anouther mate says "ugly, ugly, ugly" then points at my mates gf and says "hot!" it was so funny, i called him a little shit but i couldnt stop laughing.

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Got up at 8am for the rutting plumber who ended up being late. And has extended the "one day" job to three currently.


Presentation at uni. Went okay I believe (find out Thursday) but I did that thing where I got nervous so I was bubbly and excitable like a child on sugar. Which im never sure helps or not :p Although at least my presentation, unlike most, was clear, had pictures and fun to look at. Some people just did black text on white. It was like "what?"


Showed my dissertation person what I aim to be doing and he said it's looking "fabulous" (and I swear, he isn't gay :p) and its going really well which was nice.


Been reading feminism all night. Boo. Just played with the hamster for a bit (not a euphamism) and have a night of Battlestar Galactica and Gossip Girl planned (because they go together so well)

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Monday was...meh. Just felt knackered all day and a bit rubbish. Plus a friend was upset which made me sad, and I was inconsiderate to another friend, completely by mistake but still. Oh well, bring on tomorrow.



I was just made aware of a lovely truth that was really obvious but dared never be spoken of.


*claps to himself for umpteen hours*






*and loves it*



Go oooooooooooooon?


Edit: that's actually quite nosy of me...ignore. :)

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Monday was...meh. Just felt knackered all day and a bit rubbish. Plus a friend was upset which made me sad, and I was inconsiderate to another friend, completely by mistake but still. Oh well, bring on tomorrow.






Go oooooooooooooon?


Oh it's nothing, just that they gave me a heart, they gave me a name.

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I feel like such a tit tonight. And, I'm sick of feeling this way. I hate being depressed, but its so hard sometimes to snap out of it, until I've done something daft or suddenly get a moment when it dawns on me how stupid I've been or am.


I don't want to be this way. I want to be happy.

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I got back from a weekend away in Paris with 5 friends this morning, t'was vair fun :D


Highlights of the trip:

Louvre - Was good, vast place. Went abit late and at the end had to rush over to the other side to look at one room, which turned out to be shut. Bad moods followed.

Pompidou - I loved it :D Really interesting and varied stuff, even if some was the sort of is-it-art modern art. Could have spent a whole day there



Crepes - I pretty much lived off crepes whilst there. They taste so good!!

Mad Tourist Dash - We spent a couple of hours cramming as many attractions as possible. Got Arc de Triomphe and Notre Dame amongst others

Eiffel Tower - We were intending to be done with it in an hour but we were up there a good 4 hours. Throwing paper planes off the top = epic win. They flew so far!!


As I was with 2 photography students, and 3 trigger happy girls, we now have almost a thousand photos to sift through. No exaggeration. Still, they seem quite goood...

Weird spooning that i dont recall happening:


The end.

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Work was amazingly boring. Customers left about 7ish, leaving me only with the landlord/lady and two friends of theirs. After they left I had noone to serve. Landlord said [at 9] if no one comes in within the next hour he may lock up, I'm counting the minutes but then I get pricks at 9:50. I wanted to go home an hour early dammit!

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Woke up at 5.30am with evil headache-dragged myself downstairs to find some asprin then went back to sleep.


Later this afternoon I dropped by work to get final number of invites/cash for meal tomorrow. Drove to Laserstation and explained than since I only had 15 people attending instead of 30 like I'd paid for I would like a refund for half-which they refused to give. They explained my deposit was non refundable and I pointed out it wasn't a deposit it was the full amount (which I was advised to pay) After a bit of back and forth conversation exchange it was agreed I could turn my 1 game into 2 back to back games and all was right.


Went upstairs to La Tasca and they were most excellent and far more helpful. Gave them party decorations/new number of people attending and advised of veggie options for 2 of my guests.


Came home and completed Disaster and ate dinner.


In 5mins I'II be 30 -oh crap.

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I feel like such a tit tonight. And, I'm sick of feeling this way. I hate being depressed, but its so hard sometimes to snap out of it, until I've done something daft or suddenly get a moment when it dawns on me how stupid I've been or am.


I don't want to be this way. I want to be happy.


I feel you bro'.


I'm so down with the kids it's hard to belive at times.

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I feel you bro'.


I'm so down with the kids it's hard to belive at times.


word. fo shizzle. aiiiiiiiie.



seriosuly though, one of the best ways to deal with depression is to take an objective look at your problems, find solutions, and stay possitive, its all about breaking the cycle. worse you feel, worse your problems seem, which makes you feel worse and the problems seem worse.


if all else fails, see how many movie quotes you can get into a day, most fun if there obvious but said dead pan.


"clever girl" from jurrassic park is a fave of mine.


or see how many times you can say meow to a person without them realising.

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Pray tell?


He's planning on loving it till it bleeds.


Damn right I'ma love some bleeding shizznit.


Nah....actually, well I dunno...there may be blood. Actually if there is blood it...it will have been an unsuccesful evening.


Anyway, its nothing majorly exciting, just like I (and Molly, and "Spenno182") and like...5 other friends are going for a drinky poodles and then onto the cinema.


Oh yes. I have got that many RL friends. Bow to me, minions.


So yeah...its just gonna be awesome I think.

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Just come home from work, night shifts fuck me up so much, but it's nice to know I'll have some monies in a month's time. I might go dream about monies. Flink man, cheer up! Don't make me come and force you to be happy! Cos I'm warning you, you might just like it!

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Flink man, cheer up! Don't make me come and force you to be happy! Cos I'm warning you, you might just like it!


Haha, sorry, this had me laughing.


Having a nice morning in illustration class. Two friends are sick today, so not here, but we're having a good laugh with the rest of us (four girls). And we ate a ton of these:



So now I'm feeling a bit sick from eating too much of it, haha. Plus we just seem a bit hyper or something (which might be aided by my super-tiredness). X3

I'm sure that during our 3 hour Art History lecture the hyperness will be goooooone and we'll just fall asleep, heh.

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